- イェロメ・ボアテング – Wikipedia "奇しくもガーナとドイツはグループリーグで同組となり、両国の対戦時にイェロメとケヴィンはそれぞれメンバーに選ばれ、ワールドカップでも珍しい「兄弟での対戦」が実現した。" bit.ly/9HwfkS #
- Fußball: Das Familienduell – SPIEGEL ONLINE – Nachrichten – Sport bit.ly/bpfj29 | bit.ly/9pU7sZ #
- Smart.fm – The World's Sharpest Learning Tool. bit.ly/cgDPRM #
- Anki – friendly, intelligent flashcards bit.ly/8X85Tf #
- Mnemosyne: " a sophisticated free flash-card tool which optimizes your learning process." bit.ly/bIn0Zl #
- E.gg Timer – simple online countdown timer bit.ly/bgfZKc #
- BTT Software "Egg Timer" bit.ly/bO9aQ0 #
- Epic Win – Level-Up Your Life bit.ly/dB4avA #
- @e_dub_kendo Seriously. I'm so excited. 😀 in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed" | Francis Bacon #timeboxing #operantconditioning #
- If you want to "control" yourself, you have to be nice to yourself — make it worth your while. Think: what's in it for you? #
- Tweetdeck 日本語の設定 bit.ly/9QDWgh #
- Show me a person who's failing at something, and I will show you a person who has too many (too difficult) rules for herself. #
- The less rules you have and the easier your rules are to keep, the more likely you are to follow and exceed them. #
- When you have too many rules, or your rules are too difficult, not only will you not rise to the challenge, you'll go AWOL. #
- This is basically what dual #timeboxing is…入れ子タイムボクシング bit.ly/cLNvO8 #
- Easy rules make it easy to start moving. Once you're moving, you have momentum. Once you have momentum, you're golden. #
- If you're moving, then, by definition, you're getting somewhere. As long as you're moving at all, only the direction matters #SRS #
- Toronto Chinese TV on Justin.tv bit.ly/aUTMIz #
- RT @don_rivers: @ajatt @e_dub_kendo he's on twitter at @EpicwinApp #
- "I fall asleep to German radio so that I hear German in my mid-morning hypnagogic haze." bit.ly/b94BoI #
- SSS Extensive Reading Method
bit.ly/atGIUh # - Extensive Reading Main Page bit.ly/9TCizV #
- "Best-Loved Children's Songs from Japan" bit.ly/dB3s2a #
- デクスターズラボ – Wikipedia bit.ly/9XPVHn #
- デクスターズラボ "大好きな作品
DVDでないかな? " bit.ly/aW63zE # - @willwesley lol in reply to willwesley #
- @don_rivers I want this thing out NOW 😛 in reply to don_rivers #
- @Brokenvai No, not at all. If you need to be resting, you should be resting. Not working. in reply to Brokenvai #
- @Brokenvai …is the short answer…I have a whole post about it coming up in a couple of days 😛 in reply to Brokenvai #
- @doviende Link me! in reply to doviende #
- やっべ、感嘆符多過ぎるよね、今日。(笑) #
- If I could give only 1 piece of advice to foreigners living in Japan wanting to acquire Japanese, it would be this: TV. On. #
- @cosleia だって、ほら、"link me!"とか・・・まあ、"link me!"ぐらいだけど・・・何だか妙に女子高生っぽいつーか(苦笑) in reply to cosleia #
- @cosleia テンション超ぉぉ高い!って感じ~・・・ in reply to cosleia #
- YouTube – 風火海-我話事 bit.ly/cHxsjj #
- YouTube – 十二點後我話事 bit.ly/arYCp9 #
- "To forbid us anything is to make us have a mind for it." bit.ly/aMQRgE #timeboxing Forbid yourself work 😛 #
- A few simple, easy rules –> Lots of cheaps wins –> Add up to BIG wins. Lots of hard rules –> Avoidance –> No wins whatsoever #
- Easy rules, few in # –> Lots of cheap wins –> BIG wins. Lots of hard rules –> Procrastination –> No wins whatsoever #
- @Brokenvai haha I love it…can you link me to anything of his? in reply to Brokenvai #
- YouTube – Japanese Tradition "Love Relationships" [Theory] 1/4 bit.ly/az4wuO | via #ajattplus #
- ポール・テルガト – Wikipedia bit.ly/bGwQn1 #
- キプチョゲ・ケイノ – Wikipedia bit.ly/ann8v2 #
- "1. Unconscious Incompetence
2. Conscious Incompetence
3. Conscious Competence
4. Unconscious Competence" bit.ly/cXRmMN # - "It's really enjoyable to spend several hours a day watching TV and not feel guilty for wasting your time." bit.ly/c4teB6 #immersion #
- Pick the low-hanging fruit. Yes, it's too easy. That's the point: it's so easy, it doesn't even seem like work. #timeboxing #
- 【米国】アップル「iPhone 4の受信障害はユーザーの持ち方が悪いから」 [10/06/26] "【米国】アップル「iPhone 4の受信障害はユーザーの持ち方が悪いから」" bit.ly/9F1WHg #
- focus booster – the pomodoro technique bit.ly/9ptahV #timeboxing | via #ajattplus #
- "What is the natural model of learning? Play…A kitten with a ball of string is learning to hunt…" bit.ly/cVvJw5 #
- You're only too old to learn a language if you're dead. If you're still alive, then turn on that TV #immersion #ageexcuse #
- Easy rules, few in # –> Lots of cheap wins –> BIG wins. Lots of hard rules –> Avoidance –> No wins whatsoever #
- 'One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way' by Robert Maurer
amzn.to/caCeD0 # - The Creativity Crisis – Newsweek "Creativity isn’t about freedom from concrete facts." bit.ly/chZJLz #
- "A lifetime of consistent habits gradually changes the neurological pattern." bit.ly/chZJLz #
- "the current national strategy for creativity consists of little more than praying for a Greek muse to drop by" bit.ly/chZJLz #
- "The age-old belief that the arts have a special claim to creativity is unfounded." bit.ly/chZJLz #
- "those who diligently practice creative activities learn to recruit their brains’ creative networks quicker and better" bit.ly/chZJLz #
- "Creativity can be taught" | James C. Kaufman, CSUSB bit.ly/chZJLz #
- Notepad++ EUC-JP 対応版 bit.ly/aoW15H #
- If you can't concentrate during your timebox, then your timebox is too long. Shorten it. #timeboxing #
- Find something easy to do. You don't have to do "the" right thing, it just has to be in the right direction. #timeboxing #
- You're not supposed to be good at your L2 (yet). You're just supposed to be getting exposed to it. #immersion #
- You're not supposed to be good at your L2 (yet). That's WHY you need the exposure. Don't stop drinking because you're thirsty. #
- How I Use Textbooks (w/o Letting Them Use Me) – Three Pounds Flax bit.ly/aUmrrj #
- @e_dub_kendo Oooh! Good idea!…[Is that even how to spell "ooo"?] in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- "キンドルで和書が読めるならすぐにでもほしいのだが" bit.ly/aJrt6o #
- 【iPhone】App Store版iComicを使ってみたが・・・ | をぢの日記 bit.ly/b81WTp #
- Barnes & Noble、ハイブリッド電子ブックリーダーNookを発表、259ドル bit.ly/cBP4Wo #
- The problem with setting a long timebox is that it makes you look for things that take a long time to do. And that's no fun. #
- So the idea with dual timeboxing is not that you something for 20 minutes, but that you do something for 60 seconds, 20 times. #
- It's about laying a track for yourself to walk. It's easier walk down the street than to jump there. Plus, no run-up needed. #timeboxing #
- Short something > Long nothing. #timeboxing #
- When doing dual timeboxing, I find it generally helps to hide the big timer so you can focus on the small and the now. #
- Enjoy the process (or make it enjoyable), and you'll get the results automatically. #timeboxing #
- It's always now, and it's always the right time to start. #immersion #timeboxing #
- It doesn't matter where your method comes from. All that matters is where it takes you. #
- To learn a language, you need to till like a farmer, not scramble like a city slicker. You're cultivating a natural system: you. #
- Farmers don't hate seeds. It's OK to be small, because you're moving up and out. #
- Farmers love seeds, because farmers learn to see far in space and time: they know that their actions have eventual consequences. #
- Perhaps our extensive consumption of packaged, pre-prepared food, leads us to expect packaged, pre-prepared results in everything #
- Star Wars Clone Wars Volume One (Japan Version) | YesAsia bit.ly/bL9VMh #
- メイス・ウィンドゥ – Wikipedia bit.ly/btSswM #
- Few, easy rules –> Lots of cheap wins –> Add up to BIG wins. Many, hard rules –> Avoidance –> No wins whatsoever #
- 国語辞書 英和辞書 和英辞書 – goo辞書 bit.ly/dADCM8 #
- YouTube – YU 2 bit.ly/dmH8YF LOL! | via #ajattplus | We've all met this guy… 😛 #
- 多元宇宙論 – Wikipedia bit.ly/9NrHL5 #
- Schedule your play and squeeze work in the cracks. Make work scarce and you'll get hooked on it. #timeboxing #
- Don't change yourself to fit the #timeboxing change the timebox to fit you: shorten it your energy level. Even as short as 0. #
- "As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live." | [and learn…and work…] bit.ly/bPo9P1 #
- Sometimes big decremental timeboxes actually calm me down, make me fill more secure, like "oh, there's enough time" #timeboxing #
- Chris Houser — the man who introduced me to SRS (SuperMemo) and using it to learn kanji
bit.ly/bV2AgT # - Do not work on Japanese. Procrastinate in Japanese. Use Japanese as your escape from doing things you're supposed to be doing. #
- "Don't feel obliged to finish anything, skim books/fast-forward films if bits are dull." bit.ly/9rNVzA #immersion #
- @tcharo We all have our needs, man 😛 … | シアリス – Google 検索 bit.ly/9jXtWp in reply to tcharo #
- @tcharo No…um…that website appears to have died a Cialis-induced death in the time the AJATT sidebar links were disabledって言うじゃな~い? 😀 in reply to tcharo #
- You need to be smart enough to know when you use your intellect and when to bypass it. And when, again, to use it…and bypass it #
- "perfection is not my aim, but continuous improvement is" | Ryan Layman | Life After 10,000 Sentences bit.ly/9TdACy #
- Life After 10,000 "Life after 10,000 sentences and hours on the AJATT method. " bit.ly/9TdACy #
- You don't hate puppies for being small. Why hate yourself for being a clueless beginner? You're cute, not dumb and useless. #
- You don't hate seeds. Why hate yourself for being a beginner? Nurture yourself. You have no future without you. #immersion #
- You don't hate seeds. Why hate yourself for being a beginner? Nurture yourself now, or there will be no future #immersion #
- YouTube – K'naan – Wavin flag (feat. Jacky Cheung & Jane Zhang) CHINESE Version bit.ly/cBlChw #
- YouTube – Wavin' Flag – K'naan feat AI – ウェイヴィン・フラッグ - ケイナーン w/ AI コラボ bit.ly/9T0uK8 | Thx MD! #
- YouTube – ONEWAY – KICK THE CAN CREW bit.ly/9Wiq7d #
- YouTube – ZEEBRA "真っ昼間" bit.ly/cfkYf3 #
- The irony and beauty of it all is that you use all this brainpower and hightech gear to get yourself to do commonsense things #immersion #
- YouTube – The Kaizen Way Interview Part 1 with Dr. Robert Maurer bit.ly/brqudl #
- YouTube – Part 2: The Kaizen Way Interview with Dr. Robert Maurer bit.ly/cbFNzl #
- YouTube – Part 3: The Kaizen Way Interview with Dr. Robert Maurer bit.ly/c9oH9f #
- 「脳が教える! 1つの習慣 [単行本] ロバート・マウラー (著), 本田 直之 (監修), 中西 真雄美 (翻訳)」| Maurer's book in #Japanese amzn.to/94DaD7 #
- YouTube – Part 2: The Kaizen Way Interview with Dr. Robert Maurer bit.ly/cbFNzl @8:55 indirect discussion of #timeboxing #
- YouTube – ONEWAY – KICK THE CAN CREW bit.ly/9Wiq7d #
- @tcharo Snap 😛 how did you put the 時刻 into the link? Manually? Or is there a 自動選択 thing somewhere? #
- "There is now a growing realization that "talent", "prodigy", or "genius" is more created than born" via @danielpwright bit.ly/9sIQGi #
- 小原春香オフィシャルブログ「コレカラハルカ」Powered by Ameba bit.ly/9gl18W #
- 'Mangajin's Basic Japanese Through Comics (v. 1)'
amzn.to/c5RwnS # - Little and Often | bit.ly/aLpXXS #
- "AJATT is not a method" bit.ly/ct6iAr #
- 「情報は捨てる事を前提に収集する」#SRS #delete amzn.to/cWlUtY #
- YouTube – Cruel Japanese Prank Show (Clip) bit.ly/aqxgBn | lol Thx Asher! #
- YouTube – JOB INTERVIEW from HELL!!! FUNNY Japanese Sniper Prank bit.ly/b9Lu12 #
- YouTube – How does Jack Bauer use the bathroom? bit.ly/aSfVCv #
- YouTube – Kiefer Sutherland – Calorie Mate (Japanese Commercial) bit.ly/99sqDx #
- Do easy things that move you forward with your Japanese bit.ly/adAwN8 #immersion #
- "Just do one thing, today." | Ken bit.ly/adAwN8 #
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