- Combining decremental #timeboxing with #birthlines to handle avoidance-prone tasks (processing government documents :D) #
- 英会話に生かせる! 映画フレーズつまみぐい:スペースアルク bit.ly/as9EUl #
- 「本書では、中国から伝わってきた漢字文化が、日本でいかにして受容され、
吸収され、昇華されてきたのか、古い時代から順を追って説明している。」 amzn.to/bllX1m # - "「排外主義的愛国主義者には低学歴か低所得が多い」" bit.ly/bxbovv #
- "方言には書記言語を持たないものが少なくなく、日常会話を方言で行い、公的な場では書記言語によってコミュニケーションをとる話者が多く存在する。" bit.ly/aCKySl #
- "アメリカの場合、英語に限ると識字率は50%しかないと言われている。" bit.ly/cky0FS | ええーーっ!ちょっと、ちょっとちょっと。有り得なくない?それ・・・つーか出典無いしね。 #
- Don't hate a book before you've opened it. Don't force yourself to like it after you've opened it. #
- Go for quantity of media (books, movies) *sampled*. Quality (=something you love) will find you. #immersion #turnover #
- Tiny pieces (short wavelength), high frequency. #timeboxing #sampling #immersion #SRS #
- Do you know more kanji today than you did yesterday? One kanji counts. #
- Delete. There are too many fun ways and fun things to learn for you to be wasting your time on the boring ones. #SRS #
- ルイス・ハミルトン – Wikipedia bit.ly/az78D9 #
- If you can't be optimistic, try being pessimistic about pessimism. #
- A true pessimist knows that pessimism will never work…that crap is bound to fail, man. 😛 #
- @Jaybot7 信じ難いね⇨だろ?笑 in reply to Jaybot7 #
- If you can't be optimistic, at least do something that helps. #immersion #
- You don't have time. You pass time. #
- 迷思一:「學外語最好方法是去外國。」 | Antimoon.com bit.ly/91W6lp #
- The "harder" and "longer" the task, the more it will benefit from being done badly and partially right now. #timeboxing #
- Japanese tests matter to/among gaijin, but only actual Japanese proficiency matters to Japanese people. #
- Japanese people want to be able to talk and write to you; they can find out if they can by (get this) talking and writing to you. #
- When you're using an #SRS *EVERY DAY* is test day. 😛 #
- Do a crappy, partial job. Get off to a bad start — just do it more than once. Start more than once. #
- Start learning Japanese many times each day. Stopped? Start. Stopped again? Start again. #timeboxing #
- Don't create retroactive, artificial, difficult, complex rules. Make it easy. Just start. Do something. ANYthing. #
- Vetenskapens värld | svt.se bit.ly/cOtzpC #
- RT @cisum589 "Learning J-nese is like Dragon Quest. Each kanji/word/particle, is a new weapon to defeat the reading/writing/speaking bosses" #
- 惑星連邦 – Wikipedia bit.ly/cvO8Uv #
- "オバマかっこいいなこれはw" bit.ly/aEBado | オバマのおじぎ凄すぎワロタw 【両陛下、大統領を招き昼食会を催す】:【2ch】ニュー速VIPブログ(`・ω・´) #
- 産総研:主な研究成果 機能性物質のサブマイクロメートル球状粒子作製法を開発 bit.ly/ckn518 #
- "「もしくは死んだかだ。とっくに戻っていい頃だが、誰も見かけていない。」 アニカの肩を荒々しくつかむ。「戦闘中に死んだのなら、名誉なことだ。手を貸してくれ。」" bit.ly/9tFeRW #
- IDIC – Memory Alpha – スタートレックWiki日本語版 bit.ly/drOUTN #
- It takes intelligence to be pessimistic. It takes well-directed intelligence to realize that it won't help. #mindset #
- school kills your maneuverability in order to get you to follow someone else’s plan that’s easier to grade bit.ly/9aRfCL #
- "Regret for wasted time is more wasted time." bit.ly/aQBd4Y #
- 急がばまわれ式・堅実で一番効率的な英語の勉強法 bit.ly/djInqE #
- "most of what we say in English is probably quoted from someplace else" bit.ly/dspBRr #
- "AJATT is basically a way of placing oneself in the halting problem…here is no final output(spoon) o_O" bit.ly/dspBRr #
- Bad question: "are we there yet?". Good questions: "are we closer yet?", "are we further along than we were?" #
- Simple heuristic for indecision in choosing words when writing/speaking: always pick the shorter expression. #output #
- English has "kanji", too. Imagine if "two", "to" and "too" all had be written phonetically. #
- By definition, confidence should be baseless. Confidence with backing isn't confidence, it's just memory. #
- If the skill matters enough, then it's never too late to learn. If it's too late, then it can't have mattered that much. #
- Often, the people who reject an easy way of doing things are those practicing the "do absolutely nothing + hate self" way. #
- Japanese people are far better at (writing) kanji than they let on. Don't believe the "hypobole". #
- Think about it: no normal Japanese person is going to come up to you and be all: "I am the baddest kanji 母愛者 that ever did live" #
- @Jaybot7 確かにね。「Mississippi」みたい。 in reply to Jaybot7 #
- 白っぽい粘々した鼻水。 #
- 無意味な単語の羅列 #
- Z the E E the B R A! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uc662ll7Uu0 #
- SUPATECH -what's my name?- ZEEBRA 歌詞情報 – goo 音楽 bit.ly/cJwimi #lyrics #
- 「※Z the E-E the B-R-A
のってきなブッ飛びなBIG PARTY
Z the E-E the B-R-A
この俺についてくりゃ心配ねぇ※」 - @Jaybot7 (笑) in reply to Jaybot7 #
- ベイエリア在住町山智浩アメリカ日記 "この映画、とにかくキャストがすごいです!" bit.ly/dyuIgT | 使い捨て役者軍団「エクスペンダブルズ」! #
- YouTube – マル激 5金スペシャル 町山智浩氏(映画評論家)1-2 bit.ly/a2MiGN #
- @ZaghaftAni I know. in reply to ZaghaftAni #
- 生命体8472 – Wikipedia bit.ly/aBqZv4 #
- ポール・グレアム「賢くなる価値はあるの?」 – nikki bit.ly/bOAWu3 #
- Stop sharpening imaginary knives in your head and just use the club that it's in your hand. It'll work. #immersion #
- A language is not an exception, it's a prevailing attitude, a habit. #immersion [Thanks, Colin Powell! :P] #
- "Reading" is a misnomer for what you do early on. We should really call it "looking". #immersion #reading #
- "Reading" is a misnomer for what you do early on. We should really call it "eating textual eye candy". #immersion #reading #
- 例のアレ #
- YouTube – 新BSディベート 終身雇用 1/5 bit.ly/9CNCeU #
- 2010 台北電腦應用展免費入場! 快來搶好康 | MSN 3C 頻道 bit.ly/cOWMhV #
- Tip: Don't pause. Use A-B repeat or loop or rewind or something. #immersion #video #
- Don't clean your house. Cleaner your house. Don't learn Japanese, just…suck less. #
- 10k hours. 600k minutes. The time will pass anyway. How are you going to pass? it. #listening #
- 1 day = 1.44 kilominutes. The time's there, always flowing. Throw a couple of minutes the L2 way. Song here, YouTube there. #
- You're borrowing the language, might as well borrow the pronunciation as well. #nativelikeaccent #noshame #
- Less respecting of books, more reading of (looking at) books. #reading #immersion #
- @bahiaportfolio oooh! Buffy the Vampire Slayer…that's good stuff 😀 Are you in Japan? in reply to bahiaportfolio #
- DankeDankeCom-Shopping support and worldwide shipping service from Japan bit.ly/bh8c4d #
- Forwarding service connecting overseas customers and Japanese online stores [ Tenso.com ] bit.ly/b54YHx #
- シドニー・ポワチエ – Wikipedia bit.ly/9T29Bg #
- Personal development books you'll never see: "Chicken Soup For Breakfast The Morning After With YOUR MOM!" #
- Personal development books you'll never see: "The Secret Is That I'm DOIN' YOUR MOM!" #
- Personal development books you'll never see: "The Law of Attraction to YOUR MOM!" #
- 呟く(囀る?)べきじゃなかったね、そんな下ネタ(笑) #
- YouTube – 香取慎吾 Doleマン ビジネス編 bit.ly/brhWY2 #
- YouTube – [Shingo Katori] Dole Bananas – In a family restaurant (English Subs) bit.ly/crvW3n #
- @UnclePolyglot 笑 サエズル で~す(^^) in reply to UnclePolyglot #
- バックシャン(ばっくしゃん) – 日本語俗語辞書 bit.ly/agfStC #
- 勝利の方程式:ゲーセン+耳栓 #
- First order the package, then receive it. First listen to the language, then understand it. #
- It is BECAUSE the thing won't come instantly that we MUST start now. #
- オムライスダニエルアラップモイ #
- Don't watch L2 movies. PLAY them. The watching will take care of itself. #immersion #
- Your job is merely to create the *conditions* that cause language acquisition. Not to go out and do it. #immersion #
- OOTSUKA Akio, voice of Bateau in GITS, also voices Commander Riker (Star Trek)!
bit.ly/cfyLiK # - I'm watching TNG in J-nese now. That's why I finally noticed. ↓↓↓ 😀 #
- "宇宙。そこは最後のフロンティア。
これは宇宙戦艦エンタープライズ号が、新世代のクルーのもとに24世紀において任務を続行し、 未知の世界を探索して、新しい生命と文明を求め、 人類未踏の宇宙に勇敢に航海した物語である" bit.ly/a4jMiC # - "Renaître figurativement dans un autre pays, une autre culture, une autre langue." bit.ly/buevG7 #
- "we’ve bought into…misconceptions about excellence, which are not only wrong but…counterproductive." nyti.ms/aKOVIf #
- YouTube – Bounce by Matthew Syed bit.ly/bbEGNN #
- YouTube – BOUNCE – How Champions are Made, Matt Syed bit.ly/d9HT9q #
- "Over time, through practice, we utterly transform the people we are" bit.ly/d9HT9q #
- "Genes are not that important…because over time, through practice, we utterly transform the people we are" bit.ly/d9HT9q #
- "When we're practicing, we're downloading highly specialized software" bit.ly/d9HT9q #
- "[Through practice]…certain areas of the brain get bigger" bit.ly/d9HT9q … Literally like muscle 😀 #
- "champions are not born: they're made" | Go make something 😛 ! #immersion #SRS bit.ly/d9HT9q #
- Don't read L2 books. OPEN them. #immersion #reading #situationalgoals #
- If you've got an L2 book open, you've already won. #
- If you've got an L2 media playing, you've already won. #
- YouTube – Prime Minister Kevin Rudd Speaking Mandarin bit.ly/9tlDcg #
- ワーキングメモリ – Wikipedia bit.ly/bgNDuO #
- ワーキングメモリ – Wikipedia "作業記憶、作動記憶とも呼ばれる。" bit.ly/bgNDuO #
- "通往專家心智之路
專家的能力從何而來?科學家藉由研究西洋棋大師的思路,了解人類如何在專業領域內成為行家。" | 科學人雜誌網站
bit.ly/aNeuEA # - Don't depend on AJATT alone. Reading 1 source is religion. 2 sources → confusion. 200 → expertise. 1000 sources → wisdom. #
- Diigo – Web Highlighter and Sticky Notes, Online Bookmarking and Annotation, Personal Learning Network. bit.ly/abuzSj #
- Time spent worrying about not doing 100% is worth -100%. Better to spend that time getting doing +50%, or +1% or +0.01%. #
- 404 Blog Not Found:プロが独り立ちするためのたった一つの条件 bit.ly/9srjUZ #
- フィネガンズ・ウェイク – Wikipedia bit.ly/bchXsS #
- フィネガンズ・ウェイク – Wikipedia "日本語への翻訳は不可能とも言われていたが、『早稲田文学』に共訳で「フィネガン徹夜祭」のタイトルのもとで冒頭部分を含む一部が発表され" bit.ly/bchXsS #
- "柳瀬 尚紀(やなせ なおき、1943年3月2日 – )は日本の英文学者・翻訳家である。
その翻訳は、語呂合わせや言葉遊びを駆使した独自の文体で有名。他の翻訳家に対する痛烈な批判でも知られる。" bit.ly/baEyxf # - "とりわけ著名なのはジェイムズ・ジョイスの作品で、翻訳不能と言われた『フィネガンズ・ウェイク』を独自の造語を用いて翻訳したことは話題となり日本翻訳文化賞受賞。" bit.ly/baEyxf #
- "「全然+否定」という使い方は、大正くらいから定着した使い方で、それ以前には「全然+肯定」という使い方も誤りとはされていなかったからだ。実際、夏目漱石の記述の中にもそれが見受けられるらしい。" bit.ly/cwojhW #
- "国際大会で勝つ柔道と、正しい柔道は違う。どんな格好であれ一本を取れば良いというのは、それはもう柔道ではなく「JUDO」だ。" bit.ly/cwojhW (笑)面白い。 #
- Nothing is "hard". It's just being mistaught/mishandled. #
- Sentence *picking*. You know, like berries — you go for the big, red/purple juicy, ripe, sweet ones.
bit.ly/at8AeW # - Don't learn what you "should" learn. Don't learn what you "need" to learn. (Find and) Learn what you want to learn. #
- 無給油で米国縦断、燃費50kmの『Avion』 | WIRED VISION bit.ly/dxonam #
- 書籍のスキャン、PDF化代行サービス。1冊90円より-スキャポン- bit.ly/90LjYd #
- 404 Blog Not Found:ブックスキャン代行サービスは合法だよね? bit.ly/bJFKDA #
- "こういう人間が、いざ自分が「わからない」側に回ると、まず真っ先に「日本語の乱れ」を言い始める。もともと言葉を軽く扱ってる上に、自分の都合しか頭にないから、前言を翻すのは朝飯前だ。" bit.ly/aGew2z #
- "「才能は、授かるものではなく培うものだ」" bit.ly/9srjUZ #
- YouTube – 湯唯搵港男學好廣東話 bit.ly/aVSBiA #
- ドドリア しょこたん 細木数子 古瀬智子 – MHF猟団:killerloop bit.ly/bYHxpB #
- 圓神書活網>閱書>吊床上的成功學 bit.ly/aZ8Zin #
- "漢字を教えると、国語 (韓国語) の実力向上にも役に立つのだろうか。「ハングル専用」と「漢字混用」をめぐる未解決の論争についての実験を行ったところ、役に立つという研究結果が出た。 " bit.ly/dym8TV #
- "> 漢字を教えたところ、韓国語の語彙 (ごい) 力も向上したという結果が出た
韓国語の単語が漢字を前提にしているのだから、当り前の結果。 " bit.ly/dym8TV #
- "ライカー。「あと一時間です。今の気分は?」 青い服を着ている。
コクレイン:「頭がガンガンするよ、酒のせいか撃たれたせいか。…両方かな。でも歴史を作ってやるぜ、ヘヘ…。」" bit.ly/aN8mEe # - "ライカー:「ある人の言葉です。『英雄になろうとするな、ただの男であれ。…いずれ歴史が判断を下してくれる。』」
「あなたですよ、今から 10年後にね。」" bit.ly/aN8mEe # - "英語をいくらやってもできない、と文句をたれている人は絶対量が明らかに少ない。" bit.ly/axRJSn #
- When living a dream, you find that there are 2 types of people: those who respect you now, those who will respect you later. #
- Ultimately, you'll never get everyone to like you, but you will get +/- everybody to respect you, if grudgingly #socialresistance #
- Most people don't get how learning works and what it takes, so their emotional tantrums are best ignored. #socialresistance #
- IME, no one who invites you to join them in mediocrity will EVER take responsibility for the consequences 😀 #
- Groupthink always begins with "don't be so stuck-up/selfish" and ends in "it was your choice; nobody forced you" 😛 #
- "ウェル、レッツ・スタート・ザ・ミーティング。ファースト、アバウト・ザ・ディーリング・ウィズ、あー、クレイマーってクレイマーでいいの、英語でも、あ、イン・イングリッシュでも。え、" (笑) bit.ly/cEGpAd #
- Once you've opened the book, you've done your part. Now it's the book's turn. #immersion bit.ly/cEoQHe #
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