- "日本は「最大多数の最大不幸」を目指してる国だからな
「俺が苦労してるのに他の奴が楽してるのは絶対に許せない」が基本だから " bit.ly/biITNv #rimanbunka # - "これは国が通る道だから
勤勉と過労の工場大国だったんだから " | おおおお。深い深い。いい事言うね。 bit.ly/biITNv | via #ajattplus # - "フェイスブックのSEがアジアのサラリーマンを
「空っぽのバッグを重そうに時間をかけて運んでいる」って評してる" bit.ly/biITNv # - "166: 奇跡的な1企業を見せて、「見習え」とかwwww
下ばっかり見て満足してるカスよりマシだな " bit.ly/biITNv # - "仕事は楽しくやらんといかん。
残業やるやつはバカだし会社にとってもマイナス。 " bit.ly/biITNv # - "仕事を効率化しても、何も良いこと無いからな
「おっ、暇そうだなこの仕事もやってくれ、勤務時間内だから当たり前だろ」 " bit.ly/biITNv # - "ずっと人件費のデフレスパイラルなんだよな、
牛丼屋の値下げ合戦みたいに奴隷労働を増やしている" bit.ly/biITNv # - "楽をしている人をみたら、自分も楽しようかなと思うのがアメリカ人。
楽をしている人をみたら、あいつにも苦労させたいと思うのが日本人。 " bit.ly/biITNv | 痛っ! # - "日本でも緩い職場は存在してる " bit.ly/biITNv #
- "ハードな職場はへたな日本の職場以上にハードだ
そのかわり、若いうちに一生分稼いで残りは遊んで暮らすとかいう選択肢もあったりするんだと思う " | まさに正論
bit.ly/biITNv # - "日本人には、「他人が忙しそうにしてるのに自分だけ楽するわけにはいかない」という強迫観念があるよね"|言うじゃな~い。一家心中みたいなモンだ
bit.ly/biITNv # - 本当に「いす」がなかった,キヤノン電子のオフィス – 記者の眼:ITpro bit.ly/cOKrsH | カッコいい。 #
- Don't get good. Improve. Good will come to you. #
- If you keep getting better, it'll be impossible to not get good. #inevitability #timeboxing #kaizen #
- パレートの法則 – Wikipedia bit.ly/cxX1tX #
- YouTube – 不要忘了我/潘瑋柏
bit.ly/dzH5cS # - YouTube – Jay Chou 周杰倫 – Maltose Candy 麥芽糖 (Mai Ya Tang) bit.ly/cqc7Pq #
- "ただ終身雇用だけを望む人は日本のがいいだろうけど
終身雇用制度は崩壊済だからな。日本のメリッã # - オーディオブック FeBe:-フィービーでは、書籍の音声版をダウンロードすることができます(無料のサンプルもございます) bit.ly/9b4lK6 #japanese #audiobooks #
- One doesn't speak a language. One sings it. #rhythm #output #pronunciation #
- Tip: have a set of headphones permanently stationed under your pillow. #immersion #exposure #
- Don't get good. Just suck less. Every day, suck less than yesterday. #
- Be less illiterate today than you were yesterday. #kanji #rtk #heisig #
- "極端なこと言えば不真面目な怠慢野郎が鼻糞ほじりながら適当に仕事してても、結果が出せばおK
" http # - "Avoidant instructions induce ironic and overcompensatory movement errors differently between and within individuals" bit.ly/bvnSn2 #
- "アメリカは契約社会 仕事さえこなせば何も言われない
日本は奴隷社会 人生の全てを会社中心でè #
- スキャン本舗 【本のスキャン代行サービス】 1冊100円から "scanhonpo" bit.ly/a0VGRf #
- 知我莫問 | 陳慧琳 | Kelly Chen (#Cantonese cover of Natasha Bedingfield / Unwritten)
bit.ly/daJ5dj # - @UnclePolyglot HAHAHAHA….勿体ぶった論文の世界へようこそ! in reply to UnclePolyglot #
- Your aim is not to fight. Your aim is to win. Stop fighting. Stop struggling. Start winning. Learn Japanese by having fun. #
- "David's victory over Goliath, in the Biblical account, is held to be an anomaly. It was not. Davids win all the time." bit.ly/coWDZE #
- "Their accomplishment is well over 100% of their ability on account of their tremendous energy and ambition" bit.ly/coWDZE #
- "effort can trump ability" bit.ly/coWDZE #
- 町山智浩が勝谷誠彦をぼろくそ! オリジン bit.ly/ajRh86 #
- 町山智浩が勝谷誠彦をぼろくそ! オリジン‐ニコニコ動画(9) bit.ly/bixA2h #
- 松嶋×町山 未公開映画祭 クリップ bit.ly/aoFckM #
- 「松嶋×町山 未公開映画祭」公式サイト bit.ly/dkTh7y #
- 5 kanji per day over 6 months = 900 kanji. Do not underestimate small. #littleandoften #
- ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞-みうらじゅんサングラスサイン会 bit.ly/bJVhHR #
- YouTube – Philip Ng @ 十月圍城/Bodyguards and Assassins bit.ly/bquPqi #
- YouTube – m-flo loves Alex(CLAZZIQUAI PROJECT) / Love Me After 12AM bit.ly/aEgWKt
アップルシード-エクスマキナ- 😀 # - When you're too tired to do all of it, do half of it. And if you're too tired to do half, do half of half. And cetera. #SRS #
- No project is a monolith. It's not "big"; there are just a lot of tiny pebbles. Pebbles, you can handle. #timeboxing #
- There is no such thing as a "big project", just like there is no such thing as "a big rice". It's just grains. #timeboxing #
- Cook 20kg of rice in one go = break the ricecooker. Do a couple of cups at a time. The rice won't run away. #timeboxing #
- RT @succezsasia: If hard work were such a wonderful thing, surely the rich would have kept it all to themselves. unknown #quote | lol #
- How to handle a large project? Well, how do you eat 20 kg of rice? Cook a little. Eat a little. Rest. Repeat. #timeboxing #
- あげまんの”まん”ってどういう意味なの? ー 大人マジック(雑学ポータルサイト) bit.ly/baZzqo #
- YouTube – [PV] 少女時代 – Gee [Version 800×500] bit.ly/bDXe08 (Thanks, MD!) #
- YouTube – [PV] 少女時代 – Gee [Version 800×500] bit.ly/bDXe08 #Japanese version #
- "You don’t have to show up for very long, or do very much, but you have to show up." bit.ly/daHQOM #
- "you become an instrument for the things you do." bit.ly/bv55DG #
- "99% of success is doing the work. So get to work." bit.ly/bv55DG #
- "Being good at something is easy. All you have to do is be that thing. " bit.ly/bv55DG #
- トンボから宇宙ロケットまで「空を飛ぶ」を科学する 東 昭 氏 bit.ly/959VXA #
- "gain is gain, however small" ~ Robert Browning
bit.ly/9dqB4D #timeboxing # - Fixed Versus Growth Intelligence Mindsets: It's All In Your Head, Psychologist Says bit.ly/abdU3Z #
- If you eat too much rice at once, you hurt yourself. Keep #timeboxes short. #
- Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll do something painful". Now they have two problems. #birthlines #
- 文藝春秋編 日本の論点PLUS
bit.ly/bWWZ0m # - 文藝春秋編 日本の論点PLUS "文藝春秋が誇る日本で唯一の年刊論争誌『日本の論点』のインターネット版" bit.ly/bWWZ0m #
- 一心不亂
bit.ly/9mY5u6 #timeboxing # - If in doubt, pick the shorter one. #timeboxing #
- We fail at personal #logging because we try to be thorough. Real logging = statistical sampling: sip rather than chug. #
- "驢子,兩個子,好嗎?閉・・・嘴!" ~ Shrek #
- "that kid is amazing, when I have my own I want them to be this hardcore." bit.ly/cdNbBd lol #
- YouTube – Zombie VS Japanese kids with subtitles 🙂 "もうすぐいきます。ーゾンビ" bit.ly/cdNbBd #
- YouTube – Funny Japanese Pranks bit.ly/cW2nrR #
- Apple第4四半期決算、過去最高の売上記録 : インターネットコムニュース : ニュース : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/a1wqEh #
- "サムソンなど韓国勢のやり方や成功の秘訣を知りたいと考えている日本企業のCEOは多いそうだ。" bit.ly/cv6A1G #
- YouTube – 周杰倫-聽媽媽的話KTV bit.ly/conyEg | Confucian carols FTW! hehehehe #
- YouTube – HotCha 小野蠻mv karaoke version bit.ly/4KBdbv #
- YouTube – HotCha Party Girl 自製KTV bit.ly/brWner #
- Do easy, simple, baseline things. Play a Japanese song. It's easy. Press play. Look at you, you're done! 😀 #
- YouTube – Joey Yung (容祖兒) – 心花怒放(KTV) bit.ly/90fbSH #
- YouTube – 心花怒放 – Sleepless 不眠 @ MK1超級數碼廣場 on 2007-11-18
bit.ly/d04dLu # - You can't reason your way to language proficiency. You need to roll up those sleeves and get your eyes and ears dirty. #
- Do something meaninglessly small in a meaningful direction. Example: Play 1 Japanese song. 1. #
- 「どちらでもいい事を悩む事で、心が疲れる」中谷彰宏
#meigen # - bit.ly/9qC5Qz 人間を攻撃する猫、サシミ(刺身?)ちゃん #
- さん だっけ。 #
- 「紙」にしがみつくほうが日本の新聞長生きできる(連載「新聞崩壊」第8回/評論家・歌田明弘さんに聞く) (1/2) : J-CASTニュース bit.ly/cIay8W #
- There are no big things. Big things are just small things, repeated. #birthlines #timeboxing #SRS #commonsense #
- 質より量に学ぶ – Radium Software bit.ly/aiVxG9 #
- "人と比べてはダメですよ。
人と比べるとあわてるよ。" ~ 斎藤一人 # - 反復練習。反復練習。 #
- YouTube – Extreme funny – Japanese practical jokes bit.ly/9V9dYa #
- トリビアの泉 2004年03月24日放送
"387 ケニアの小学校では「はとぽっぽ」が振り付きで歌われている 90へぇ(金の脳)" bit.ly/9A5zH5 # - "「下手な鉄砲も数撃てば当たる」
Even a bad shot hits the mark given enough tries."
bit.ly/cowEsV # - "from Pǔtōnghuà to 普通话
a student’s guide to the acquisition of native-like Mandarin Chinese" bit.ly/aauYf7 # - "Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong" #tenacity bit.ly/bXnFi0 #
- "after 8 months of AJATT, I had to prove to a Japanese girl that I am italian (because [my] Japanese seems so natural)" bit.ly/cDGkED #
- 頻道:菜單方式 bit.ly/9ULYaa #
- Reward yourself. Treat yourself like a 5-year-old. No one else is going to do it (nor should they). #
- YouTube – Cute "Real-life-Shrek-Cat" ^^ bit.ly/c5tTje #
- There are no big things. There are small things, and there are sequences of small things. #timeboxing #birthlines #
- Soldato torna a casa dopo 63 anni Per Tokyo era 'ufficialmente morto' – Esteri – Repubblica.it bit.ly/alNleL #
- EPHEMERIS "De miro in Patriam reditu" | Ishinosuke Uwano
bit.ly/9x2Sr7 #latin # - "1995年に超円高(一時、79.75円/ドル)に突入したときは、為替介入の効果があったと言われている。" bit.ly/ckvh71 #
- The three laws of language acquisition: (1) Have fun, (2) Suck less, (3) Make contact little and often #threelaws #
- 無差別に貪る #
- 伏匿匿 – 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書 bit.ly/ckbd2x #
- 捉迷藏
bit.ly/bLsmRz # - かくれんぼ – Wikipedia bit.ly/9pdmNP #
- Super fun L2 exercise: reading the rules of a game like tag (tip :D) or hide-and-seek #
- 幼兒/兒童潛能開發中心 – 向右腦傾斜的全腦大量信息學習法 bit.ly/dmTkdY #
- Everything you say about the future is an opinion. What you're doing right now is a fact. Focus on the facts. #immersion #
- サウスパーク日本語版Wiki – The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs bit.ly/9pexMq #
- 本の虫: サウスパーク:スコッティ・マクボーガボールのお話 bit.ly/9M1J3n #
- "whining is a reverse placebo" bit.ly/b9klXt #
- "子供達の国語力の壊滅的な低下ぶりを目の当たりにした私。" bit.ly/b7fjls #
- Tip: use #timeboxing to bound your Internet (read: Google) red herrings, so that you use them without being used by them #
- "200+ simpsons episodes j-dubbed" bit.ly/cK9WQY #
- 「週刊英和新聞 朝日ウィークリー」
asahi.com (朝日新聞社):Asahi Weekly – ENGLISH bit.ly/dhUi7d #bilingual Japanese-English #newspaper # - @Batni How to register for NicoNico to watch tons of rad game footage – NeoGAF bit.ly/cLHiV0 #niconicodouga in reply to Batni #
- SciAm "The Expert Mind"/chunking article bit.ly/bi9ijs
bit.ly/6Jc1Fg # - YouTube – David Tao-找自己
bit.ly/bpDyDw # - YouTube – 101022 SNSD / Shoujo Jidai – Gee Live at Japanese TV Music Station bit.ly/cGCyW6 with #lyrics #
- Do boring stuff so your life can suck and you can hate learning. Go on. Everybody's doing it, meng. 😀 #
- E.gg Timer – simple online countdown timer bit.ly/bgfZKc #
- "学生たちが血で血を洗い互いの骨を砕きあう戦乱の地、関東・・・・・" bit.ly/cqrQui #
- 腸にまで? #
- YouTube – 「キリスト教的な横からの抱きしめ方」 Christian Side Hug bit.ly/bwXILo #
- YouTube – 王力宏【花田錯】MV "王力宏【花田錯】" bit.ly/9TYTdU #
- ezPeer+ 歌詞 bit.ly/94PMkx #
- YouTube – 潘瑋柏 – 誰是MVP [KTV] ktv.playinmel.com bit.ly/9brRpz #
- YouTube – RIP SLYME: Dandelion [PV – Eng Subs] bit.ly/9dc1C8 Dandelion RIP SLYME 歌詞情報 – goo 音楽 bit.ly/ckgnel #
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