- Either play and have fun or fail, it’s up to you | WooChinese
http://bit.ly/9I6uiA # - "Do not…keep children to their studies by compulsion but by play. – Plato" bit.ly/ahPi1C #
- レベル別 日本語多読ライブラリー にほんごよむよむ文庫 HOME bit.ly/aTItTT #
- Keep making excuses. Just make sure that they're *enabling* excuses 😛 #
- 大啖卷!!: [閱讀筆記]槓桿思考術 bit.ly/dwprFA #
- "「名はマキシマス=デシマス=メリディアス、
今生でなくば来世で復讐を果たす。」" bit.ly/9ek9jY # - New at AJATT Plus: A College Degree… bit.ly/a5bQhS #
- "大丈夫!ちゃんと掴んでますから..."
bit.ly/cNFFbG # - "The best way I've found to increase APM is steady and persistent practice."
bit.ly/b599UY | Thx DJ! # - "what many people don’t realize is that children also forget a language just as quickly" bit.ly/cBjj4F | So true! #
- Using Software to Accelerate Learning | Project Rena "we use SRS software to enhance Rena’s reading ability" bit.ly/dbnVNS #
- New at AJATT Plus: 時間枠術(タイムボックス)って何? bit.ly/bcc4U5 #
- スカラーペディア – Wikipedia bit.ly/ais4US #
- YouTube – イーデスハンソンさんの講演会 bit.ly/ayuD4s #
- YouTube – 映画『脇役物語』予告篇 bit.ly/c1S8l6 #
- 浜美枝さんら近畿大客員教授に イーデス・ハンソンさんも – 47NEWS(よんななニュース) bit.ly/92MQEJ #
- 漢字と言葉のすごさへの気づき|書道家・武田双雲 公式ブログ『書の力』 bit.ly/aIlYdx #
- "漢字のすごさ" bit.ly/cDpuI9 #
- デザインが素晴らしい漢字 BIPブログ bit.ly/cdtzH9 #
- Japan Video Topics | Trends in Japan bit.ly/aFvZD3 | I used to watch this as a kid in Kenya 😀 #
- "it's the small tweaks that make the biggest difference in SRS Land" bit.ly/9DnVfa #
- @JapanNewbie Mostly AJATT+の記事, but it's still a bit 断片的…I might actually put out a QRG in Japanese soon. そうすりゃ義兄(義弟?) にとって吸収し易くなるでしょ?(^^) #
- @JapanNewbie Dude, pretty soon we'll be talking like Verbal. Getting around like 寿司 on a 回転… 😛 #
- YouTube – Kiefer Sutherland – Calorie Mate (Japanese Commercial) bit.ly/9CrEpC | via #ajattplus #
- "日本にまで来て、こういうCMに出演して頂けるのがありがたい
thanks jones-san, おかげでこんなにかっこいいCMを見れるんだから" bit.ly/bSr95t #
- "an exaggerated assessment of the probability of winning increases the probability of winning" bit.ly/9aOg7o #
- YouTube – nicholas tse 謝霆鋒 余文樂 甄子丹-《龍虎門》電影預告
bit.ly/9gmePz # - 「成功する為の二つのルール
amzn.to/bkI2PK # - If in doubt, increase the frequency of your L2 exposure, not the quantity
bit.ly/cRQjxR # - "學如逆水行舟,不進則退"
Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back.
bit.ly/bCuhCR #SRS makes "stasis" possible # - …to some extent 😀 #
- "I don’t care what people [say] about…children, I still don’t hear my 5-year-old niece talking perfect English" bit.ly/birJVH #
- 【生放送】藤末 健三(比例・民主党)2010年6月23日「苫米地英人×藤末健三 改正放送法と哲学を語る 」 – 藤末 健三 (民主党) – e国政 bit.ly/dgpP2N #
- 楊瀾訪談錄:李光耀先生的中國記憶 -在線觀看-娛樂視頻-愛西柚 bit.ly/cxD0vD #
- Imitate, Imitate, Imitate | Spanish Only
bit.ly/bBTma3 # - You should be too busy having fun to notice how good you are or aren't. #immersion #media #exposure #
- "Invention, in my opinion, arises directly from idleness, possibly also from laziness – to save oneself trouble. " bit.ly/9xNq8x #
- "福山雅治好似鄭伊健" bit.ly/9zPdTR 講得啱呀! #
- New at AJATT Plus: Using MCDs to Learn New Vocab/Kanji Readings bit.ly/cAFb8e #
- ザ・シネマハスラー『ハートロッカー』の件で、町山智浩アメリカから緊急電話出演!
bit.ly/be9MhJ # - "結局イラク人を踏みつけ踏んだ足が痛い事を嘆いている" (笑)
bit.ly/be9MhJ # - Improving my immersion « Liz Learns Japanese bit.ly/cWn3iB #
- "I have joined the legion of people who use immersion…I like to call them the Immersioneers" bit.ly/bhJAme #newcoinage #
- "常に勝者は敗者以上のものを、何か持っている。技量や才能が同じレベルだとしたら、その何かとは、メンタリティー、考え方しかない。" bit.ly/crloLK #
- "Chinese is a…series of really easy things — learn a character…listen to a song…Not a single one of them is hard" bit.ly/dnBYpZ #
- "learning Chinese is a long…series of really easy things — learn a character…listen to a song…" bit.ly/cPT5tA #
- "learning Chinese isn’t hard. We just pretend it is to psych ourselves out, and perhaps to impress other people" bit.ly/cPT5tA #
- "maybe it’s perseverance that you’re having problems with, rather than Chinese?" bit.ly/cPT5tA | This is the essence of A[C]ATT #
- "Learning Chinese characters is not difficult." bit.ly/cPT5tA #SRS baby 😀 #
- "Chinese actually gets easier and easier the further you get into it." bit.ly/cPT5tA #
- "Due to its logical nature…reuse of the same words to make compound and jargonized words" bit.ly/cPT5tA #chineseiseasy #
- "The act of ‘learning Chinese’ isn’t what people find hard, it’s the time and effort bit" bit.ly/cPT5tA #
- @Cush1979 Massive-Context Cloze Deletion Cards. They've replaced all my Japanese sentence cards. 10,000 sentences…is dead 😀 #MCD #
- Whenever you have a problem, don't blame the language, blame your methods. Crappy methods can and will make anything hard. #
- @Cush1979 Dunno. It' s funner. For me. And fun gets done 😀 #
- @JapanNewbie camera tricks. #
- @Cush1979 Join AJATT+ 😀 #
- "If all…learning Chinese is…easy…then why do people fail? Because they stop." bit.ly/cckd6d #
- Don’t ever stop learning Chinese, ever | WooChinese bit.ly/cckd6d #
- Ordered a book from books.com.tw (Taiwan) on Monday morning, got it delivered to Japan today (Thursday). Yes, 1 book. #
- "think about it — in the US, could you really socialize with your Russian neighbor if he didn't speak English?" bit.ly/bTvoCz #
- Google 日本語入力 – ダウンロード bit.ly/cn99zV | Thx Tommy! [Google Japanese IME…very accurate — uses Google search data] #
- The question is not "can you learn to pronounce language X like a native?". You can. The question is: do you have the guts? #
- Anyone can pronounce language X like a native speaker. Few people are willing to risk their pride by trying. #
- The phonetics of the language are not the issue. The issue is that people are scared of being called wannabes 😀 #pronunciation #
- Many learners (esp. in classes) are actually afraid of sounding "too good". Of being accused of forgetting "who they are". #pronunciation #
- A lot of my Japanese friends can produce (near-)native-sounding English but actively choose not to because of fear of mockery. #
- You're *already* a wannabe if you're learning the language, so you might as well pronounce it accurately as well. 😀 #
- Choosing to mispronounce a language out of pride is kind of like…peeing into your own food to prove you're not a sissy. #
- @Senshuu I know, but this is real, son! Mocked by other Japanese people (schoolmates, workmates): "Ooooh, look who's all Americaaan". #
- @Senshuu "Do you think you're better than us now? You think you're one of them now?". Happens all over the world. #
- @UnclePolyglot 何言うとんねん!現に完璧じゃないですか、小父さんの発音が!(^^) #
- @Senshuu Yar, I mean…English speakers mispronounce Japanese for the same reasons. Peer pressure. #
- I love we act as if peer pressure is a kid problem. No one's a bigger sucker for "but what will people think?" than adults. #pronunciation #
- "accuracies of empirical statistics tend to improve with the number of trials" bit.ly/aAdVhB | Try 10,000 times. Then give up. #
- How far freaking domesticated do you have to be to be afraid of being good at something?! #pronunciation #
- Never let people who aren't astronomically better than you decide how high you're going to go. #pronunciation #
- If Michael Jordan tells you you suck, practice more. If Joe Schmoe tells you you suck, curse him under your breath, then go practice more. #
- Difficulty is never in the task itself: the task is neutral. Difficulty is in the methods. Fix the methods and you win. #
- What will people think? People will think they wish they had the ovaries that you have, so they could go be good at something, too #
- What will people think? People will think they wish they had drive and a sense of purpose, just like you. #
- They'll make faces. They'll laugh. They'll say mean things. But the whole time, they'll be wishing they were you #socialresistance #
- "What do most people know about Japan…? Only the most distorted…filtered…pieces of information get through" bit.ly/cMIn5X #
- "It isn’t just…getting lost in translation, but the selection of materials that get translated in the first place" bit.ly/cMIn5X #
- We act as if peer pressure is a kid problem, but no one's a bigger sucker for "what will people think?" than adults #pronunciation #
- Adults are wusspots. They have money and power, but all it takes is the *thought* of a mean look to make them fall in line. #pronunciation #
- Adults are such wusspots that they're even afraid of being called wusspots. #pronunciation #
- "If…learning Chinese is…easy…then why do people fail? Because they stop."
bit.ly/cckd6d # - "Forgotten Ideas, Neglected Pioneers: Richard Semon and the Story of Memory"
bit.ly/cYGfgp #SRS # - Ranking languages is like communism: it seems like a good idea at the time ("we'll help people and be objective"…sure ya will 0_0). #
- I LOVE when people use FSI rankings as an excuse to whine. Newsflash: the State Dept. isn't exactly the Language Hall of Fame 😛 #
- Put down the FSI ranking. The State Dept. doesn't know *jack* about learning languages — they're waiting for you to teach them #
- FSI rankings do accurately reflect how crappy the mainstream methods being used to "teach" certain languages are. 😛 #
- RT @Waynetta "I'd rather sound like a fool trying to pronounce things properly than sound like a fool pronouncing things badly" #
- But still…FSI? I mean, come on. Are you really going to take advice from the most linguistically challenged foreign ministry in the world? #
- シンプソンズ
bit.ly/ajuA02 # - The funny thing is, people generally *choose* to suck at languages. All you have to do is choose to suck less. #
- @UnclePolyglot ちょっと、ちょっと、ちょっと!小父さん・・・本当に引退ですか?何で~? #
- @UnclePolyglot 小父さんみたいなツワモノって・・・本当に堅気になれるんですかぁ?(^^)←御幣満載な言い方(笑) #
- UnclePolyglot そもそも4ヶ国語を制覇した達人が、いくら語学界から足を洗っても洗い切れないんじゃないですか。いや冗談、Jordan。改造ですね。これから小父さんがどのように変身されるか楽しみです!新しい名称も必要になりますよね!(^^) #
- @Waynetta180 Hahaha! Forgive me 😀 I've re-RTed it…the corrected version should come up in a few hours/days #
- We need to find better things to do with our time than chewing out young people for supposed generational deficiencies. #
- RT @Waynetta180 "I'd rather sound like a fool trying to pronounce things properly than sound like a fool pronouncing things badly" #
- YouTube – Cantonese lazy tongue pronunciation 1 | My word…not in front of the children!
bit.ly/5pT5hT # - YouTube – Evolution of Cantonese 1 bit.ly/d3PIVX #
- @JapanNewbie 頭のよさがすべてではない。成功者がもっている特質「Grit」とは何か? | Lifehacking.jp bit.ly/cH89mB これぐらいかな・・・つーかどんだけ義弟を鼓舞したいのかよ(笑) #
- @JapanNewbie 日本語だとHPより本だな・・・そういうコンテンツは・・・ #
- @UnclePolyglot 37歳は中年とは言いませんよ!まだまだ若造!(^^) #
- @JapanNewbie デゥード!できればこの本読ませて→http://amzn.to/bxQLnX この本is リアル dude…The 著者 is harsh and cruel and not afraid to tell the 真実… #
- @JapanNewbie 題名はあまり関係ない、内容とは。本当に凄いのは著者の社会論…He's not afraid to tell you how society really works and he doesn't mince words. 綺麗事係数=0 #
- 成功必須要做 1.1 « 梵婗 "假如每天進步一點點,日積月累,積極向前" bit.ly/9CqAcy #
- 「今の日本、思ったことをズバリ言う人が少なすぎる。
ゆえに他国へのアプローチも下手で、政治でも後手後手にまわるのかなと。 」
amzn.to/bFfng1 # - "making cards is freaking fun right now. I’m enjoying it immensely." bit.ly/bi9DY7 #SRS #MCDs #
- THE ECONOMIST – NEWS – udn聯合書報攤 bit.ly/buDZlu #
- The Economist 經濟學人 經濟學家 中文版 bit.ly/aww8XD #
- Use it or lose it. And it’s not how much you use it, but how often
bit.ly/cRQjxR #criticalfrequency # - 「脳は大きな目標を一度に達成するよりも、目標を細切れにして、段階を一段ずつ上がって行く事で成長して行きます」
茂木 健一郎
amzn.to/aNxwzN # - Bandura自我效能論(self-efficacy theory) – 學習加油站 bit.ly/ccyYoz #
- 暗記学習をサポートする学習ソフト、その名も『Anki』(無料) : ライフハッカー[日本版] bit.ly/aEpnuD #
- New at AJATT Plus: AJATT.talk | Volume 1 | Track 11 of 15 | 航空券についてのお問い合わせ bit.ly/bay1sX #
- ビジネス・企業 / 米たばこの箱に掲載される健康被害を訴える強烈なメッセージ
on.wsj.com/cJDb1O # - グリム兄弟 Bruder Grimm 楠山正雄訳 赤ずきんちゃん ROTKAPPCHEN bit.ly/cNGkp7 via @brokenvai #
- YouTube – RHYMESTER 耳ヲ貸スベキ bit.ly/bI3DED via @brokenvai #
- YouTube – K-Dub Shine – ソンはしないから聞いときな "probably what I consider to be K-Dub's pinnacle so far." bit.ly/drpcRn #
- YouTube – HEIWA (ver. 2) – RIZE "RIZE is the reason I started learning Japanese" bit.ly/czxgUA | Music is powerful like that 😀 #
- YouTube – ライムスター「グレートアマチュアリズム」 bit.ly/aPWUlF | すげえ! #
- YouTube – ライムスター「グレートアマチュアリズム」 "スタイリッシュでカッコイイ!!" bit.ly/aPWUlF #
- "It's about having our current version of ourselves be better than our former version of ourselves" bit.ly/bJECBR #
- "All of life is but a mass of small choices" #timeboxing #birthlines
bit.ly/bdMqeT # - "the small choices bear us irresistibly toward our destiny" bit.ly/bdMqeT #timeboxing #birthlines #
- RT @brokenvai "He didn't know it was impossible…he just put in his time." #immersion #contact
# - 自由電子報 – 伊朗總統︰美自導自演911 bit.ly/b31aLo #
- "文章を書くことの苦手意識は「いい文章を書かねばならない」という強迫観念の裏返しかと思われますが、いい文章かどうかより、まずは書けるか書けないかの方が大事なので、とりあえずは書くクセをつけてみてはどうでしょう。" bit.ly/9xn0zb #
- There are no difficult subjects, only poorly presented subjects. #
- There are no difficult languages, only bad learning methods. #
- Grammar doesn't exist. Sounds and symbols exist; they exhibit certain patterns. We try to explain these patterns. We usually fail. #
- YouTube – 北野武最新作/アウトレイジ予告編 bit.ly/c7cJlL 「ぶっち殺すぞゴラァ!」|これぞ美しい日本語(^^) #
- YouTube – Brother Trailer bit.ly/dwovDJ
「ファ○○ンジャップぐらい解かるよ馬鹿野郎!」 # - 楽天ブックス: 本 – ライトノベル – ランキング [1位~25位] bit.ly/dBdubu #
- "「ミニスカート」とかけて、「結婚式のスピーチ」と解く。その心は「短いほど喜ばれる」" bit.ly/dnjchK #
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