- Language Logic: Practical and Effective Techniques to Learn Any Foreign Language
amzn.to/9EbZE0 # - "Chinese for me wasn’t a subject away from everything else, but instead was embedded in everything" bit.ly/aWCc8c #
- "Next time I won’t waste my time with class at all. " bit.ly/aWCc8c #
- THE IT CROWD カツオノカンムリ人生ブログ/ウェブリブログ bit.ly/aXR7Ik #
- "イギリスはいわゆるsitcomと呼ばれる、シチュエーション・コメディの番組が沢山あるのだが。
ひとみどんが最近ツボなのがこれ。The IT Crowd。ストーリーのバカバカしさもさることながら、キャラ設定も個性的&素敵すぎる。" bit.ly/bqN4kM # - YouTube – The IT Crowd – Das Internet (S03E04, German) bit.ly/94kIDt #
- "Was ist das?" "Das, Jen, ist das Internet!"
bit.ly/94kIDt # - Many SRS stats should be used as feedback — indicators — not as goals. #
- Trouble continuing → a variable in the process needs to be tweaked. #immersion #logistics #
- @Brokenvai おっ。ありがと! #
- "it doesn’t make sense for words to be smart, since words don’t have desires" bit.ly/98P1Yy #
- "A really smart person is someone who uses their tools to get what they want out of life." bit.ly/98P1Yy #
- "we measure intelligence as though everybody’s deepest desire were to solve Rubik's cubes" bit.ly/98P1Yy #
- 404 Blog Not Found:ちょっぴり同族嫌悪!? – 書評 – 本は10冊同時に読め! bit.ly/aypwYj #
- "「10冊同時読み」で驚いている人は、現在進行中の連載マンガをどう読んでいるだろうか?結果的に同時読みになってはいないか?" bit.ly/aypwYj #
- "食後に爪楊枝を使うがごとく本を読む。" bit.ly/aypwYj #
- Spanish Mini-Transcript / Superbad / You're Not Invited! | Spanish Only bit.ly/9rtz2A #
- YouTube – Jay Chou 聽媽媽的話 ting mama de hua bit.ly/9dMmrA | Confucian carols in the heezy! 孝 #
- YouTube – 開心果 – 楊千嬅 – Wonder Miriam bit.ly/cItDMb #Cantonese #RnB of the finest order #
- New at AJATT Plus: Real Japanese Email: Translation Job Scheduling Inquiry bit.ly/dzPnqf #
- 駱家輝 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 bit.ly/cuv8u4 #
- "if the government ever finds out just how efficiently and optimally people are learning with #SRS ��s…." bit.ly/aHFk2a #
- Having trouble continuing something? Wrong answer: blame self. Right answer: tweak variables until it works. #immersion #
- YouTube – 經典金曲 – 熱情的沙漠 1973 (歐陽菲菲) "我在高聲唱 你在輕聲和
我在高聲唱 你在輕聲和 陶醉在沙漠裡的小愛河" bit.ly/5haZVQ # - これであなたも本が書ける☆☆☆☆ – 毎日「ゴキゲン♪」の法則・New bit.ly/apl7iF #
- "こんなありがたい本があるだろうか。" bit.ly/apl7iF | "「箇条書き」を使ってまとまった量でもラクラク書ける文章術"
amzn.to/bAIgoh # - YouTube – PVC保鮮膜有毒?環保團體籲禁用 bit.ly/cbRxZc | bǎoxiān【保鮮】
¶~膜mó/(食品を包む)ラップ.#saranwrap # - YouTube – 公視新聞-保鮮膜加熱 溶出塑化劑危害健康 "公視新聞-保鮮膜加熱 溶出塑化劑危害健康" bit.ly/dhxVrf | bǎoxiān【保鮮】
¶~膜mó/(食品を包む)ラップ.#saranwrap # - YouTube – 2NE1 – FOLLOW ME (날 따라해봐요) [HD] bit.ly/gSKrBT #
- YouTube – ライムスター「グレートアマチュアリズム」 bit.ly/hkd7mS #
- "同じ事を繰り返すことへの重要性・・・やっていることは同じでもこちらが変わっていくのである。" bit.ly/dSGUuz #
- 法律用語のキソ "直ちに【ただちに】・速やかに【すみやかに】・遅滞なく【ちたいなく】" bit.ly/eajhXd #
- " 「速やかに」は、「直ちに」よりも急迫度が低く・・・
したがって、相手側に対しては「直ちに」という語を使い、自分に対しては「速やかに」という語を使っている契約書も結構ありますので、気を付けましょう。" bit.ly/eajhXd # - Don't be a good person. Keep sucking. Be lame. Just suck less. Be less bad. Be less lame today than yesterday. #改善 #
- 協調フィルタリングとは【collaborative filtering】 – 意味/解説/説明/定義 : IT用語辞典 bit.ly/edOgiu #
- "repeating the same physical movement again and again, in single-minded pursuit of some fractional improvement" bit.ly/gC7o1q #
- "far more than technical skills or intelligence, what was necessary for success was…attitude" bit.ly/gC7o1q #
- 《台中外省味》吉發槓子頭&火燒 @ 大頭貓為食而生 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: bit.ly/fYZIxw #taiwan #streetfood #signs #Chinese #
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- New at AJATT Plus: Khatzumoto’s Learning Journal: Why 10,000 Sentences Died And Gave Way To MCDs bit.ly/hCvcDZ #
- "cramming damages long-term retention and is significantly inferior to spaced presentation" #SRS bit.ly/hCR3nf #
- Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to argue with others. #immersion #SRS #
- 「本自体は面白いが、この本の大切なことは頭30ページに全て書いてある。 」 人生を変える80対20の法則 amzn.to/hzneHY #pareto #8020book #
- "If you don’t do it, you don’t know it." bit.ly/gDgWPk #currentactions = #truemindset #
- "How do you make language study uninteresting? You take a living thing (language), and you kill it…" bit.ly/hRCQc0 #
- "You take a living thing (language), and you kill it. Then you dissect it, and study the pieces." bit.ly/hRCQc0 #
- Don't force yourself to fit my ideas. Force my ideas to fit you. #
- New at AJATT Plus: Khatzumoto's Learning Journal: Thanks to MCDs… bit.ly/dQ3TfH #
- "『善き人のためのソナタ』(Das Leben der Anderen、英題:The Lives of Others)" bit.ly/enuZSe #
- "I probably spent no more than 30 minutes #SRSing And it was all those 1~3 minutes of throwaway time" bit.ly/b4MO6j #
- "SRS[→]throwaway time: waiting for the bus, standing in the elevator, waiting for someone to show up for a meeting." bit.ly/b4MO6j #
- interstitial #SRSing 😀 #
- Japanese Classical Literature at Bedtime bit.ly/alVT0q #
- That's cruel…that's just cruel. bit.ly/f5V33D #
- 「やんないからどよ」少子化問題 : 【コーヒー】テレビ番組のネ申テロップ【吹いた】 bit.ly/g415pQ #bakusho #
- 東京農業大学 世界初の二母性マウス誕生 河野友宏教授 bit.ly/dInbKj #
- インプット(input)とは? | 初心者向け英語用語集 "ラッシェン博士が唱えた説に、インプット仮説という説があります。" bit.ly/eklm05 #inputhypothesis #
- 多媒體頻道 – 新城財經台財經網 bit.ly/g1EJzp #internet #TV #HK #cantonese #
- BBC – Imagine – The Secret of Life bbc.in/hZ5LZV #
- "Most people don't even try, because the mindset that they have has stopped them before they've even begun" @tonyrobbins #
- "Most people see things worse than they are so they never have to try anything. 'Cos nobody wants to fail, right?" @tonyrobbins #
- "People say to me sometimes: 'Well, I'm skeptical; I'm pessimistic'. And I say: 'no, what you are is gutless'" @tonyrobbins #
- "Nothing works, in absolute terms. But some things work sometimes for some people. If anything worked, we'd know what it was" Adam Phillips #
- '「生きる意味」を求めて (フランクル・コレクション)'
amzn.to/idwCxV # - "handwaving" bit.ly/f8hHHy #
- Dude, I kid thee not, "Star Trek: TNG" is called "Star Trek: Galaxy Flying Dragon" in Chinese! How cool is that!? bit.ly/g1zEpi #
- フィンランドの教育が成功する秘訣の一つは「大学的であること」 @heis.blog101.fc2.com bit.ly/dN0pMB #
- Suomen kieli - フィンランド語 "発音は日本人には大変簡単で,母音が多くほとんどカタカナで書けます.英語のように聞きとりに苦労することもない" bit.ly/gwmW7V #
- Suomen kieli - フィンランド語 "もしフィンランド語が英語のような世界語になっていたら,日本人はきっと「外国語が上手な国民」といわれていたことでしょう." bit.ly/gwmW7V #
- If the whole earth were covered in ice starting tomorrow, we'd all become really good skaters 😀 #immersion #
- "Translate Japanese words to English from live camera, still photo or album with this revolutionary app" bit.ly/i4Cqwn #
- YouTube – Japan Goggles – The free offline japanese reader iPhone app bit.ly/dEZbCt #
- SRS Template: Geography | Attack! Language bit.ly/eN0wyO #
- "A lot of people who follow AJATT often forget about the action step of immersion." bit.ly/eRaMhY #
- "Every skill [is] a form of memory" bit.ly/c1B00N #
- "Repetition is invaluable and irreplaceable" bit.ly/c1B00N #
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- 你有冇搞錯呀? bit.ly/dArTzr #
- 「今からでも、あなたも天才になれます。ただし、時間はかかります。」 amzn.to/bbpJHc #
- "The things that you do inside your head determine what you can do outside your body" | Richard Bandler #
- "it's only about what it is you can accomplish; it's not about who's right" Richard Bandler #
- "learning disabilities, most of the time, are not inside the student: they're inside the teacher" Richard Bandler #ouch #
- New at AJATT Plus: Translation and The Term Paper Industry bit.ly/hqbs2j #
- If you skate (touch Japanese) as much as or more than you walk (touch English), you get good at skating. #immersion #
- New at AJATT Plus: Khatzumoto's Learning Journal: MCDs Produce Better Output? bit.ly/ehBH3L #
- "the location of the body is much less important than the location of the mind" huff.to/f9gdmS #immersion #media #
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- 四座小屋堆疊出來的住宅建築 – 藤本壯介 | 有機媒體 bit.ly/cQOszv #
- "improv[e] yourself by other men's writings so that you shall come easily by what others have labored hard for"
bit.ly/sokurates # - '営業は口ベタ・あがり症だからうまくいく'
amzn.to/hpddhW # - "Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't"
— Jerry Rice bit.ly/gdbCd7 # - 「創造は模倣から始まる」 amzn.to/hftC7X "Creation begins with imitation" #
- 映画になったバイアグラ営業マンの告白 | シネマ&ドラマ | 最新記事 | ニューズウィーク日本版 オフィシャルサイト bit.ly/el2z4r #
- 世界の英語方言・スラング大辞典 – アメリカ、イギリス、オーストラリア、カナダ、シンガポール…:
bit.ly/euQ88e # - Start more times than you stop. #birthlines #criticalfrequency #
- End of Contract | Flickr – Photo Sharing! bit.ly/eiKZyR | Love this pic! 😀 #
- YouTube – RHYMESTER 耳ヲ貸スベキ "グラサンじゃない師匠は新鮮だなー。" bit.ly/bI3DED #
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