- "Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't"
— Jerry Rice bit.ly/gdbCd7 #SRS # - "週刊ストーリーランドは、1999年10月14日から2001年9月13日にかけて日本テレビ系で・・・放送されたバラエティ番組である。視聴者から面白い話を募集し、アニメ化して放送するという内容だった。" bit.ly/fxeUZ2 #
- YouTube – hamatimejirotubasu 的頻道 "週刊ストーリーランド「天国からのビデオレター・完全版」1/3" bit.ly/h6NYz0 #exactsubs #japanese #
- YouTube – マボロシ MABOROSHI – SLOW DOWN! bit.ly/i8Z0y5 #
- YouTube – マボロシ MABOROSHI – THE ワルダクミ bit.ly/i19jNm #
- YouTube – マボロシ MABOROSHI – ファンキーグラマラス Part2 feat KREVA bit.ly/hXbbJl #
- YouTube – KREVA – 中盤戦 feat.Mummy-D "日本語ラップの最高峰ですな。" bit.ly/h8wPrV | その通りでござんす #
- YouTube – 瞬間speechless bit.ly/fhUzDO #KREVA #
- 「皆いい加減にしろヨークシャーテリアー!」 【銀魂 万事屋ちゅ~ぶ ツッコマブル動画 特典 3年Z組銀八先生「オリジナルドラマCD」】より http://amzn.to/ieEUDS #gintama #
- "遮蔽装置 (Cloaking Device)はロミュランの発明によるもので、いわばお家芸でもある。ロミュランは、惑星連邦が結成される以前からその開発に成功していた。 " bit.ly/hYstHi #
- YouTube – ショージキ将棋 宮澤佐江vs秋元才加 bit.ly/ewrSH6 #
- New at AJATT Plus: How To Get Into the Japanese Translation Industry, Part 5: Where To Find Companies To Apply To bit.ly/iilHz3 #
- 一般財源化法が可決、成立 道路特定財源制度を廃止 – 47NEWS(よんななニュース) bit.ly/hPIn2f #
- Kanji Poster – Learn Japanese Kanji Characters "Kanji Poster – 2 Pack special only $29.99" bit.ly/gsLbV1 #
- "You can’t correct a path that you have yet to walk." bit.ly/gpzbcw #tryactuallytryingstuffout #
- "to not put what we know into action is actually not to know in the first place" bit.ly/doingshiz #tooclosetohome 😀 #
- "The Number 2 Productivity Hack: Making it easier to do s[tuff] than to not do s[tuff]" bit.ly/doingshiz #
- "To be, or not to be: that is the question
世に在る、世に在らぬ、それが疑問ぢゃ(ハムレット、第3幕第1場)" bit.ly/h4d3dV # - 「The Ultimate Word List – Japanese: 2935 Most Commonly used Kanji (with English translation) (Japanese Edition)」 amzn.to/gGIubd #
- "【今日の無駄知識】 「猪木!ボンバイエ!」の「ボンバイエ」とは、アフリカはコンゴ民主共和国の言語の1つ、リンガラ語の「Boma Ye(ボーマ イエ)」で「奴を殺せ」という意味。" bit.ly/efh4O6 #
- ヨノさんにきく – narajin.net "「爆問学問」を見ていると、いろんな学者さんの話をじかに聞ける二人がうらやましくおもう。" bit.ly/evYajL #
- If you value your life, watch Episode 7 of 夢をかなえるゾウ. At t=24m56s, you will find your surprise. amzn.to/frck6m #
- "You can't read Japanese without knowing kanji. Only learning to read kana is a complete waste of time" bit.ly/hS3dwE #
- New at AJATT Plus: 問うて、問うて問いまくれ!:学習の質は質問の質にあり bit.ly/gLGQ8w #
- Do the most important thing first, but only do an itty bit of it at a time. #birthlines #timeboxing #justdoone #
- 「宣教士」と書いて、「奴ら」と読む。 #
- iOS 4.21- iPad可以繁體手寫輸入啦! | MyGag.hk 一個屬於香港人嘅資訊IT新聞網 bit.ly/fHZGoH #
- eBay Japan-グローバル市場向け通販マーケットプレースはeBay-日本から世界各国へ商品を販売 bit.ly/e20ogv \ It's finally here! This is good b/c Yahoo auctions SUX lol #
- "Rethinking Context: Language as an Interactive Phenomenon"
amzn.to/emIN3t # - eBooks: A Language Learner’s Best Friend | Foreign Language Mastery bit.ly/eknEPD | True, that. #
- Ever notice how people always tell you how talented you are AFTER the hundreds of days and thousands of hours of practice? #
- Ever notice how people try to get you to give up long before 10,000 hours and 10,000 tries are up? #
- It's a language, not a controlled substance. At least try. Give things a chance. Let things run their course. #immersion #
- YouTube – DVD『植芝盛平と合気道』 第1巻 bit.ly/gUOqgk #aikido #
- It's not you and it's not the subject matter. That explanation is just crap. Get your hands on a better explanation. #
- New at AJATT Plus: How to Pwn Grammatically Complex European Languages Using MCDs bit.ly/eSpznE #
- @spanishonly Ramses! More mini-transcripts! They're so GOOD! 😀 Haha #
- "The #GYMBOSS is a small, easy to use, repeating interval timer. " bit.ly/faMBVI #timeboxing #
- Amazon.com: #gymboss amzn.to/helfAb #
- RT @woshi_kimberly: The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. ~ Leo Tolstoy #quote #
- "I question the idea that languages are different in their learnability." | Kato Lomb #
- You should be too busy doing stuff to be having (let alone defending) opinions about things other than yourself #immersion #
- YouTube – Nitro Microphone Underground – Still Shinin' ALL DAY bit.ly/eH3TcO #
- YouTube – NITRO MICROPHONE UNDERGROUND / LIVE 09 (OFFICIAL) bit.ly/eQyS1j #bass #guitar #rap #
- YouTube – Nitro Microphone Underground – Coming Soon bit.ly/fNW04R sweet #breakbeats (is that the right word?) #
- YouTube – SUIKEN「DON'T STOP!」PV (High Quality) (OFFICIAL) bit.ly/fwxDHk #
- SUIKEN feat P.H.FRON "Par Chee Tah 四千" bit.ly/g4p6KT It's always good when a song includes some traditional Japanese elements 😀 #
- YouTube – SUIKEN feat P.H.FRON "Par Chee Tah 四千" bit.ly/g4p6KT … or is it Chinese elements? Anyway, good song! #
- Miroslav Šatan – Wikipédia bit.ly/e2vEvq | もーいい加減ニュージャージーに入団しろ!(笑) #
- hockeyencyclopedia @ ウィキ (ミロスラフ・シャタン)
bit.ly/fIm1aH # - YouTube – 共に行こう (Version Pure) / SHAKKAZOMBIE feat GORE-TEX, SUIKEN, DABO, MACKA-CHIN bit.ly/dPbimU http://bit.ly/a6BKjN #lyrics #
- YouTube – Sowelu, HI D & JUN 4 SHOT from FIRE BALL – Uh bit.ly/eVmdEG | Hi-D being smoov as usual 😛 #
- YouTube – SHAKKAZOMBIE「BIG BLUE」 bit.ly/f68Xu6 | Wow…there are rap songs…and then…there are rap songs. #天晴れ #
- YouTube – SHAKKAZOMBIE「BIG BLUE」 bit.ly/f68Xu6 http://bit.ly/hqrQyr #lyrics | Was this song on an anime soundtrack somewhere? #
- YouTube – SUIKEN S-WORD Let's Get Party bit.ly/hHSoYG #1990s style #keyboard #LA #location #
- YouTube – 4.M.O.Y feat.S-WORD
bit.ly/fCgoAG | Amazing sound quality. Live recording that sounds studio. Great song, too 😀 # - YouTube – S-WORD ft Christina Milian – The answer bit.ly/ffy3vS | 夢の共演(^^) #
- We humans can be very silly. We argue with people who know better, and we listen to people who don't. #
- Don't argue with someone who's getting vastly better results than you in that field. Don't listen to someone who isn't. #ruleofthumb #
- New at AJATT Plus: Khatzumoto's Learning Journal: MCDs Creates i+1 Ex Nihilo bit.ly/eLDsB8 #
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