- Absolutely Fabulous (アブソリュートリー・ファビュラス) – 関心空間 bit.ly/fgpC3h #
- 'アブソリュートリー・ファビュラス
“French and Saunders”の中で披露したギャグ・スケッチ“Modern Mother and Daughter”が・・・元ネタだった。'
bit.ly/g6SYuf # - 蘋果動新聞 – 要聞港聞 bit.ly/g5aa1s #
- Don't try to get good at things. Just make choices that cause you to suck less at them. #
- "The Procrastination Equation"
amzn.to/gOHmh4 #book #piers #steel # - Kinokuniya BookWeb bit.ly/f0cv3T | Get Japanese books in the US #
- "ファイナルファンタジー7
完全セリフチャート" bit.ly/dKE0qT | Final Fantasy 7 Transcripts Archived at bit.ly/fJmJtt #japanese # - FF7完全セリフチャート インデックス www.ajatt.com/ff | Big thanks to R-star for archiving this! #
- "spaced exposure (SE): using SRS as a means to ensure routine exposure to interesting, comprehensible input" bit.ly/e9A7Ga #
- 日本語インプット: Eating Out "I like easy input. I like food. Put them together…" bit.ly/flc0NG #
- ケンタッキーフライドチキン|商品情報 bit.ly/hh4ETq | KFC #Japanese menu #
- ワロッタwww
197.jpg (350×297) bit.ly/hudxBd @ukisora # - 「『政権交代』は目標ではなく、結果である」 bit.ly/dVuVx3 | 新党本質=まさに本質!(^^) #
- #Beat it #MichaelJackson #Chinese
"走開 麥可傑克森
所以,走開! " bit.ly/hNXt7K # - YouTube – Michael Jackson – Beat It (Chinese Communist Party Version) bit.ly/hWN9Du bit.ly/hNXt7K | via @zhongruige #lyrics #
- New at AJATT Plus: AJATT Plus Prices Go Up. You Win. bit.ly/e63W9u #
- "No matter what the methods are, language acquisition boils down to this: keep going." bit.ly/eN6QtZ #
- YouTube – マイケル・ジャクソンを日本語訳で歌おう Beat it Michael Jackson (cover) bit.ly/gx8IbI #Japanese #acoustic #
- YouTube – マイケル・ジャクソンを日本語訳で歌おうThriller cover Michael Jackson bit.ly/fNl0JR #Japanese #acoustic #
- MCDs – „Massive-Context Cloze Deletion Cards“ – gibt es bereits bei LingQ | hape@LingQ bit.ly/et8bnd #
- Gap-filling items in SuperMemo | Antimoon.com bit.ly/gqxSd7 #
- @HanaYanaa Good point. Actually one of my girl-friends says that generally speaking classes&school work very well for girls (but not boys). #
- Japanisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch bit.ly/g0TlDU 和独辞典 #
- You can't improve if you don't start. #birthlines #timeboxing #
- "To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing."
Elbert Hubbard bit.ly/hodEMU #socialresistance # - 科學不簡單講座–線上報名– "探究心智原型:
Nature vs. Nurture之再議" bit.ly/egsIEk # - Your job is to put in the effort, not to theorize about the value of efforts you have yet to make. #doyourjob #
- RT @ta132: @ajatt when you enjoy, you strive. And when you strive you succeed #
- 【ABCDane.net ABC振興会:D姐】おバカ情報フロム・ハリウッド! bit.ly/hZrRua #
- The Big Question: Are You Better Than Yesterday? bit.ly/h3OkUh #
- 馬跳び – Google 検索 bit.ly/gX7Xjw #
- "Whatever you do, if it really works, everyone will think you're crazy, until you're a proven success" Ken Fisher #mindset #
- "マット・ホワイトは、アメリカ合衆国出身のプロ野球選手(投手)。" bit.ly/eX23BA (元横浜ベイスターズ選手) #
- ジェイ・Z – Wikipedia "Shawn Corey Carter" bit.ly/dPhn7G 意外とアングロっぽいね、本名は。 #
- 明報財經網 bit.ly/fqE8Ir #cantonese #finance #
- Don't squeeze and trim yourself to fit into my ideas. Squeeze and trim my ideas to fit into you. #
- "Do not tackle everything with equal effort." Richard Koch #paretoprinciple #
- Gresham's Law for SRS: "Bad SRS cards eclipse good". Moral of the story: Delete. Delete liberally. Delete preemptively. #
- New at AJATT Plus: Khatzumoto's Learning Journal: MCDs Save You Time and Money? bit.ly/dOlhD7 #
- Before you pwn books, you must first own books.
bit.ly/fSZH9Q # - "My favorite part of reading books I don’t fully understand is going back…months later and having the ‘ohhhh’ moment" bit.ly/fSZH9Q #
- Before You Pwn Books, You Must First Own Books
bit.ly/fZ54PV [link fixed!] # - “But I can’t read them yet!”
Yeah. That’s the point. That’s why you have to have them. bit.ly/fZ54PV #books # - "In one case, an interviewer gave me a Japanese newspaper and told me to read out loud" bit.ly/htnZ9k #
- "an interviewer gave me a Japanese newspaper and told me to read out loud" bit.ly/htnZ9k now *THAT'S* a Japanese test! #
- "an interviewer gave me a Japanese newspaper and told me to read [a]loud" bit.ly/htnZ9k Screw the JLPT. Do THIS! #
- "To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive." bit.ly/e9Vh85 | It's BECAUSE the journey is fun that you will arrive. #
- "Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant"
Robert Louis Stevenson bit.ly/f1b9GI #SRS # - @JapanNewbie 知らねーよw #
- "Most of our pocket wisdom is conceived for the use of mediocre people, to discourage them from ambitious attempts…" bit.ly/e9Vh85 #
- I hate being corrected. But I'm also very grateful when people go to the trouble. I know I benefit. #teamsunao #
- Correction is a huge compliment. It implies you're worth the time and have the ability to improve. #teamsunao #
- @funnyav That is correct, sir. It'll stay the same for you forever — the whole time you're in. 😀 #
- Illiteracy doesn’t cause lack of books. Lack of books causes illiteracy
bit.ly/dRtRzP # - "Most of our pocket wisdom is conceived for the use of mediocre people…to console them in their mediocrity." bit.ly/e9Vh85 #
- "It dawned on me how stupid it was to try to learn how to read, without actually reading" bit.ly/ownb4pwn #
- Give up after trying, not before. #
- "The trouble with pessimism is that it tends to be self-fulfilling prophecy." bit.ly/fPT1NZ #
- Give up after 600,000 minutes of actual trying. Not before. #
- "Put away your skepticism and your pessimism…these vices are self-fulfilling" | Richard Koch #
- "it is better…to set soft goals and succeed than…to set tough goals and fail" | Richard Koch #justdoone #birthlines #SRS #
- "It is because we have so much time that we squander it" | Richard Koch #timeboxing #parkinsonslaw #paretoprinciple #
- "It is our use of time, and not time itself, that is the enemy" | Richard Koch #timeboxing #parkinsonslaw #paretoprinciple #
- "It is very difficult, and always wasteful, to achieve something worthwhile without enjoying it" | Richard Koch #fun #
- マリオ・ルミュー – Wikipedia
bit.ly/h5JGFv # - "Learning vocabulary separate from sentences [=] taking a goldfish out of its bowl, and watching it flail everywhere" bit.ly/eN6QtZ #
- "Language is not the words in the context, but the context in (and around) the words. " bit.ly/eN6QtZ #
- "When you can not see, turn on the light. When there is no light, turn off the dark." bit.ly/eN6QtZ #suckless #
- "Put away your skepticism and your pessimism. These vices, like their opposites, are self-fulfilling" | Richard Koch #
- "Even though they fail over and over, they remain motivated to keep going until they succeed" #aimtofail nyti.ms/g2K757 #
- "turn the sense that someone has ‘failed’ into the sense that they ‘haven’t succeeded yet.’”" nyti.ms/g2K757 #
- "Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do, and that Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do" nyti.ms/g2K757 #
- 「玩樂是世界上最須認真看待的大事。」|◎法國深水探險家 克斯托 bit.ly/ewS3EG #fun #
- "Keep your goals to yourself" bit.ly/dMWwvQ #
- @JapanNewbie Generally, I do. I find that it ruins my flexibility. People start holding me accountable for means instead of ends. #
- TIVIMO's 2009沖繩享受陽光之旅 Day2 Part1 – TIVIMO BLOG。TIFFANY & VINCENT。 – TIVIMO – Yahoo! BLOG bit.ly/fu8sY4 #randomhkblog #
- unklebeach bit.ly/e1cUzN #randomhkblog #
- 料理レシピ:野菜、キノコ、海草:健康レシピ満載!ニューヨーク・スローライフ bit.ly/igdPS7 #recipes #Japanese #
- RT @zhongruige: @ajatt Pubu電子書城:http://bit.ly/ePrEjS #chinese #ebooks #
- "DON'T USE SKEPTICISM AS AN EXCUSE FOR INACTION." bit.ly/hbIyzY #sorryaboutallcaps 😀 #
- "Just listen and immerse. Comprehension comes second, or maybe even third or fourth" bit.ly/i8d62a #
- "learned English to a very high degree by watching cartoons all day" bit.ly/i8d62a #
- "Rule #3 Please be skeptical.
Rule #4 Don't use skepticism as an excuse for inaction." bit.Ly/hbiyzy #sotrue # - "Fifty percent of what we know is wrong. The problem is that we do not know which 50% it is" bit.ly/hbIyzY #
- "look for hypotheses worth disproving." bit.ly/hbIyzY #
- "Don't use skepticism as a thinly veiled excuse for inaction or remaining in your comfort zone. " bit.ly/hbIyzY #
- @JapanNewbie So, I'm like…"well, if all that matters is impressing ppl, then I can just buy bling" lol. #
- @JapanNewbie So I prefer to find a goal where I love the actual process so much that I'm willing to take abuse and mockery for thinking it. #
- @JapanNewbie So if I'm loving the process so much that I'm willing to be mocked for trying, then 馬鹿にされない為に頑張る事が無意味になる。でもthat's just me tho' #
- "We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible." Vince Lombardi bit.ly/hPRftb #
- "Be skeptical, but for the right reason: because you're looking for the most promising option to test in real life." bit.ly/hbIyzY #
- Do give up. AFTER 600,000 minutes of practice. Schedule the giving up. Own it. Control it. #megatimeboxing #
- エッグノッグ – Wikipedia bit.ly/h5WVco #
- @sevarg エッグノッグ "ノンアルコール・エッグノック" bit.ly/hHaNo6 #
- @sevarg エッグノッグ レシピ – Google 検索 bit.ly/eIrzAb
エッグノッグ 作り方 – Google 検索 bit.ly/hxTPEu # - "Be proactively skeptical, not defensively skeptical." bit.ly/hbIyzY #
- I'm trying to cancel my subscription to Whine Magazine, but it's so haaaaaaaard. #
- "It doesn’t matter who’s the best the first day" bit.ly/cZPVBy #
- "most…one-size-fits-all [']rules[']…haven't been field-tested for exceptions." bit.ly/gUThfQ #
- Know less. Conclude less. Do more. Try more. Experiment more. Observe more. bit.ly/arrkxE #
- "加えてやるというよりも、いままでの学習の量を半分、いや3分の1くらいに減らして、残りを多読にするというのが現実的だと思います。3分の2は楽しみになるのに、むしろ効果は上がると思いますよ。" bit.ly/hIcnZL #
- You obviously have a talent for mindless websurfing. Don't stop. Just do it Japanese and you win. #immersion #
- Tejcsokoládés Almaszirom – Nobilis bit.ly/gCCeeR | Hungary just scored a goal in my mouth. チョコ林檎 #
- "優秀で勤勉な社員が揃っているのに、知識を実行に移せずに、業績が低迷している会社もあれば" ソニーそのものじゃん(^^)http://amzn.to/fQE1r1 #
- 「あたり前のことをあたり前にやることが成果に結びつく」
amzn.to/fRiAgO # - 「あたり前のことをあたり前にやることが成果に結びつく」#Japanese #edition amzn.to/fs4Ivt #
- "There is no such thing as a hardest language, only a “hard” attitude" bit.ly/fy7aJX #
- "つまりは国籍は不明の「中庸」英語です。" bit.ly/aAFAng #
- "pros and cons"、"nature and nurture"とはどういう意味か?: 英語の時間 - へっぽこVersion
bit.ly/epH8Zb # - 落ち物に関する記事一覧 : Kotaku JAPAN, ザ・ゲーム情報ブログ・メディア bit.ly/fFVl9j #
- 「おう。何だお前・・・mixiか?」
碑文谷教授のミッドナイトゼミナール 今さら人に聞けない!怒らせ方講座より # - 簡単NAS活用術:「お宝動画は消えないわ。わたしが守るもの」 (1/2) – ITmedia +D PC USER bit.ly/hO8B5Y #
- "no-one wants to waste an opportunity, but if you spread yourself too thinly you'll end up wasting *every* opportunity" bit.ly/ejkkfN #
- "「一分努力、十分收穫」,才是現代成功的關鍵" bit.ly/hYu25G #paretoprinciple #
- @kenrickchien It's an honour to have you at AJATT Plus, sir! Welcome! 😀 #
- "Patience and tenacity of purpose are worth more than twice their weight of cleverness" bit.ly/ejGrzW #
- Ensure that your default website is an L2 one. #google #chrome #extension bit.ly/newtabwebsite #immersion #
- 量的金融緩和政策 – Wikipedia bit.ly/eNHkyu #
- "If you are spending 1000+ hours in misery learning a language…you're making a big mistake"
bit.ly/dK7xNI # - YouTube – TMACTV台灣宏觀電視-冰上曲棍球 bit.ly/g6mds3 #
- You obviously have a talent for mindless websurfing. Don't stop. Just do it Japanese and you win. bit.ly/urlshuffler #
- 牧人舎・桃井緑美子の仕事 "『「雲」の楽しみ方』 " Beautiful book cover
bit.ly/f8sn8I #kanji # - "There is a kung fu of dancing, painting, cooking, writing, acting, making good judgments…"
bit.ly/ck8Lh3 # - "Progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things."
—Robert Heinlein bit.ly/ejprwK # - Readability – An Arc90 Lab Experiment bit.ly/ecnymc | Great for L2 websites where you might want big text 😀 #
- Whenever you have a problem, don't blame the language, blame your methods. Crappy methods can make anything hard. #
- "[E]verything starts to click, if you just stop thinking about how it clicks." bit.ly/exPuNv #
- "exercise my Japanese baby" bit.ly/f8fJD6 | Take care of your newborn 😀 #
- @ImaginaryJapan Uwano Ukraine – Google 検索 bit.ly/hwlfm6 #
- "Learning…is a continuous process of transformation of behavior " bit.ly/fjeZjD #
- "Recall [=] create…a behavior that…the observer would class as a reenacting of a previous one." bit.ly/fjeZjD #
- Not only is the language itself in flux, but we are in flux with respect to the language
bit.ly/fjeZjD # - 【数C】双曲線の漸近線を求めてみよう: 数学のコツ bit.ly/fyvYDq #
- You weren't born knowing how to walk. You learned. And if you stopped for 6 months, you would forget how #criticalfrequency #
- "Live out of your imagination, not your history." bit.ly/hVHn7z #
- You've never seen a "talented" person. All you've seen are people who spend their time in a certain way. Copy that way. #
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