- わらしべ長者 bit.ly/i5jL5g #japanese #fairytale #
- New at AJATT Plus: Weird Games: Copying Out A Book By Hand plus.ajatt.com/weird-games-copying-out-a-book-by-hand #
- "続けるかぎり「負け」はない。 " amzn.to/dLf94l #
- "Spud Webb stood 5'7" tall, yet he excelled in a game where the average player was 6'5". Genes mean nothing" bit.ly/bv55DG #
- "Spud Webb…played in the NBA from 1985-1998, and even won the slam dunk contenst in 1986." bit.ly/bv55DG #
- スパッド・ウェブ – Wikipedia bit.ly/gctIV9 #
- 安東尼·韋布 – 维基百科,自由的百科全书 bit.ly/iaNnqt #
- 決断の流砂:簡単なことがなぜ決められないのか | WIRED VISION bit.ly/h3VuBf #
- 心を制する者は己を制する。すべての仕事術をくつがえす「心理の力」 | Lifehacking.jp bit.ly/gdKJy9 #
- YouTube – 書家 柿沼康二 Koji Kakinuma 臨書 "RINSHO" bit.ly/i6Spiz #calligraphy #
- YouTube – YOKOHAMA 輪胎 古天樂篇 bit.ly/hgXZ68 #
- The Death of 10,000 Sentences | Forum | AJATT Plus bit.ly/fyWmAH #
- Only children feel the need to act grown up. Stop acting so childish and go do something fun. #immersion #
- "「年をとると脳細胞は減るばかり」という通説は誤りだ。生き方次第で脳細胞は増やせる。" bit.ly/hoILgB #
- They can't suffer for you. Why are you suffering for them? You know there's a better way. #DontTakeAdviceFromMasochists #
- The Wonder of Critical Frequency | babelhut.com bit.ly/guOuwl #
- "for me, right now, stress-free and frequent is what I need." bit.ly/guOuwl #
- "need not be soul-deadening repetition, but just half-attended, effortless learning" bit.ly/fi2TPc #lazykanji #criticalfrequency #
- YouTube – 反日示威插花 驚現「英九哥 大陸歡迎你」 bit.ly/hM8mlF #
- Masochism in learning is like evil in business. One starts to conflate effectiveness with the ability to inflict suffering. #
- At the end of your life, is it still going to be your [wife/kids/friends/parents]'s fault that you didn't learn Japanese? #
- 柏書房 -連載 "『歴史としての猫』" bit.ly/aEUWCV #
- "Understanding Chinese Culture and Learning
Ting Wang
University of Canberra, Australia" bit.ly/eqrXJb # - "I can still recite a number of Simpsons episodes by heart because I repeated them so many times." bit.ly/eeucxj #
- "I can play RPGs in Japanese now! WTF! I don’t know how or when this happened. " bit.ly/cZnZo5 #immersion #
- If you don't do fun stuff in Japanese right now, you'll never make it to the point where you can do serious stuff. #immersion #
- 子どものころ信じていたバカなこと21 "官能小説
かなあと思ってた。 " bit.ly/hjXAEq
笑 # - 曙太郎 – Wikipedia bit.ly/e8dKt2 #
- "信念と継続だけが全能である"
bit.ly/eHNM7U # - YouTube – マネーの虎 トルコファーストフード1 bit.ly/c4wDM4 #
- "that's when I really got hooked on #MCDs You can't get the card right unless you truly understand what's being said" bit.ly/hO3rYc #
- 登場人物のご紹介【ビジネス敬語の達人】 bit.ly/fF0oeN #
- 卡通電影蝴蝶夢-梁山伯與祝英台 bit.ly/fJ3SI3 #
- 지구방위연구소 20화 | Daum 만화속세상 bit.ly/gmdZtw #webcomic #Korean #
- "the only way to fail is to stop" bit.ly/glXTk0 #
- Just Another Day in Japan: Kinda Cool Commercial bit.ly/i1QgDS #
- "I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.
Muhammad Ali" bit.ly/ikxd5g #self fulfilling-prophecy # - 降雪FTW! #
- ライティングジャパニーズウィズローマジイズライクラーニングイングリッシュウィズカタカナ。イットシーマズライクアグッドアイディアアットザタイムバットリアリーユーアジャストスクリューイングユアセルフ。#saynotoromaji #
- Start now. A bad time is the best time. The worst time is the perfect time. 😛 #immersion #
- 吞食天地2: 網友賀電堪比央視春晚 《吞食2》火爆公測_第三媒體頻道 bit.ly/dNYCtr #
- "a language is not a war, it is an experience. Fall in love…and the language will be seeping from your pores." bit.ly/eCLlEg #
- 瑪莎·史都華 – 维基百科,自由的百科全书 bit.ly/ehFVva #
- YouTube – 經典金曲 – 女殺手 1966 (陳寶珠) bit.ly/9cgTFu #
- 女殺手2005韓文版(korean mtv)
bit.ly/ew4Zom # - YouTube – 每朝健康 女殺手篇 一刀未剪完整版 70秒 bit.ly/dOzwO7 #
- YouTube – 廿四味 24Herbs MV "Do You Know Me" bit.ly/fDaQmO #
- YouTube – 廿四味 24Herbs New MV "Hu Ge" bit.ly/cplQf6 #nocomment 😀 #
- YouTube – 星期日大班第8集嘉賓︰歐陽靖 (MC Jin) bit.ly/ii4a0i #
- YouTube – 康熙来了 歐陽靖 1 bit.ly/fL70Mv #
- If you make contact with Japanese inevitable, you will inevitably get used to Japanese. #immersion #inevitability #
- Hiragana Megane (How to Read Japanese) bit.ly/ifLbV4 | Add #furigana to any web page #
- Text To Speech, TTS: English, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, German, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese bit.ly/cA5CK0 #
- 10,000個鐘頭同句子學日文 « HKLinguists bit.ly/fuplrr #
- The Myth of Discipline "Use your faults" bit.ly/frLdFf #
- CD、テープを聴いて勉強しよう!! オーディオブックを使って音声学習のコツを紹介する bit.ly/f3eKRA #
- YouTube – いつも IT'S MORE / TERIYAKI BOYZ bit.ly/fXGyxl #
- People who don't come begging for it don't want your good advice. Don't give it unbidden. Use it on yourself. Help yourself. #myob #
- Friends and family especially do not want your good advice. Save it for strangers who seek, ask, beg and pay for it. #MYOB #
- One benefit of incremental/decremental #timeboxing is that it saves you button-pushes on your timer 😀
bit.ly/glHDez # - "The problem with AJATT for me right now is that I made learning Japanese so much fun that everything else [sucks]" bit.ly/fjhelW 😀 #
- You deserve to enjoy the learning process. You can make it fun. You can do better than grasshoppers and ants. #
- I would go so far as to say you're pretty much *only* learning when you're having fun with it. #
- Boredom is actually useful information; your brain is doing you a favor and telling you it's not taking any calls. #
- Masochism makes you stupid. You start to equate suffering with effectiveness; you default to "hurt(=bore) myself". #fun #
- "I must be learning, this hurts so much and makes me sleepy and makes me want to be somewhere else". No. #fun #
- 村上世彰、カネを儲けてなにが悪い? bit.ly/feMQHw #
- Don't die inside. You never have to wince and take it. It's a language, not a clumsy pap smear on a cold day. Find #fun #
- エドワード・ウィッテン – Wikipedia
bit.ly/eAE4Y1 # - 裂け谷へようこそ、アンダーソン君!/ Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson! #
- 「読売KODOMO新聞」創刊、5月から全国展開 : 特集 : 教育 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/gexDBG #
- Listen to this press conference. Notice how real speech is full of slip-ups, redundancy…
bit.ly/hCyBoH # - Awkward pauses, awkward saves…and these are newspapermen… bit.ly/hCyBoH #
- "アップル製多機能タブレット(画面に触れて操作する情報端末)の新製品「iPad2」が、国内で25日に発売となる。" bit.ly/h5bfno #
- 成毛眞ブログ bit.ly/eAk0cC #
- YouTube – 【1080HD】壯語,漢語,藏語說寶寶我愛你,媽媽我愛你 bit.ly/fzM927 #
- "広東語は中国の方言に過ぎなかったものの香港の経済発展により地位が上昇・・・これはドイツの方言から外国語になったオランダ語の例に似ている。" bit.ly/dUJqBf #
- "オランダ語は、言語学の分類上は広義のドイツ語(狭義のドイツ語を包含するゲルマン語の一派の総称)の一方言とされる。" bit.ly/hULFIo #
- "遣りたい事は兎に角遣る。その方が、人生は楽しい。"
amzn.to/heCQPn # - Japanese shouldn't be something you have to escape from, it should be something you escape to. #fun #
- Have a sense of entitlement. You are entitled to consume and produce real, natural Japanese. It belongs to you. #
- You don't have to earn the right to enjoy real Japanese. You have eyes, ears and vocal chords. You were born into it. #
- "We spent the night in Frisco シスコのディスコを
At every kind of disco ハシゴだなんて"
bit.ly/fYbQbz #BlameItOnTheBoogie # - 矢張り、こうした状況になった責任は、全てブギーにあると結論せざるを得ません。#blameitontheboogie #
- "knowing “how to learn” is almost as important as learning" bit.ly/ch0uue #
- 厚さ7.7ミリのスマートフォン、NTTドコモから : インターネットコムニュース : ニュース : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/i6hb94 #
- Knowing Japanese has nothing to do with being Japanese and everything to do with habit. See: California, Brazil for details. #
- Be a consultant, not a missionary. Give people help when they come to you. #MYOB #
- You may well know what's best for someone, but telling them won't help. Have the information ready for when they're ready. #MYOB #
- YouTube – 情熱の砂漠(熱情的沙漠1975年)-陳和美 bit.ly/9vnWSA #
- 情熱の砂漠 – Wikipedia bit.ly/eGcR6G #
- YouTube – 歐陽菲菲 – 情熱の砂漠 《熱情的沙漠 》 bit.ly/ibxB3f #
- YouTube – Alisa-熱情的沙漠 bit.ly/ifwAqv #
- 4月29日 情熱の砂漠SP戦 日々不健康 – 動画共有サイトzoome bit.ly/eDvsJM #
- エースオンライン 海岸
きゃべつ – 動画共有サイトzoome bit.ly/fnVtwY # - "#fun things definitely work. They are the only things that work" bit.ly/grEVC4 #
- Tortoise math: just 10 new kanji a day = 1800 kanji in 6 months; 3650 kanji in 1 year, 7300 kanji in 2 years. bit.ly/97oT5y #
- 2 years of japanese learning anniversary | Nihongo Journey bit.ly/fdS9Bl #
- YouTube – Dr. Tracey Shors – Neurogenesis in the adult brain bit.ly/dKpuG5 #
- "if you continue to learn throughout your life, you are continually changing your brain" bit.ly/dKpuG5 #useitorloseit #
- YouTube – HE-MAN INTRO SPANISH "Entrada de He-man en español" bit.ly/hMsAUy #
- Por el poder de GraySkull!
Yo soy HE-MAAAAN!!!
"Entrada de He-man en español" bit.ly/hMsAUy # - YouTube – SHE-RA INTRO SPANISH "Entrada She-ra en español" bit.ly/gmmpw8 #
- Por el…poder…de GraySkull!
YouTube – Primera Transformación She-Ra Latino bit.ly/h0Vl9f # - YouTube – 韓国で人気No.1のお天気お姉さん bit.ly/hrzGTG #
- No language is hard unless we choose to learn it the hard way. #
- 一万二千年の恋 :: ./ ぶろぐ bit.ly/fwwT0U #
- YouTube – AKINO with bless4 – 創聖のアクエリオン bit.ly/ii1UVp http://bit.ly/fwwT0U #
- YouTube – Animelo 2008 – 創聖のアクエリオン
bit.ly/ebWs3d http://bit.ly/hYTmhS # - YouTube – 夜スタ 創聖のアクエリオン 08/07/26 "夜スタ" bit.ly/dNh36I #
- 夜★スタ bit.ly/exaJyn #
- @don_rivers Indeed 😀 . In fact, an example in "Talent Code" was the final impetus for MCDs. bit.ly/fOcyWT #
- YouTube – Why You Need to Fail – by Derek Sivers bit.ly/fOcyWT #SRS #MCDs #
- "you should never compare your inside to someone else's outside"
bit.ly/dUWPkY # - "There is no such thing as failure if everything is just an experiment."
bit.ly/dUWPkY # - "Everything is just an experiment."
bit.ly/dUWPkY # - "If you're not failing, you're not trying hard enough."
bit.ly/dUWPkY # - 文字の書き方・使い方によって読みにくくなっている文章 – アンサイクロペディア bit.ly/gYYylG #
- The strut! That strut! lol |
YouTube – Sousei no Aquarion – AKINO from bless4 [Live] sub esp bit.ly/hPUjOp # - I love how there's a baby at this club 😀
YouTube – 夜スタ 創聖のアクエリオン 08/07/26 bit.ly/fUDrJl # - YouTube – Sora – Hearts Grow [Sub] bit.ly/gE002b #
- The Boondocks ザ・ブーンドックス bit.ly/gIdvnO #
- 大同學習村 – 專業發展中心 | 遺忘曲線 bit.ly/gYF7Vn #SRS #ebbinghaus #forgettingcurve #
- 映画「THE ROCK」(ザ・ロック)<1996:アメリカ>
bit.ly/9FoDNm # - "外国語の学習は(というより、全ての勉強は)基本的に自分でやるものです。他の人がやってくれても、自分の血肉になることはありません。" bit.ly/cXRy4G #
- じょうじゃく【情弱】 : モニ太のデジタル辞典 : コラム : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/i5q4YO #
- I cannot get enough of that strut. I eats the strut for breakfast 😛 . YouTube – AKINO/bless4 – 創聖のアクエリオン bit.ly/exwoHm #
- YouTube – m-flo loves Crystal Kay / Love Don't Cry bit.ly/icXRYf #
- YouTube – m-flo loves BoA / the Love Bug bit.ly/gqCP4S #
- YouTube – Crystal Kay – 恋におちたら bit.ly/g9gBVH #
- Newsflash: high school girls in Japan DO talk like that… 😛 #tvisreal lol. ヤバくな〜い? でしょーーーー? #
- Sitting next to a kid trying to explain his day at school to his mum, but his mum keeps correcting his grammar. #output 😀 #
- @BoccKob Yep. 😀 lol … There's never an excuse for bad speech I guess 😛 #
- @stephentigner (^^)全然大丈夫。It's like a theme park ride 😀 #
- ジミ・ヘンドリックス – Wikipedia "日本では「ジミヘン」の略称でも呼ばれる。" bit.ly/dVvCim #
- Momoko: "Can you think of anything else you need to keep you warm?"
Khatzumoto: "Your Mom." # - Kanto: Shaken, not stirred. #
- JFEスチール>東日本製鉄所>京浜地区 bit.ly/hJjKvl #
- YouTube – ジャルジャル どっきり bit.ly/gFwIRA #
- "When underdogs choose not to play by Goliath's rules, they win" bit.ly/coWDZE #
- "David can beat Goliath by substituting effort for ability" bit.ly/coWDZE #
- "relentless effort is in fact…rarer than the ability to engage in some finely tuned act of motor coördination." bit.ly/coWDZE #
- Domain-invariant common sense is your friend. Domain-specific "common sense" is just social drag.
bit.ly/coWDZE # - "Their accomplishment is well over 100% of their ability on account of their tremendous energy and ambition" bit.ly/coWDZE #
- YouTube – 炊飯器猫、その名は「ぐぅ」 bit.ly/e3I2db #
- "I've always been a believer [in] learning 'how' before 'why'" ~ Arthur T. Benjamin, mathematician #
- ""Say No to Drugs" (薬物にノーといおう)" bit.ly/ifTxoC #
- ヤンキー座り (^^) bit.ly/fqzHim #
- The more you know, the more you know you don't know bit.ly/glCAmZ #DunningKrugerEffect #
- マル激トーク・オン・ディマンド – ビデオニュース・ドットコム インターネット放送局 bit.ly/i7g0C3 #
- YouTube – マル激トーク・オン・ディマンド – ビデオニュース・ドットコム bit.ly/heTqhj #
- 夢は二次元への扉を作ること。 : なんか最近タルくねー? – livedoor Blog(ブログ) bit.ly/dEbQ6b #
- パレートの法則 – Wikipedia bit.ly/e1ZOAX #
- Cantophilia – Love of the Cantonese Language: Hong Kong Girl bit.ly/fJrUQJ #yay uh! ← is that a word? #
- YouTube – I am a Hong Kong Girl with 公主病 (Gung Jyuh Behng) – Cantonese Word of the Week! bit.ly/hhw4Nj #
- 「唔關你事呀!!」
YouTube – 狂燥港女當街要男友擲電話!!! bit.ly/fwAs20 # - When I grow up, I want to be a princess, too 😀
YouTube/狂燥港女當街要男友擲電話!!! # - YouTube – 谷胸港女數臭男友 bit.ly/hPobBm #trash #funny #webad #
- Do the obvious.The obvious is the most underrated, underdone thing in the world. #
- Everything is worth trying. The only question is, for how long? Sometimes 0 seconds in the right answer 😀 #
- One easy way to give form to formless experiments is to time them. Set an arbitrary deadline. See what happens. #timeboxing #
- YouTube – Pocahontas – Colors of the Wind (Japanese) bit.ly/cAE6Qo #
- What you need most is not the power to get it right but the power to bounce back from forgetting/getting it wrong. #speaking #output #
- "You are in a marathon. But inside the marathon, you want to operate like a sprinter." ~ Tony Schwartz #timeboxing #
- "operate like a sprinter. Build…finish lines into your life." ~ Tony Schwartz #timeboxing #
- You'll always defer action as long as you defer enjoyment. Enjoy it now. Make it #fun now. #
- 唔好驚呀!(^^)
YouTube – 唔使驚 bit.ly/dZYE31 # - YouTube – 狗狗與龜龜 bit.ly/hKlDuh #
- wow…好犀利呀 YouTube – 溫馨家庭-狗狗咬老虎 bit.ly/h3arY2 #
- Tortoise math. Ask yourself: what will happen if I do this a thousand times a day, every day, for N00 days? #
- フォルクスワーゲンのCM : The Force – plainspot.com bit.ly/gzuEgG #
- YouTube – Rambo II- Betrayed (M Lounge) bit.ly/gkFMwL #サントラ #
- YouTube – personal development bit.ly/gytd6q in #URDU !!!! #
- 日本人の知らない日本語 – Wikipedia bit.ly/eDKCRz #
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