- "I learned Dutch by watching TV." bit.ly/grEVC4 #
- Flikken Maastricht: Schuld – Uitzending Gemist bit.ly/hmN0ig #dutch #policedrama #
- New at AJATT Plus: The Death of 10,000 Sentences: 4 Months On plus.ajatt.com/the-death-of-10000-sentences-4-months-on #
- 搔き揚げ – Wikipedia bit.ly/fgMrqD #
- 現代イソップ物語 猫に鈴 "不可能の前に臆することなく、実現に向けてこの世を変えなければならない" bit.ly/foHbND #
- "Just listen/shadow and you're golden." bit.ly/hJKBcW #
- ヒューリスティック‐アプローチ
bit.ly/fovzrP # - "議論に勝つことはできない。議論に負ければ、負けだし、議論に勝ったとしても、負けだからだ。" bit.ly/ebMOR0 #
- ハイっ、こちらIT課! – Wikipedia bit.ly/exsns8 #
- 遺忘 – "為了避免將重要的信息被遺忘,人們通常的做法是:複習。" bit.ly/eJMzLR #
- YouTube – Information on Contacting people in Japan
bit.ly/gQ4ice # - Google Japan Info Page: dry, actionable information on what to do, where to go, scheduled brownouts etc.: bit.ly/dJFcjN #
- 速報 – 日本気象協会 tenki.jp bit.ly/gL0NA2 #
- YouTube – 少女時代 – Run Devil Run Japanese ver mv (sub) bit.ly/e0x431 | Thanks MD #
- Early Hero: Japan's Building Codes bit.ly/dZNW4Q #
- YouTube – Stephen Krashen on Language Acquisition bit.ly/dSJWmP via #ajattplus #
- レニ・リーフェンシュタール – Wikipedia bit.ly/etQpe4 #
- グレース・ホッパー – Wikipedia bit.ly/gnkhn4 #
- "Japan’s Strict Building Codes Saved Lives" nyti.ms/fb0aHC #
- "people originally listed as missing in remote areas have been turning up in schools and community centers" nyti.ms/fb0aHC #
- "education and evacuation drills were indeed effective." nyti.ms/fb0aHC #
- "When the lizard pushes you to recoil in fear, that's your cue to…do precisely the opposite of what it demands." bit.ly/i9Vq5Z #
- "There is no “English” and there is no “Japanese”" bit.ly/fQL3Aj #
- "Shadowing:…I’m working on an SRS deck for this"
bit.ly/hRxn4b | Good idea…you could batch-input short clips in there # - "シャドーイング 日本語を話そう 初~中級編" amzn.to/dSokrG #
- @funnyav You can write about it off-site, just stick in a link to AJATT+ 😀 #
- YouTube – Gackt-Vanilla bit.ly/gZTq2K #
- Tomomi Kito, 萌え Professor
bit.ly/e4b1Iv #disrespectful #borderline # - It's only hard if you choose to do it the hard way. #fun #
- サクッと簡単☆チョコチップクッキー♡ by miho0701 [クックパッド] 簡単おいしいみんなのレシピが95万品 bit.ly/fgKrzt #
- いつか絶対ビッグになるぜ、インターネットって(^^) #
- "ジャクソン、ブギーに責任転嫁" "Jackson places blame squarely on boogie" #fakeheadlines #
- 原子力安全・保安院 緊急時情報ホームページ "・4号機で発生した火災は、事業者による全鎮火を確認" bit.ly/eDAXIJ #
- Funny 実況プレイ Videos | Media Recommendations | Forum | AJATT Plus bit.ly/e7zuu6 #
- I Can't Believe It's Not Butter! | Dagwood Life "これがバターじゃないなんて信じられない!" bit.ly/hMEe70 #
- "Harry Potter audiobooks. French. Every night.
This *h** works." bit.ly/gjDp1K #
- Strengthening Individual Memories by Reactivating Them During Sleep bit.ly/esGVVg #
- "the right kind of stimulus input while you sleep could promote learning, at least in terms of…memory consolidation" bit.ly/fiH7by #
- New at AJATT Plus: Real Japanese Email: Don't Be Scared, Little Boy plus.ajatt.com/real-japanese-email-dont-be-scared-little-boy #
- Japan is Africa right now. Cherry-pick worst facts + Mix with conjecture x Generalize Broadly = Ratings gold bit.ly/dUHo6Z #
- geiger_counter_chiba on USTREAM: 千葉県の北西部の木造家屋の2Fに設置 ロシア製RADEX RD1503
ea4eo... bit.ly/f5HqPj via #THS # - No one who benefits from the perceived seriousness of a problem has an incentive to make it look manageable/less serious #
- Japan is the new Africa: [Cherry-pick worst facts + Mix with conjecture] x Overgeneralize = Ratings gold bit.ly/dUHo6Z #
- Only children feel the need to act grown up. Stop being so childish and go do something fun. #immersion #
- 総務省|チェーンメール等にご注意ください。 bit.ly/hK8Jov #
- "The young do not know enough to be prudent, and so they attempt the impossible, and achieve it" bit.ly/g5Rtue #
- P(freaking out) is inversely proportional to actually living in the Tokyo area. #calmdown #haveacokeandasmile #
- It's a great plaisure… #
- "people who have any kind of…formal education tend to overdramatize the language-learning process" bit.ly/gsUrOg #
- YouTube – rani mukherjee bit.ly/eDBwAh #
- YouTube – Katrina Kaif
bit.ly/h1UFEq #bollywood #FTW # - YouTube – "Chhaliya" – Promo – Kareena Kapoor bit.ly/gatTML #bollywood #FTW #
- YouTube – Deewana Hain Dekho – Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham *HQ* FUll Song bit.ly/fISss7 #typo #FTW #
- Hope in Japan: 4-Month Old Baby Rescued from Rubble, Reunited with Parents bit.ly/hMjXtN #
- @Elliot_Jackson I think you can try it for free… #
- @BoccKob Dude, just cancel — that's the whole point of refunds 😀 #
- 米lifehackerおすすめ、オンラインバックアップツール5選 : ライフハッカー[日本版] bit.ly/h8MzBO #
- New at AJATT Plus: Welcome New AJATT+ers! plus.ajatt.com/welcome-new-ajatters #
- "A wise person profits by his mistakes.
賢い人は転んでもただでは起きない" bit.ly/hSg9qT #output #speaking #feedback #correction # - :: eBook -【打開一本書】電子書店 :: bit.ly/hIcmak #
- Keep them timeboxes short. Keep the golden goose alive and laying. #timeboxing #recovery #rest #energy #
- Work in short, intense bursts. Take long, languid breaks. #SRS #timeboxing #
- YouTube – 石黒浩 bit.ly/eIt5gt #robotics #
- Sweet! Discovery Channel in #Mandarin
YouTube – 石黑浩教授的雙子號機械人 bit.ly/dJeHjm #robotics # - "国号を「日本国」と直接かつ明確に規定した法令は、存在しない。" bit.ly/eZpDx2 #
- "Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful." bit.ly/iiGCm5 #
- Don't ask if you're any good. You're probably not. Yet. Ask if you're improving. That's all that really matters. #
- 20 Essential Works of Japanese Literature
bit.ly/dJyxGm | For you list-lovers out there! # - @MrKintaro Everything is through PayPal for 'JATT+ 😛 #
- @ArthurKyoto srsly #
- NAKATANI Akihiro: "Results are for other people. The process is for you; it's for your enjoyment. Have fun with it." #
- 海外アニメあれこれ:グッモーニンUSA~(テーマ曲)『アメリカンダッド』 bit.ly/gwnQh5 #americandad #
- New at AJATT Plus: Real Japanese Email: Email Your Parents, Woman! plus.ajatt.com/real-japanese-email-email-your-parents-woman #
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