- YouTube – Alvin Toffler on Education
..or…Why School Sucks
bit.ly/mmwGLN # - Don't try to read a book once well. Read it 10, 20, 100 times sloppily. Move the pages. For you, #reading = moving paper. #
- Move the pages. Linger for interesting parts. Then get moving again. #immersion #reading #
- By numerical volume, the central act of #reading = skipping pages, just as the central act of SRSing = deleting boring cards. #
- There are ~130 million books. Tens of billions of pages. You're already skipping pages by the billions. Skip some more 🙂 #
- "when I tried to make a hard goal…the only thing that was consistent [wa]s the lack of consistency" bit.ly/jrWMMt #
- Don’t do only Japanese. Just only have Japanese stuff to do.
bit.ly/lohDMi #immersion # - The Irony: a sufficiently long and thick string of mediocre (easy) actions can and will get you l33t results
bit.ly/lohDMi # - "make Japanese the mean of your probability density function and then progressively minimize kurtosis" bit.ly/dzVI9L #immersion #
- Compete. Race. But not with other people. Only with yourself. And babies who were born the day you started practicing 😀 #
- "JReK lets you search for Japanese words and see how they are used in context within sentenses on the web" bit.ly/59ql5h #
- YouTube – Shiki No Uta – our rendition " "Samurai Champloo"" bit.ly/g25K9O #
- "技術の夢を追求する「電器屋」と、発想で夢を見させる「おもちゃ屋」。" bit.ly/jyhuTC #
- @dexdigi 久しぶり(^^) #
- "It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do little. Do what you can."
bit.ly/jXmzRy # - "deliberate practice can be replaced with periods of 「additional sensory stimulation,」 or passive listening." bit.ly/lRE78y #
- How Much Should We Practice? | Wired Science | Wired.com bit.ly/lRE78y via #ajattplus #
- "Hard Gay- Ramen Shop (English Subtitles)" bit.ly/klluhn #
- Dilbert in Japanese
やる気とは「出すもの」ではなく「搾取されるもの」 - @IT情報マネジメント bit.ly/mKdjnz # - "If you listen to the chickens around you, you will live, and die, like them — a chicken"
bit.ly/darrenhardyeagle # - An amazing book. Easily one of the top 3 Japanese biz email books. Only 1 flaw: openers and closers are not J-style. amzn.to/jEYQim #
- Romantic au go! go!: Bromance "Brother+Romance=Bromance
ホモ・エロティックというよりは、ホモ・ソーシャルな、バディ的な関係にある男子二人の絆を表すのに使う。" bit.ly/lyx22J # - Strengthening Individual Memories by Reactivating Them During Sleep bit.ly/j3qvCL #
- 糧を棄て船を沈む
bit.ly/lNjKLm # - セントラルドグマ – Wikipedia bit.ly/mnedcE #
- "( Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. )。"
"「時間有多長,工作就會有多長」" bit.ly/gCXsHs # - "parents of one of my students used to put the CD…on repeat, as my student slept…student progressed really fast" bit.ly/suzprac #
- "subjects still benefited from the stimulation even when distracted by an entirely unrelated task" bit.ly/lRE78y #
- "training regimens might be made markedly more efficient and less effortful" bit.ly/lRE78y #
- "potent instances of learning can arise when sensory stimulation is not always coupled with attention" bit.ly/lRE78y #immersion #bg #
- "Japanese is no harder than any other language." bit.ly/cSmOpV #
- If not now, then when? #immersion
bit.ly/9gcibU # - "Andre Agassi's…father made him hit 2500 tennis balls a day…a million tennis balls a year" bit.ly/dgyw70 #
- "skill is acquired by practice; the more you practice, the more skill you have." bit.ly/dgyw70 #
- "the more you practice, the more skill you have. Those with greater skills will surpass those with lesser skills" bit.ly/dgyw70 #
- "「社會の厳しさ」の9割は「社會は厳しくあらねばならない」という妄想を持った人たちによって作られている。" bit.ly/biITNv #
- "「上學」不等於「受教育」" bit.ly/inUUOU #
- "You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.
bit.ly/miDfwg # - Humans = good at sensing acceleration, but practically numb to speed 😀 → 爆笑問題のニッポンの教養 | FILE006:「教授が造ったスーパーカー」 | 清水浩
bit.ly/j4VFBI # - "delete a lot while you figure things out" bit.ly/jsc12B #SRS #MCDs #
- 國語日報週刊初階版封面專題 bit.ly/k8QLHh #
- 國語日報社網站─十大優質兒童網站 bit.ly/kGloQu #
- "積分=分かった積もり"(笑)
出典:爆笑問題のススメ 2003年12月01日 ゲスト:秋山仁 「数学流生き方のススメ」 # - "「我生下來時很聰明,但學校把我給毀了。」蕭伯納以自身經歷否定了學校。這位20世紀最偉大的劇作家,如果不是14歲離開學校,諾貝爾獎名單裡應該不會有他的名字。" bit.ly/kwDv3q #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "橢圓機、靠背腳踏車、臥姿臀部提臀機" bit.ly/jeKwI6 #
- YouTube – Jay Chou – 麥芽糖MV bit.ly/isJ3w5 #
- YouTube – 【宇多丸】【K DUB SHINE】胡散臭い政治家とエンタメ bit.ly/lwLWJZ #
- YouTube – easy221.com:80/20法則 bit.ly/iFJ8zb #
- YouTube – 1/5 副島隆彥×ひろゆき 「騙されるな!儲け話のここがウソ!」 bit.ly/kdtDqa #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "【日本語ラップ】 Japanese Hip Hop 2010 【ヒップホップ】" bit.ly/ihqvn8 #
- Coast to Coast
★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "【NEW】 Japanese Hip Hop 2011 【February】" bit.ly/lyEfs6 # - New at AJATT Plus: The Right Questions to The Right People plus.ajatt.com/the-right-questions-to-the-right-people #
- YouTube – 糯米糰 – 跆拳道 bit.ly/aFXCoZ #geek #rock? #Taiwan #Mandarin #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "跆拳道VS街舞" bit.ly/izxajV #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "「超薄軟面板」 台發明世界奪冠-民視新聞" bit.ly/izQmR3 #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "最迷你消防車進駐台 機動性高-民視新聞" bit.ly/lg1jPk #
- Arguments are really cool to watch…shadow…learn from 😀 "【民視新聞台】羅淑蕾批決策錯誤惹火毛治國" bit.ly/jqVMWF #Mandarin #
- Arguments are really cool to watch…shadow…learn from 😀 "【民視新聞台】羅淑蕾批決策錯誤惹火毛治國" bit.ly/jqVMWF #Mandarin #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "兄弟愛吵架.mp4" bit.ly/lzZs82 | Two toddlers arguing in #Mandarin #argument #FTW #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "婆媳過招北京街頭互罵大鬥法為買電器引爭執婆媳激烈爭吵家醜外揚家務事當眾曝光" bit.ly/lKi5VS
Another #argument in #Mandarin # - NonstopTUBE "與母爭吵13歲女跳樓" bit.ly/jd0SA4 | This is actually REALLY sad, but…that's what makes it so good for #Cantonese #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "20110520最佳劇本獎710家庭爭吵之靈魂交換篇性別平等" bit.ly/jl1Y3O #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "鍾嘉欣ft 韋雄-愛得起MV (畫沙粵語版)" bit.ly/jxBwKf #RnB #Cantonese #
- 在線漫畫-XinDM >> >> Y >> 葉問前傳[完結] >> 創刊號 bit.ly/m2Ekoj #ipman #comic #online #Chinese #webcomic #lotsa #hashtags #
- スウェーデンの科學者チームら、人工的に「幽體離脫」を誘導することに成功 國際ニュース : AFPBB News bit.ly/lPk6sC #
- 身體が交替する錯覚:視覚の交換実験が示すもの | WIRED VISION
bit.ly/m2xrzX # - A Day Without Distraction: Lessons Learned from 12 Hrs of Forced Focus
bit.ly/mtJz0L | Thanks to BD #timeboxing #sprints #bursts # - "Genius is the recovery of childhood at will."
Arthur Rimbaud
bit.ly/jtSTHk # - "We cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once."
Calvin Coolidge # - ビッグバンは創世ではない:Neil Turok氏に聞く超弦理論的宇宙論 | WIRED VISION bit.ly/jRAa7e #
- Neil Turok氏に聞く超弦理論的宇宙論(2) | WIRED VISION bit.ly/l27xEt #
- YouTube – Schwarzenegger german Interviews bit.ly/ih7FdY #sweet #
- YouTube – Arnold spricht Deutsch! bit.ly/m3fsXU #
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