- "I don’t think of the SRS as a memorization aid, but as a familiarization tool" bit.ly/kixJY3 #
- "I've often noticed kids repeating everything that's said around them – it's a game to them" bit.ly/laH9hP #
- "shadowing…is simply a refinement of what we do naturally to acquire the first language" bit.ly/laH9hP #
- "it's like when you watch your favorite movie where you have memorized all the lines just from seeing it so many times" bit.ly/laH9hP #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "ビートたけし" bit.ly/kWUeVl #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "ポカリスエットCM 80年代②" bit.ly/lmCItP #
- "en savoir toujours plus aujourd'hui qu'hier, et plus demain qu'aujourd'hui" bit.ly/lUNWyI #threelaws #French #
- "Not only do you mimic the words, but you aim to mimic the way they say it as well. " bit.ly/j5yDkz #
- YouTube – wonghowyuen 好難嗰個 "懿" bit.ly/kUj4P1 #Cantonese #homevideo #
- Yesterday and Tomorrow only have value as tools for making Today awesome. Yesterday should be giving Today a massage, not nagging it 😀 #
- Dude…old ladies are the best! They always tell you how young and full of potential you are, and they give you candy 🙂 #obaasanftw #
- I'm not showing off or anything, I'm just saying…women over 60 find me endlessly charming… 🙂 #baasanbait #
- New rule: From now on…all my friends…are pre-1950 born. #婆さん至上主義 🙂 #
- @AminaWright *Smiling Out Loud* #
- @e_dub_kendo OMG…Best defense of anime in the history of applied Japanese linguistics 😀 #huntingwabbits #
- The quickest way to ruin your Japanese is: watch Boring Japanese #animeisgoodforyou #
- Complaining about sounding like an anime character in Japanese is like Kobe complaining about not being Jordan. WTF? You're still a baller. #
- I used to talk like a チンピラ when all I watched was ごくせん. But it was emphatically a Japanese チンピラ :P. Still a baller. Plus I outgrew it… #
- Doing something small is the biggest thing in the world. #immersion #
- New at AJATT Plus: The AJATT Quick Reference Guide (QR… plus.ajatt.com/the-ajatt-quick-reference-guide-qrg-mandarin-edition-part-8 #
- Use Now to fix Tomorrow, not Yesterday. Tweak Today a little bit. #
- You'd have trouble liking a person if all you did was hear boring and confusing descriptions of her…you'd think she was crazy. #grammar #
- Generally, you want to let the language, literally, speak itself and speak for itself. #input #grammar #bubblingoutput #
- YouTube – [sm2792656]ニートで何が悪い!糞が!http://bit.ly/igH6Qm #kungfu #fighting #funny #
- YouTube – ニート対オタク bit.ly/j535g1
Two brothers. Fake kung fu fighting. A video camera. Only good can come of this 😀 #
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