- YouTube – Юрий Андропов. В лабиринте власти. фильм 1. bit.ly/l1EW2B #
- YouTube – Jin – Ape Shall Never Kill Ape
bit.ly/dWqPmK # - Gaijin like to scare each other with tales and legends. Don't depend solely on the gaijin oral record. Read the actual rules in Japanese. #
- "Incessant internal verbal punishment isn't work." bit.ly/dteQRn #
- YouTube – Girls` Generation(소녀시대) _ Gee _ MusicVideo bit.ly/jFd8En #
- YouTube – Super Junior(슈퍼주니어) _ SORRY, SORRY _ MusicVideo bit.ly/mA6Vq7 #
- "self-control…is influenced only by an individual's belief regarding how much self-control he or she has" bit.ly/mx22I4 #
- Low coverage rate (=lots of untouched cards) = strong indicator of unhealthy deck. Recommended treatment: cull virgin cards en masse. #SRS #
- スペイン異端審問 – Wikipedia bit.ly/iTLuox #
- "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
だれもスペイン異端審問を期待しない!" bit.ly/iJsDRn # - すうきけい【樞機卿】の意味 – 國語辭書 – goo辭書 bit.ly/jUSMFe #
- @Brokenvai You should be good to go now. Sowwy about that. Ironing out some stuff 😀 #
- 「心の病」で労災、最多308人=請求は1181人─厚労省 (時事通信) – Yahoo!ニュース bit.ly/iUhbY1 #
- OMG…male versions of 少女時代… 😛
YouTube – 보이프렌드(Boyfriend) _ 보이프렌드(Boyfriend) MV bit.ly/mTLVY9 # - Surusu back up and running. #alliswell #
- 鈴木紗理奈 FTW #
- @tomoakiyama #lol 日焼け美人に時代なんか無いっしょw?センセー(^^) #
- "The strictest law often causes the most serious wrong" —
Cicero #immersion #fun #letitbeeasy # - Trying to go all the way is the fastest way to get nowhere. #letitbeeasy #SRS #
- @TheoOliveira Err on the side of too many decks and then merge as time goes on. #
- @TheoOliveira Your setup right now sounds perfect btw. #
- Ultimate Japanese Drama Guide #7 逃亡弁護士 | Japanese Level Up bit.ly/m4kun8 #
- The Art Of The Multi-Take | Japanese Level Up bit.ly/lnKKpr #
- asahi.com(朝日新聞社):電子書籍化へ出版社が大同団結 國內市場の主導権狙い – 出版ニュース – BOOK bit.ly/lToeUH #
- New at AJATT Plus: SilverSpoon Ebook / Animal Cruelty Scandal! plus.ajatt.com/silverspoon-ebook-animal-cruelty-scandal #
- Break the rules that aren't important so you can keep the ones that are. #immersion #
- If you want atypical results, you need to practice atypical behavior…to some extent 🙂 #immersion #
- YouTube – 30秒でわかる日本の歴史 bit.ly/mGrQQn #
- 英語科教育を変える6章(インプット理論からのメッセージ) "「理解は表出に先行する」" bit.ly/arBpNA #
- YouTube – パニックフェイス‐藤原 "パニックフェイス" bit.ly/kEpQyB #
- YouTube – エヴァンゲリオン×マキシマムザホルモン「F」 bit.ly/bHtdYi #
- YouTube – マキシマムザホルモン×ジ〇リ「F」 bit.ly/iUiwhJ #
- "おれは、やたらと何でも遺伝子だのDNAだののせいにするのはよくない傾向だと考えていて、我々の行動パターンや嗜好の多くが後天的なものであって、多くが文化によるものだと思う。" bit.ly/cjZha9 #
- Why risk ALL your kanji knowledge just because you were too much a perfectionist to delete a few stubborn ones? Delete. #SRS #
- "成し遂げんとした志をただ一回の敗北によって捨ててはいけない。"
ウィリアム・シェイクスピア # - "世の人はわれをなんともいわばいえ
~ 阪本龍馬 ~ # - "スパゲティをゆでる時、時計の針は、必ず中途半端なところにある。
~ 中谷彰宏 ~" bit.ly/b0HT2Z # - "主役は、Russell Petersというカナダ出身のコメディアン。世界の人種や文化の違いをネタにするという、日本ではちょっと放送自粛に近いぎりぎりトークが特徴で、" bit.ly/aRVl2X #
- If the Spin Doctors knew Mandarin…this is what they'd sound like 😛
YouTube – 張震嶽-我要錢 bit.ly/9tYXiQ # - YouTube – 鄭秀文【捉迷藏】 bit.ly/jpV5hf #
- "if it's fun it will never seem hard" bit.ly/jWFwhm #
- 男は振り掛けだな。 #
- 中谷彰宏の名言4 "器用な人は発明家にはなれません。
世の中を進化させるのです。" bit.ly/kNGBnZ #
- 中谷彰宏の名言6 "好きなことをして理解までしてもらおうなんて、欲張りすぎる。" bit.ly/knpuMr #
- "安価でシンプルな物作り、みんなの役に立っている。
誰だよ日本人に獨創性がないなんていう奴。表出ろや。" bit.ly/ds3OW9 # - 「家長哩•••己經開始接受咗一個現實,就係哩,小朋友嘅學習唔係全部喺學校裡邊發生」
YouTube – 教學語言微調方案.mp4 bit.ly/kARkfv # - "I don't think anyone will achieve fluency without leaving the Japanese on in the background most of the time." bit.ly/lBijyo #
- 學習法 艾賓浩斯的遺忘曲線 記憶曲線 記憶術 (達飛戰記激戰篇 卷一) bit.ly/k7uzml #
- YouTube – SHAKKAZOMBIE feat. Michico – SO TIGHT, SO DEEP bit.ly/cfpBLk #
- YouTube – ShakkaZombie – It's Okay (Ft DABO) bit.ly/lc1frY #
- YouTube – Dabo – The Light (Don't Turn Off) bit.ly/lS1ASZ #
- YouTube – sayonara / COMA-CHI bit.ly/mkRhrA #
- YouTube – perfect angel / COMA-CHI bit.ly/mldCtT #
- YouTube – D.a.b.o. ft L.i.s.a. – N.e.e. D (l.a.d.y) bit.ly/kSKaiF #
- YouTube – 日本ツウの外國人特集 ポルトガル人〔Portugal〕の抽象畫家 bit.ly/jJJGmE #
- Be a lazy bastard — just use your laziness powers for good. #immersion #
- YouTube – [Ktv] Cookies- 親朋勿友 bit.ly/j1KOdY #
- 名言集 "英雄とは、自分のできることをした人だ。
— ロマン・ロラン(フランスの作家)–" bit.ly/b0HT2Z #immersion # - @Brokenvai Tweaked the settings again. You should REALLY, REALLY be fine now. Sorry for the disruption 😀 . Keep me posted on your status 🙂 #
- "i[t']s not about the BEST way, or the MAGIC answer (there isn't one)…it's about what works" bit.ly/lHOcLD #
- YouTube – Men's 400m final Diamond League Zurich Jeremy Wariner 44.13 bit.ly/l2r0Xn #german #
- "when the time is right, you will produce the correct answer without really even thinking about it." bit.ly/mxLbdm #output #
- "Any language, if you learn it to a level of fluency…opens up opportunities" bit.ly/kVvD1C #
- 剣闘士 – Wikipedia bit.ly/jSi8Nf #
- iPadは読書のためじゃなく、レビューのためにあるんだ。 – ペンギンと愉快な機械の日々 bit.ly/lY0cxD #
- 地元愛、一目瞭然だぞ 黒・黄色 黒・黄色 黒・黄色 黒・黄色
地元愛、この洋服の色 黒・黄色 黒・黄色 黒・黄色 黒・黄色 # - Watch "TEDxMonga – Kate Hsu – Introducing "Design For Change" to Taiwan" Video at TEDxTalks bit.ly/m4BO1k #Mandarin #
- Search Results for Talks By Language bit.ly/iNicZG #Chinese #
- @youremyheartkid … #
- @youremyheartkid … #
- "I've spent wayyy to much time SRSing and not enough reading comics and watching anime" bit.ly/kqUzGf #
- "Connecting with native media is where the acquisition actually takes place." bit.ly/kqUzGf #
- "Connecting with native media is where the acquisition actually takes place. The SRS is just a tool to make it easier." bit.ly/kqUzGf #
- "You SRS words so that when you encounter a [word] for the second time, you don't have to fish for your dictionary." bit.ly/kqUzGf #
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