- The Proper Use of Humility – Less Wrong j.mp/qYCQke #
- Tsuyoku Naritai! (I Want To Become Stronger) – Less Wrong j.mp/nk6Y7R #
- Live long and prosper:帶你走入Star Trek的世界(三) "生生不息,繁榮昌盛。
Live long and prosper。" j.mp/qqr5oE # - YouTube – 如何擺脫港式英文的口音 (廿六) Didn't, Shouldn't, Wouldn't j.mp/q2elnf #
- 如何擺脫港式英文的口音 (廿六) – 英文由F字學起 – 蕭愷一 – Yahoo! BLOG j.mp/pIon2v #
- "元々「BLACK AND YELLOW」はウィズ・カリファの本拠地=ピッツバーグのプロスポーツ・チーム(NFLのスティーラーズ、MLBのパイレーツなど)のカラーをテーマにした「地元レペゼン・ソング」なのだが、" j.mp/ooegmw #
- YouTube – Black&Yellow トラキチREMIX T-es a.k.a. JUGAMEMAN j.mp/pUSZMU #
- YouTube – Black & Yellow BakaYalo Remix – SEEDA j.mp/oDdS1A #Japanese #remix #
- YouTube – Black & Yellow (The Red & White Remix) Aka赤/Shiro白 by Kojoe j.mp/qn3ro5 #another #Japanese #remix #
- YouTube – Hollywood FM – Самая красивая [HD] j.mp/nU8Dr6 #
- #Shazam を使って 李泉 の 流浪狗 という曲を発見しました。 #
- YouTube – 李泉&范曉萱_流浪狗MTV j.mp/bppWav #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "木村拓哉GATSBY CM" j.mp/kTzEUW #
- iTunes Japan Music Card j.mp/fdfL6G #
- "I don't consider myself fluent yet though, even though they keep telling me I'd be fine if I moved to Japan today." j.mp/e34Lbr #
- "Kanji…they find astonishing that I can understand, where in reality that's one of the easiest parts of the language." j.mp/e34Lbr #
- Your ability to explain new and/or complex ideas well, is predicated upon your ability to express simple ideas
j.mp/pbbDaj # - Ironically, the newer or more complex an idea, the more it requires reference to simple, childlike, playground metaphors.
j.mp/pbbDaj # - It's not just the combinations — it's the permutations as well. Memorize that noise.
j.mp/pbbDaj #SRS #MCDs # - YouTube – HotCha 小野蠻mv karaoke version j.mp/4KBdbv #
- New at AJATT Plus: The MCD Card Length Paradox plus.ajatt.com/the-mcd-card-length-paradox #
- YouTube – (3 white guys speaking FLUENT Japanese) 白人日本語の雑談と乾杯 j.mp/q2AX7U #lol #tkyosam #jaybot #
- "I had a nasty habit of creating sentences that fit the rules but that no native speaker would actually say" j.mp/rl5EIH #
- Mr.こりあんの韓國鍋(韓國文化と韓國語に親しもう!) 눈치(ヌンチ)=目端・気転 j.mp/qndfMX #
- "There is no such thing as an insignificant improvement."
~Tom Peters~ # - "the (misguided) desire for perfect recall hurts me a lot. " j.mp/qnZo0M #SRS #
- most effective kanji desktop (for me) | Kanji | Forum | AJATT Plus ""girls with kanji"" j.mp/nri4iK #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "宮迫の妻" j.mp/jTKMKH #
- "宮迫の妻" j.mp/jTKMKH | Miyasako's friends and wife gang up on him and psychologically pretend-bully him; hilarity ensues #
- 風の谷のナウシカ – ますらをぶりっこ – Yahoo!ブログ j.mp/qdRBVK #
- 「進化の進化が進化する」: 七左衛門のメモ帳 j.mp/n0OgxQ #
- moonfestival's favorite things 45 Third Eye Blind – Semi-Charmed Life j.mp/9LQ5Gr #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "新生アイドル研究會 BiS ライブ映像" j.mp/mRSnuw #
- 明白かつ現在の危険 – Wikipedia j.mp/mUzgj2 #
- 本を読むためのライフハック4選 | SEM-LABO j.mp/oP2iLE #
- ドラマ24 エリートヤンキー三郎:毎週金曜日 深夜0:12~放送:テレビ東京 j.mp/pRYDx7 #
- エリートヤンキー三郎 – Wikipedia j.mp/qhJTyZ #
- エリートヤンキー三郎 DVD-BOX by 石黒英雄.板倉俊之(インパルス).倉科カナ.小沢仁志…. t.co/KNfRCdL #
- You can damage your English by writing and speaking | Antimoon.com j.mp/paqWLo via #ajattplus #
- You can damage your English by writing and speaking | Antimoon.com j.mp/paqWLo via #ajattplus #
- "I knew many grammatical structures and I used only those that I knew." j.mp/paqWLo #
- "I was never reinforcing bad habits. I never had any bad habits! From the beginning, I copied only correct sentences." j.mp/paqWLo #
- "you can learn English with almost no mistakes. How? You can fill your brain with correct sentences and imitate them" j.mp/paqWLo #
- "making mistakes is not enough — you still need someone to give you feedback" j.mp/paqWLo #
- "Think about how kids (and some adults) like to memorize blocks of amusing dialogue from movies or TV shows." j.mp/dSiYFU #
- "true-natural grammar is almost like a physical skill, something that you feel and live" j.mp/npTNdu #
- 川村ティナ – Wikipedia j.mp/nuBZ0Z #
- 蛾が・・・ #
- "Adults don't really learn that differently to children; its still neurons forming pathways" j.mp/qybqrR #myelin #FTW #
- "Ultimately, just follow what is fun for you at the time. Skype because it's fun, not because it's helping your Japanese" j.mp/qybqrR #
- "kanji make Japanese one of the fastest reading languages in the world" j.mp/qybqrR #sotrue #
- 水源─The Fountainhead by アイン・ランド t.co/GVuYPAm #
- 肩をすくめるアトラス by アイン ランド t.co/ff6NQ6l #
- 利己主義という気概ーエゴイズムを積極的に肯定するー by アイン・ランド t.co/DBioi6H #
- You're a remedial native user of Japanese
j.mp/rhjkv5 # - Myth #1 "The best way to learn a foreign language is to go to a foreign country" | Antimoon.com j.mp/d8LdM5 #
- "After you've learned to speak the language fluently, you can go abroad to polish your…skills" j.mp/d8LdM5 #
- focus on what native speakers do, and what native speakers say, but not on what native speakers say to do j.mp/9hkmMx #
- Forget about the past, think about now — it's always the right time to start. t.co/ivT5fhv #
- @HeavySetAunt 雌ならね・・・(笑) #
- "you might as well simulate a foreign-language environment in your own home" j.mp/d8LdM5 #
- Jali – Espanola – YouTube j.mp/p7VdDU via #ajattplus #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "沢尻エリカ 獨佔取材..1/2" j.mp/nhD9oB #
- ベネッセの辭典-辭書引き學習とは j.mp/kQh3W2 #
- 辞書引き学習法 – Google 検索 j.mp/p9zmCJ #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "PS3 ソウルキャリバー4 ウサギの親子3本勝負 1本目" j.mp/pzFyjE #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "【初実況プレイ】テスト的に格闘ゲーム「MARVEL VS. CAPCOM2」" j.mp/nv6Cfe #
- 錄畫ライブ #2037235 – TwitCasting j.mp/n3HfzW #
- 錄畫ライブ #2037531 – TwitCasting "前田有加里
1989年埼玉生まれ埼玉育ち、フリーで活動しているシンガーソングライターです。" j.mp/p0IUM2 # - 【ヘタレ女の実況プレイ】鋼の錬金術師ドリームカーニバル-① – YouTube j.mp/qeaVnV #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "2011-03-10 MARVEL VS CAPCOM 3(MVC3) ~実況プレイ~【最強を目指す】 part9" j.mp/qO2Jra #
- Don't get it done. Get it started. Keep it moving. It'll finish itself. #timeboxing #cheapwins #
- Projects in motion don't die, can't die, don't know how to die 😛 . #timeboxing #momentum #
- You need to be arrogant to learn languages. Be full of yourself. Have the gall to think, do and decide for yourself. #
- Black & Yellow BakaYalo Remix – SEEDA – YouTube "馬鹿野郎をこんなにカッコよくできるラッパーは彼しかいない" j.mp/nmFWFU #
- 全世界待望!『スター・ウォーズ』が初ブルーレイ化。
t.co/HGEBJN7 # - スーパー!ドラマTV : バトルスター・ギャラクティカ j.mp/pIrMIP #
- 『30 ROCK/サーティー・ロック』オフィシャルサイト j.mp/pcDAL3 #
- 「GALACTICA/ギャラクティカ」公式サイト j.mp/qKvnHO #
- Why learning Japanese grammar isn’t good – frogs! | Learn Japanese FAQ j.mp/qCAt5W via #silverspoon #
- Learn Japanese: Mary had a little lamb in Japanese j.mp/r7ef6O #
- Learn Japanese: New posters anime & traditional from GenkiJapan.net – YouTube j.mp/oLD0eU #
- www.genkienglish.net/genkijapan/download.htm j.mp/p6gRPQ #
- How to develop a Japanese accent | Learn Japanese FAQ j.mp/oRqTNY #
- "speak an English phrase, but then say it in the thickest most stereotypical Japanese accent you can" j.mp/oRqTNY #
- 【PV】YOU THE ROCK★ GRAND MASTER FRESH Pt.2 – YouTube j.mp/n5JgCk #
- @bethycool ひつぎ【棺】 – 和英辭書 – goo辭書 t.co/F1vElBx ? 暗いね、お前w #
- Orange Easy – Language Learning j.mp/ed6dyN #
- "Language learning is fun, if you allow it to be" j.mp/ed6dyN #
- "language learning is more about exposure to a language than focusing on the technical aspects " j.mp/ed6dyN #
- "I'm always amazed when I talk to people about language learning, how much pressure we needlessly place on ourselves." j.mp/r0jwIP #
- @bethycool 羊=ひつじ=hitsuji=sheep. 棺=ひつぎ=hitsugi=coffin 🙂 …I like your version; it's dark; it's gangsta. 😀 #
- 量子コンピュータがハイゼンベルクの不確定性原理を覆す日(GIZMODO) – livedoor ニュース j.mp/nZXrYW #
- 婦人警官たちのおっぱいのサイズがメールで一斉內部漏洩…(GIZMODO) – livedoor ニュース j.mp/pRxWWp 最高w #
- Nothing's hard. We just haven't figured out how to teach it properly yet. #
- New at AJATT Plus: Secret Immersion Technique: Multiplexing plus.ajatt.com/secret-immersion-technique-multiplexing #
- ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞 – 翻訳人。 j.mp/nXQ7nJ #
- "私は、英語で書かれたものを
大きな疑問を持っています。" j.mp/nXQ7nJ # - "外國語を習得することというのは、
できるはずです。" j.mp/nXQ7nJ # - ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞 – 翻訳人。 "「古典というものは、
誰もが読まないものだ」" j.mp/nXQ7nJ # - Informal Language | a language learning journey j.mp/oiwptw #
- Operation Subarashii: Read more. | Informal Language j.mp/qDMkiS #
- "At work I'm constantly staring at English, but my iPod? Japanese podcasts, all the time." j.mp/elLeHe #
- "Illiteracy isn't cool… you want to be cool like everyone else right?" j.mp/qDMkiS #
- "little kids do this instinctively…I've often noticed kids repeating everything that's said around them" #shadowing j.mp/pEiL5a #
- "it's like when you watch your favorite movie where you have memorized all the lines just from seeing it so many times." j.mp/pEiL5a #
- また蛾が・・・(^^) #
- "Drop your class and separate school from language learning." j.mp/r4Hrtm #
- How to Remember Everything You'll Ever Learn: The Spaced Repetition System | Beyond Bounds j.mp/qZCCI6 #
- "No, you're not too old" j.mp/nxHGbU #
- Don't EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER judge yourself on your first try. At least wait until your 10,000th. j.mp/dwRshA #
- Learning a language is like having a pet | babelhut.com j.mp/pMCaBe #
- Japanese Poop Museum | babelhut.com j.mp/qVWa9m #
- 方大同-愛愛愛(自製KTV) – YouTube j.mp/qPTkRg #
- 愛愛愛 歌詞 方大同 ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網 "你哭起來 我笑起來 都為了 愛愛愛
有一天翻開辭海找不到愛 花不開 樹不擺 還是更暢快
愛 還是會期待 還是覺得孤單太失敗 我愛故我在" j.mp/o65byl # - 開卷八分鐘20100827 — 《相遇》 – YouTube j.mp/obAlbd #
- 華爾街(3) 兩條道路 2/4 CCTV高清720P – YouTube "CCTV" j.mp/oghwQn #
- 【コラム】必要以上!?のビジネス英語マスター術 (48) 英語學習で重要なのは時間ではなく頻度!? 信じてみたくなる"2分間學習" | 経営 | マイコミジャーナル j.mp/9RZVHf #
- 愛愛愛 Ai Ai Ai – 方大同 Khalil Fong / sung by Riney and Bam – YouTube j.mp/rj2uRt #
- 可愛女人 – Ke ai nu ren – 周杰倫 Jay Chou / sung by Riney and Bam – YouTube j.mp/bJuVbO #
- 禁断の顔合わせがついに実現! 苫米地英人×勝間和代 – 日刊サイゾー j.mp/mm7MWj #
- Jolin 蔡依林 – 獨佔神話 – YouTube j.mp/qH98TP #
- Jolin 蔡依林 – 獨佔神話 – YouTube "到而家都重好鍾意佢mv裏面嗰個bling bling妝~" j.mp/qH98TP #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "DJ HASEBE feat.ZEEBRA&MUMMY D – Master Mind" j.mp/oPhNLU #
- TKZee – Dlala Mapantsula – YouTube j.mp/rgakLO #
- 人間と同様の音声生成器官を持つ発話ロボット #DigInfo �� – YouTube j.mp/nx6717 Japanese audio AND Japanese subs! #FTW #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "遠隔コミュニケーションの為の肩乗りアバタ #DigInfo quot; j.mp/okozBH #avatar #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "21世紀のアポロ計畫 – サハラソーラーブリーダー計畫が始動 : DigInfo" j.mp/q2Zhzh #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "新興國でのネットインフラを支える超小型マイクロ波通信システム #DigInfo quot; j.mp/qJVU6B #
- "don't fight yourself to change your behavior in the midst of the wrong environment; just change the environment" j.mp/nO7YZS #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "歯科実習用ロボット – シムロイド : DigInfo" j.mp/nN3M3v #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "ロボットスーツによる健康長壽社會を目指したサイバニクス研究 #DigInfo quot; j.mp/owbzyy #
- Music is poetry. So, yes, it counts. #immersion #
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