- "it's incredibly easy to fall into the trap of spending more time talking about a language than actually learning" j.mp/q3i6Sx #
- 八重歯のめざまし天使 杉崎美香|アナウンス研究コピペ保管庫 j.mp/ngUKzY #
- "grittier kids more likely to win National Spelling Bee b/c higher levels of grit → more hours of deliberate practice" j.mp/nMAtY8 #
- "Grit requires love. And love is just another name for what never gets old." j.mp/nMAtY8 #
- 八重ガ~八重歯ガールの全て~ 提案:ヤエコラ "6位:上村愛子
スポーツ八重歯草分け" j.mp/pDX1jn # - 一見、普通のTシャツかと思いきや・・・ | IDEA*IDEA j.mp/dXmRwG #
- "as soon as you start analyzing how you speak, you're toast" j.mp/nvhHBn #
- "Comparing yourself to others is never a good idea because you always end up feeling bad." j.mp/rl1aop #
- 科學人雜誌網站 "台灣的全民健保有很高的民眾滿意度" j.mp/5MefLA #
- ヘクター・エリゾンド – Wikipedia j.mp/pKBGt6 #
- An Aural Method to Learn An Oral Language, Japanese j.mp/oAbWN2 #
- 염라공주 모모레 에필로그1 | Daum 만화속세상 j.mp/gJbj1F #
- The Dirty Guide to Japanese j.mp/pM8OVP #
- New at AJATT Plus: [Handle With Care] The Magic Text File of Syntactical MCD Awesomeness t.co/8PO8A2u #
- "他者と比較するのではなく、過去の自分と比較する" j.mp/b0HT2Z #
- EDISON – 即影即有 – YouTube j.mp/mUIrmV #
- 日本語教師・學習者のための多読 | 日本語多読研究會 j.mp/oNv4y3 #
- Know more today than yesterday and know more yesterday and know more tomorrow than today. #SRS #
- みうらじゅんのマイブームクッキング vol.4 [DVD] by みうらじゅん
j.mp/onyqRl # - Know more today than yesterday and know more tomorrow than today. #
- Joel on Software – やさしいバグトラッキング j.mp/rgahdv #
- オー、トーシー!カモン、トーシー! #
- "You can cut the effort in half, and still yield the same benefit. " j.mp/lRE78y #
- "yes you do have to do the task, just not for the whole time." j.mp/lRE78y #SRS #deliberatepractice #
- How Much Should We Practice? | Wired Science | Jonah Lehrer @ Wired.com j.mp/lRE78y #SRS #deliberatepractice #brain #column #
- "practice for 20 minutes…passively exposed to stimuli for 20 minutes…learn as if…practicing for 40 minutes." j.mp/lRE78y #
- Learning Japanese Hiragana and Katakana: Workbook and Practice Sheets by Kenneth G. Henshall t.co/qigtiK0 via @amazon #
- "having a way to get books [digitiz]ed overseas for cheaper than having them shipped sounds awesome" j.mp/nWVgsf #
- 「日本語脳人格の出現を抑える事が、英語上達の基本」http://t.co/hGWFIIK #
- Funny 実況プレイ Videos | AJATT Plus "I am helplessly addicted to these kind of videos. Somebody help me!" j.mp/py0jvj #
- 不要知足,要瘋狂!一帆風順的人生,他不屑一顧:《你所不知道的四個賈伯斯》 j.mp/mV4TMg #
- The Mirraz discord018−1 – YouTube j.mp/pe1CAA #
- ピープ・ショー ボクたち妄想族 | WOWOWオンライン "登場人物(アラン)
マークの同僚かつ友人の黒人。とても仕事ができるビジネスマンの鏡。マークはそのパワフルさに感化されてしまう。" j.mp/ml49Yv # - 映畫內に出てくるコンピューターのモニターに映っているもの:カラパイア j.mp/nU9xLQ #
- Practice time is for finding your weaknesses. Don't go to practice to look good, go to eat humble pie and drink shame shakes. #SRS #
- Practice time is for finding your weaknesses. Game time is for hiding them, for winning at all costs. #input #circumlocution #
- Practice time is where you go to mess up. Game time is where you go to look good. #input #output #
- Don't waste your practice time trying to look good. Don't waste your game time worrying about having messed up. #input #circumlocution #
- @MattBonder The issue is not so much the tool as it is the attitude toward the tool, and the way the tool is used. #selectivity #河豚 #fugu #
- Don't go to practice to look good, but don't go to be bored either. Let it be fun, interesting, engaging, full of variety. #SRS #
- Let practice be full of fast cuts…like a Michael Bay movie (think "Bad Boys") #SRS #一分間勉強法 #MCDs #fun #chinesetabletennistraining #
- "Enough input, especially using MCDs, forces you into good, native-like habits." j.mp/r8uiGf #
- ロボットが人間にどんどん近づいてくることで起きる「不気味の谷現象」を検證してみる:カラパイア j.mp/r1Tu5N #
- JReK – Japanese Sentence Search j.mp/59ql5h #
- 風が吹けば桶屋が儲かる – アンサイクロペディア "風が吹けば桶屋が儲かる(かぜがふけばおけやがもうかる)とは、一陣の風を巡って巻き起こる人間模様を、緻密な描寫と大膽な構図で描き出した問題作である。"wwwww j.mp/n6lSf5 #
- 風が吹けば桶屋が儲かる – アンサイクロペディア "風が吹けばスカートがめくれる" j.mp/n6lSf5 #
- 文の構造が原因で読みにくい文章 – アンサイクロペディア j.mp/jayXXY #
- 文の構造が原因で読みにくい文章 – アンサイクロペディア "おじやギャグやガキギャグが満載漫才大萬歳の文章は、読み手が読みてー!と思うことも無いンティナインなので" j.mp/jayXXY 笑 #
- 文の構造が原因で読みにくい文章 – アンサイクロペディア "読みづらい文章というのは、結局個人の判斷による所だとも言えないこともないと言う人もいるとも言われるが" j.mp/jayXXY #
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