- Gedanken experiments are for dead German physicists. You need to do real experiments. Actually try stuff out. #immersion #SRS #
- 404 Blog Not Found:ペア書評 – 行動経済學/経済は損得で理解しろ! t.co/Xs7LbkzP #
- Universal Cable Infomercial – Chinese – YouTube t.co/kMmA3rNb #cantonese #
- RHYMESTER 耳ヲ貸スベキ – YouTube t.co/2yPRmkOK #
- (PV)RHYMESTER feat. F.O.H – ウワサの真相.mpg – YouTube t.co/EqWzEAAN #
- SKEの寢起きドッキリ – YouTube t.co/A5sA1v3N #
- #Shazam を使って AKB48 の River という曲を発見しました。 t.co/fBFxKWX3 #
- #Shazam を使って AKB48 の Beginner という曲を発見しました。 t.co/GMB8cqTQ #
- [M/V]"カラ" KARA – MR. – YouTube t.co/cu5PwACJ #
- Crystal Kay – Superman -short ver. – YouTube t.co/ICGf0gdT #
- " stop trying to find logic in a language. Most of the time, there is no logic."
t.co/5lrzPetY # - 引きこもりと「代用ロボット」が氾濫する未來:映畫『Surrogates' « WIRED.jp Archives t.co/jUIDb0qD #
- ターミネーター+攻殻機動隊みたいな映畫「Surrogates」予告編ムービーHD版公開 – GIGAZINE t.co/IVCtu8dH #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "霹靂布袋戲國語配音視頻《刀龍傳說——凡塵英雄路》 第三集預告" t.co/aQATFPIi #puppets #mandarin #swords #kungfu 😛 #
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- New at AJATT Plus: ARES-3: The Science-Fiction Sentence Pack… t.co/tCE1lCcX #
- #Shazam を使って 安心亚 の 恋爱应援团 という曲を発見しました。 t.co/OfzjtWCc #
- "if something is "nearly impossible" that still means it's possible." t.co/Ri5BNM0O #
- "giving up is a[n] advanced skill that children take a while to master." t.co/Ri5BNM0O #lol #
- "I read kanji like it was candy" t.co/wYxVDcgS #
- "Yeah man, I'd love to learn algebra, but I'm not a five year-old…" t.co/Ri5BNM0O #age #excuse #
- 安心亞《戀愛應援團》MV完整版 – YouTube t.co/YxFzsxT6 #
- "fast or slow, I'll get there" t.co/Ri5BNM0O #
- 牛乳に相談だ。 – YouTube t.co/BPM2y7Vk #
- 'ギネス世界記錄2012' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/AI6v1iRI via @ #guinness #book #records #japanese #
- ギネス世界記錄 – 日本公式サイト t.co/kA2WGeu8 #
- Ode to Heisig and RTK | Sinosplice "a triumph of imagination over rote learning" t.co/z9NSef16 #
- I'm no linguist, but you're not gonna not learn Japanese by watching Japanese TV, I'll tell you that much. #
- "The Universe abhors balance" Richard Koch #
- Play Video Games, You Lazy B*stard! | Zyaga "make that laziness…productive!" t.co/bBkiE1M4 #
- 創戰紀 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 t.co/dnRZrPOX #tron #legacy #
- グル〜ミ〜 – Wikipedia t.co/dadLJB7S #gratuitously #violent #teddy #bear #anime #gloomy #
- MORI CHACK's site new movie [GLOOMY] – YouTube t.co/9FMMNcSi #gratuitously #violent #teddy #bear #anime #グル~ミ~ #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "導火線國語版預告片Flash Point Trailer" t.co/Atp6pJzD #
- 辣豆瓣醬 | 李錦記香港企業資訊 t.co/onwJQxzm #lee #kum #kee (#leigamgei) #sauce #豆板醤 #why #idunno #justbecause #
- Wait…Wuh?: Remembering the Kanji 3 Poster t.co/Cc27lRhc #
- Super Junior(슈퍼주니어) _ SORRY, SORRY _ MusicVideo – YouTube t.co/nwcgkY32 #
- "My Japanese improved tenfold…just from converting everything I use into Japanese and immersing myself in the media." t.co/tipnPVoi #
- 鳥居みゆき の '鳥居ようちえん 卒園編 [DVD]' t.co/VWsAIYjx via @ #quirky #comedy #not #actually #for #children #
- "「The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air」 ベルエアのフレッシュプリンスは1990年から1996年にNBCで放映されていたシットコム(シチュエーション コメディの略)。" t.co/A2s3PhZC #
- The Unbreakable Chain of Language Learning t.co/tYiSfoxF
Tag 263 : The Path to Fluency t.co/5s9Ggvlm # - Don’t Have High Standards, Have Wide Standards | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time t.co/76F1rFDi #
- 長門有希 – アンサイクロペディア "アンサイクロペディア創設者オスカー・ワイルドからの
お願いをお読みください" t.co/wuFOheQs
#爆笑 # - YouTube – Leanback t.co/LUX6nHBo #
- "I’m all about easy goals now." t.co/76F1rFDi #
- There are:
A. Things that are good for you, and
B. Things that are good for you and that you’ll actually do.
t.co/r7i6LYqr #次善主義 # - ラグジュアリーride! #
- ”When I watch anime in English…I remember why I never got interested in anime until I went to Japan" | Momoko on anime dubs #snap #ouch #
- "腕白をうでしろって読んだ。
恥ずかしっ" t.co/l3E5XZr4 # - "The final seal is aboot to be breached!!!" #
- "Making small amounts of progress every day is more important than making a lot every now and then." t.co/76F1rFDi #
- "consistently persistent" t.co/76F1rFDi #
- "Don’t ever do more than you can do every single day" t.co/76F1rFDi #
- "managed to teach myself Spanish (to fluency) in a matter of months with free online Spanish TV shows " t.co/q3cTvAfS #
- A language is just a toy. It's like a massive "Simon Says" machine. #
- Let Japanese be that naughty friend that you spend way too much time with, the one people say is a bad influence on you. #
- Do half now. Do half later. You don't have to do it all now. #binaryfission #timeboxing #widestandards #
- "The idea that you aim to fail an exam, and if you pass, it's a bonus, got me through my whole degree." Steven Stanley #widestandards #
- 100-year-old finishes marathon
t.co/91eLmth1 # - 百歳でフルマラソン完走 英男性が最高齢世界記錄 89歳からマラソン始める – MSN產経ニュース t.co/CQsWUMEB #
- 沖縄タイムス | 100歳の英男性がフルマラソン完走 t.co/Kfwjfqy1 #
- t.co/xSJfKcXt:100歳男性、フルマラソン完走の最年長記錄達成 t.co/yGrSiygg #
- 明報新聞網海外版 – 加西版(溫哥華) – Canada Vancouver Chinese Newspaper – 加國新聞 t.co/RJQSk9A1 #
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- 百歲老人馬拉松賽創世界紀錄-20111014共同關注-鳳凰視頻-最具媒體價值的綜合視頻門戶-鳳凰網 t.co/2w0Ntwsu #
- New at AJATT Plus: ARES-3: The Science-Fiction Sentence Pack… t.co/CeW0UeVU #
- 最初は「小島義雄」だった小島よしお 1/2 – YouTube t.co/3WzBmr7N #
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