- Big choices can be scary. Make many small choices instead. #immersion 20:57:09
- If there's no law against it, you're old enough. If you're alive, you're young enough. #getusedtoalanguage 21:52:46
- You're not broken. The method you were using is broken. You're fine. You work perfectly. #getusedtoalanguage 22:10:46
- 另一種活法:平凡的生活裡,做自己的大英雄_雅虎資訊 – t.co/gFwDkrQZDg 22:39:11
- 巴哈姆特電玩瘋 第 116 集 20130301 t.co/U6GpMqyPJm @minitubeappさんから 23:00:33
- Reviews of some amazing-looking platformers: 巴哈姆特電玩瘋 第 116 集 20130301 t.co/U6GpMqyPJm #chinese #runner2 #showdowneffect 23:06:24
- "95% of Japanese used in anime is normal Japanese…don’t know why people don’t get that." t.co/Oq1BKZONy8 08:39:45
- "read and watch whatever you want. When you get bored, try something else." t.co/Oq1BKZONy8 08:42:31
- ライカボス! 14:43:47
- 「英語が出来るのは、出来る前に諦めるからだ」 t.co/AHZFzfxmlW @さんから 00:04:38
- "The reason you suck at English is because you give up before you stop sucking."
t.co/mTx40v6T00 00:17:51 - "Why Your English Sucks": An underrated gem of a book by a guy who learned English by watching "Friends": t.co/rWuPPAIRGM 00:20:45
- “請容許我 介紹自己叫做熱狗 如果你想繼續聽我說 你記得喊安可”
安可 歌詞 Mc HotDog ※ t.co/OmMuTildtM 魔鏡歌詞網 t.co/AIkO4o7q1y 09:45:14 - 可愛女人 – Ke ai nu ren – 周杰倫 Jay Chou / sung by Riney and Bam – YouTube – t.co/kUddI5tQrD 10:11:15
- 慧禮法師與功夫孩兒 (英文字幕) – YouTube – t.co/fWQTAunkLK 11:56:34
- New @ AJATT Plus: MCDs Are Schizophrenic t.co/8PS96j4YtU 12:02:38
- ICレコーダー Voice-Trek |ICレコーダーなどオーディオ製品|オンラインショップ|オリンパス – t.co/sXAfCfhvL6 16:10:49
- 廿四味 24Herbs MV "Hu Ge" – YouTube t.co/qlRnFqsNCI 16:20:07
- You don't need to find the right answer, just a good answer. #immersion #SRS #method 17:10:36
- You don't need to find "the" right answer, just an answer that works well for you right now.
#immersion #SRS #method #captainobvious 17:12:25 - It doesn't really matter how nice the shoes are — if they don't fit, you need a different pair. #method #choices 17:13:35
- Treat your immersion techniques like clothes — different weather, different clothes. #captainobvious 17:14:44
- Never make yourself suffer for a method. It's much easier and more sensible to change your shoes than to get prosthetic feet. 17:17:13
- プロクルーステース – Wikipedia – t.co/NvvW699ykW 17:18:32
- 普洛克路斯忒斯 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 – t.co/J7AbTCyQ5Y 17:18:53
- Taleb's "The Bed of Procrustes" (Japanese translation): t.co/NPMIOoK155 @nntaleb 17:19:48
- "Be selective. Do not tackle everything with equal effort." ~ Richard Koch 17:37:07
- 給你說故事 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: – t.co/vJUDPYQRp0 20:35:19
- CiNii 論文 – シャドーイング練習による日本語発音の変化 : モンゴル語・中國語母語話者を対象に(聴覚・音聲・言語とその障害,一般) – t.co/Zzm2F3WrLx 20:58:02
- 高橋 フミアキ の 名作書き写し文章術 を Amazon でチェック! t.co/CdJfaHujSB @さんから 21:11:47
- 方大同-自以為(Feat.徐佳瑩 LALA)MV – YouTube t.co/Kb0SGUacP7 21:22:40
- Khalil Fong 方大同 feat. Lala Xu 徐佳瑩 – 自以為 : t.co/3DhAh73eF6 – t.co/1ODXxScBl1 #lyrics 21:47:37
- 役立たずな知識の有益性: The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge – useless.pdf – t.co/Wfe2nLE7He #pdf 22:13:52
- The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge | Brain Pickings – t.co/AwYDoHaKvY 22:16:09
- “Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.”
t.co/pS5by8Y84v 22:33:04 - "A man, as a general rule, owes very little to what he is born with. A man is what he makes of himself." t.co/Q7QZ86toCM 22:37:50
- Handbook of Competence and Motivation by Andrew J. Elliot PhD t.co/fLH2m8TY4y @amazonさんから 00:08:04
- 「留学だけでは、英語力は伸びない」
t.co/rWuPPAIRGM 11:10:48 - "Much mischief results from our taking a moral position on matters which are not basically moral matters at all." ~ Maxwell Maltz 20:09:55
- 尻尾を切ると全體が砕け散るガラス「プリンス・ラパートの滴」で何が起きているか、スローモーションで見るとこんな感じ – GIGAZINE t.co/OTq77OQYJw 21:29:53
- プリンス・ラパートの滴 – Wikipedia t.co/iwmRBzU8SI 21:31:09
- わずか6秒という短さの「ウルヴァリン:SAMURAI」予告編がVineに登場 – GIGAZINE t.co/Ezey58EU5m 21:51:37
- ハルヒ・らき☆すた・かんなぎなどに見る「アニメが創造するソーシャルメディアの可能性」 – GIGAZINE t.co/u5w6vevHgu 21:52:56
- 「20歳を過ぎてから英語を学ぼうと決めた人たちへ」
t.co/xtZnyzt3xl 22:12:17 - Japanese webcomics: WEB漫画:一般向け(子供閲覧ok):WEB漫画[オリジナル] t.co/3a8aSbP0Qy 22:17:01
- Japanese Webcomic: t.co/IrM7NgNTI1 22:17:33
- Les Anges De La Télé Réalité 5 – Episode 1 Complet – 04/03/2013 (HD) – YouTube – t.co/dE3tFb1ctf #french #reality #tv 11:36:33
- 獸の物語 – Beast Whisperer – t.co/NCcQB72rR5 #chinese #vet #blog 11:38:10
- Les anges de la télé réalité 5 – Episode 1 complet 04/03/2013 – YouTube t.co/MAEQSeyFVk #french #reality #tv 11:39:30
- New @ AJATT Plus: The Computer Software Sentence Pack: Episode 1 t.co/eDJziwKtI2 12:00:24
- Damlandslaget matchning mot killar 15/1 2013 – svenskfotboll – YouTube t.co/ihUeRTwogC #swedish #soccer 17:58:27
- RT @taijuando: I really appreciate the little changes to surusu. I've been away a while. @ajatt 21:48:14
- Japanese Webcomic: となりのヤングジャンプ : ワンパンマン t.co/mTVGLYYrqz #onepunchman 21:59:02
- Japanese Webcomic: ワンパンマン t.co/OLTwteyoRt #onepunchman #original 21:59:41
- ワンパンマン – Wikipedia t.co/YgFrtIVjYY 21:59:52
- Poems of Tennyson in Japanese: テニスン の 対訳テニスン詩集―イギリス詩人選〈5〉 (岩波文庫) を Amazon でチェック! t.co/P1ZIwhW0EJ @さんから 22:38:56
- RT @TomoMachi: 「スカイフォール」でMが朗読するのはテニスンの詩『ユリシーズ』です「たしかに多くが奪われたが/残されたものも多い/昔日、大地と天を動かした我らの力強さは既にない/だが依然として我々は我々だ (続く)」RT @RevoBlo: 町山さんなら詩は … 22:39:15
- 好きな言葉(9) Alfred Tennyson 'Ulysses'|keiko-dmのブログ t.co/fYU1Smm7AK 22:43:10
- RT @thelanguagedojo: @ajatt Finally bought Minitube. Best $11 I've ever spent. #HandsFreeImmersion #Matt 09:18:12
- A little bit about my studying | Languagewanderer t.co/Xgic1zKhuw 09:46:17
- TuneIn: Listen to Online Radio, Music and Talk Stations t.co/l5T8a0UUe8 #radio #immersion 09:47:57
- Languagewanderer | Blog about learning Norwegian and other languages. Traveling and foreign languages. t.co/b5aQxjEXW3 09:48:07
- RT @gyaku13: 英語も大事だけど、日本語もまともにあつかえてないのに英語覚えてもそれは会話レベルでしか使えませんよ?第一言語を高いレベルで保つことが第二言語を豊かにする近道であると思います。 09:50:00
- 「英語はもっと科学的に学習しよう SLA(第二言語習得論)からみた効果的学習法とは」
t.co/mY8k6FeyxE 09:51:26 - 日本ラジオ局 – Listen Online t.co/tx5W4sW2et #Japanese #Radio 10:00:55
- You had me at "Michael Jackson": Norwegian – jeg snakker litt norsk – YouTube t.co/fkOB0g2FZ2 😀 10:39:43
- Cantonese radio: RTHK 2 – 香港電台 第二台 94.8 FM Kowloon – Listen Online t.co/GoyCjtMd0e #immersion 11:34:24
- RT @Fearlezzdreamer: I love it when you guess the reading of a kanji which you don't know the reading of yet and get it right. 😀 @ajatt 11:34:43
- Hong Kong radio: 香港ラジオ局 – Listen Online t.co/v2wa89WBkf #cantonese #immersion 11:35:16
- RT @myaudiocast: 「D100 大聲台」上傳了新節目: 風波裡的茶杯 – 2013年3月28日 ( t.co/tmfBDKu1e2 ) 11:35:28
- Cantonese webcomic 飯氣劇場: 2010/04 t.co/79jxu1LwWe 13:05:36
- Cantonese webcomic: 飯氣劇場 t.co/f1dL3kk4k6 13:07:38
- 民間電台 – 102.8 FM Hong Kong – Listen Online t.co/bX97JzL9Jw #cantonese #radio #hongkong 13:17:41
- RTHK 1 – 香港電台 第一台 92.6 FM Kowloon – Listen Online t.co/uLOZKtPaoR #cantonese #radio #hongkong 13:37:00
- 瘋神無雙 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 t.co/QRTRrkxnUf 13:41:01
- 20130316 瘋神無雙 part1 – YouTube t.co/8Hg453hnwO #mandarin #period #sketch #comedy #taiwan 13:41:20
- RT @ptarkkonen: "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do." -Walter Bagehot #quote 13:41:38
- 材木 – Google 検索 – t.co/VlWDhPwUdV 14:55:26
- RT @nathansoap: @thelanguagedojo @ajatt Tubalr is a nice tool similar to Minitube that is a big benefit anyone's L2 t.co/sRZp2f8wmf 19:41:36
- There is a technical term for someone who confuses the opinions of a reader of a book with those of the author. That term is idiot. #SMS 20:16:22
- RT @EbookTherapist: Hell yes! Just leveled up to Obese Caterpillar in @ajatt Silverspoon Neutrino! Wooo! 23:31:25
- ルイ・リエル – Wikipedia t.co/Emx3BxFbSm 11:58:08
- RT @savannatokyo: [VIDEO] Ashes to Ashes feat. SQUASH SQUAD, JAY ALL DAY & OKASIAN / DJ BEERT & Flammable
t.co/RhNZc4v0yH 13:58:42 - 周杰倫 & Kobe Bryant – 雪碧廣告 – YouTube – t.co/VjmqQ8LzOl 14:14:32
- Battle of Heaven and Earth – Jay Chou 周杰倫 ( ft Kobe Bryant ) – YouTube – t.co/L5CcCfp3Wc 14:14:39
- A short movie-length Chinese (Mandarin) TV commercial: PepsiCo Bringing Happiness Home 2013 Director's Cut – YouTube t.co/WBHZXTjRih 14:19:16
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