- (Advance Notice) AJATT Server Upgrade / Scheduled Downtime
- More Details On AJATT Server Upgrade / Scheduled Downtime
Hey kids,
So yeah, server upgrade, downtime, read the previous post to get up to speed.
The big question is when? The answer:
- Start time: March 30, 2013 @ 0630~1230 Japan Standard Time
- Beginning in this time window, you will start to experience an inability to access some or all of the constellation of server-dependent AJATT sites, subsites and services. Everything from this main blog to Surusu, AJATT Plus and everything else in between are no exception.
- End time (projected): April 6, 2013 @ 1200 Japan Standard Time
- By this time, everything should be back to normal, with you and I happily sipping smoothies and enjoying hookers and blow at the new AJATT server.
Basically, prepare for a few days of downtime followed by several years of bliss 🙂 .
Special Notes:
- Special arrangements are being made so that Neutrino core downtime can be on the order of hours rather than days.
- Surusu will most likely take the biggest hit in terms of length of downtime due to the sheer volume of users (15,000) and data (many a gigabyte) involved. And also because it’s free 😛 . But most importantly, to secure the integrity of the data and ensure a seamless transition. Ultimately, Surusu will benefit a great deal from all the “500 Internal Server Error”s (due to server overload) it won’t be having on the new, more powerful server.
- The whole situation is rather fluid so all this information is subject to change as conditions on the ground shift and/or reveal themselves. I’ll keep you posted 🙂 .
Part of me wonders how much of this is an April Fool’s joke…
The question is: will any of the visitors to this website start to exhibit signs of withdrawal? Will pained screams fill the air everywhere until downtime is over? Will there be an uptick in drive-by SRS-ings? The horror! The horror!
I think you meant “you will start to experience an inability” to access parts of the site…though I could have been wrong skimming through.
Hmm it seems Surusu is fine as of now. I guess its not quite as bad as I thought it would be.