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(Advance Notice) AJATT Server Upgrade / Scheduled Downtime

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series The Great AJATT Server Upgrade of the 2010s

Hey gang,

How are those mothers of yours?
Great, great. Good times.

So guess what? AJATT has grown too big for her britches! Or…breeches? I don’t even really know what britches are, but there’s definitely a size and scale issue going on. Yeah…a few years online, lots of notoriety, Neutrino and the best SRS in the world will do that for you. So the plan is to upgrade to a ridiculously awesome server so that…things can continue being even more awesome. Don’t worry, I don’t need to know adjectives any more because I can just say “awesome” whenever I want to say something is superb.

Like: “your Mom is superb sauce”.
↑Free usage example!

No, but, yeah, so the original plan was to have it so that the server would experience no downtime whatsoever and you wouldn’t even know what was happening back here. But after several weeks of keyboard-mashing back and forth with the migration team at the new superb sauce server, it was decided that it’s best to just shut things down for a few days, move everything and then…you know, whatever. That way there’ll be no issues with some people accessing old data and other people accessing new(er) data. No synchronization issues and what have you.

TL;DR: AJATT may go down for a while. Don’t freak out; it’s not an accident; it’s a carefully planned and executed upgrade by seasoned professionals ( 😉 ). She will rise again. Check back in a week or less. 😛

Also, you look wonderful today. Muah.


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  2 comments for “(Advance Notice) AJATT Server Upgrade / Scheduled Downtime

  1. davem
    March 29, 2013 at 20:41

    So we can plan better, can you tell us when it what date the servers will go down and for how long? Most of us will probably need to make alternate SRS arrangements for that time!


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