"Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines." ~Robert Schuller #immersion # "PKを外すことができるのは、PKを蹴る勇気を持った者だけだ" ロベルト・バッジョ bit.ly/lDlnUO # YouTube – Making soccer history "'94W杯決勝 ブラジル vs イタリア PK戦" bit.ly/l27Bcj #Japanese #soccer #WCUSA94 #baggio # 漢字復活論議の行方:いま面白い韓國(지금 재미있는 한국):So-netブログ bit.ly/ieR7tD # -dissident- the Noam Chomsky Archive Japan "異分子(仮) -dissident- :チョムスキー・アーカイヴ日本語版は、 ノーム・チョムスキーの政治的発言を日本語で紹介するウェブサイト。" bit.ly/gHxEUb # An Informal Learner Using Repetition Spacing…
New SilverSpoon Openings! (Round 6)
by khatzumoto
What Is SilverSpoon? ↑ Go here if you’ve forgotten what all SilverSpoon is 😛 Sign Up Now — Only 7 Places Available There are only 7 places available in this round. More places will become available later, but at higher prices. So come get yours while the getting’s good! You could learn Japanese without AJATT…
Sex, Lies and Broken Promises: Battered SilverSpooners Speak Out
by khatzumoto
“…this SilverSpoon model, if it goes as planned, could be the next generation of learning. Truly ingenious. And plus, it’s highly scalable. Silverspoon + Khan Academy = optimized learning.” Lance M. Current SilverSpooner “Too many times I have lost focus, pushed myself too hard, or just simply slacked off. With the SilverSpoon program, I actually…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-05-15
by khatzumoto
★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "【自作】フルメタル輪ゴム鉄砲『シルバーウルフ』" bit.ly/jCYQ0M OH MY GOSH! #hoshii # 風流に「桜」をたしなむ貓たちの畫像と動畫特集:カラパイア bit.ly/juPSWE #kawaii # "There are two types of people: those who try to win and those who try to win arguments. They are never the same." ~ Taleb # ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "【台灣】女子アナが「睾丸ニュース」に大爆笑" bit.ly/lCE2pY # YouTube – iPadの説明するけぇ、よう聞きんさい。 bit.ly/jsCwdL In 安芸弁 (Hiroshima…
New SilverSpoon Openings (Round 4)
by khatzumoto
What Is SilverSpoon? ↑ Go here if you’ve forgotten what all SilverSpoon is 😛 Sign Up Now — Only 7 Places Available There are only 7 places available in this round. More places will become available later, but at higher prices. So come get yours while the getting’s good! You could learn Japanese without AJATT…
When To Start Getting Used To Japanese
by khatzumoto
The sooner you start looking at Japanese, the sooner you’ll start reading it. The sooner you start hearing Japanese, the sooner you’ll start understanding it. It is because the thing takes time, it is precisely because the result is not instant that we must start now. The longer a thing takes to do, the sooner…