剪刀、石頭、布 – 维基百科,自由的百科全书 bit.ly/g6l7ch # El japonés mecánico: febrero 2011 "Como leer manga en el Kindle" bit.ly/fHROMi # El japonés mecánico: febrero 2011 bit.ly/fHROMi # 200811華流 チャイナ日和 (又名:華流的一天) bit.ly/dQsNU3 # "have Japanese in your ears and on your mind last thing before sleep and first thing after waking" bit.ly/g98Jwf # テンポラル・モティベーション理論 – 人事組織の研究ブログ by jinjisoshiki…
Max Out The Cause Card: The Omnipotence of Precursors
by khatzumoto
If you want to get what you want, stop trying to get what you want.
When The Universal Translators Come…
by khatzumoto
The day may well come when machines make learning languages unnecessary…irrelevant. Universal translators, just like in Star Trek. The ultimate American linguistic dream: everyone speaking the same language 😛 . That day may well come. So should you stop learning the language you’re learning.? No. But, for heaven’s sake, do stop learning it the wrong…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-04-17
by khatzumoto
キンドル(kindle)&洋書ペーパーバックで楽しみながら多読 bit.ly/hVWkbQ # "実際に使ってみると、日本の田舎でも無線が繋がって感動しました。 基本的に携帯が繋がるところではOKなようです。" bit.ly/eFWR7v # YouTube – スパルタカス 予告編[HD] bit.ly/fkaoLB # YouTube – YANZOO CYHPER vol.1 feat' ISH-ONE,AKLO,OJIBAH,FUKK,SAGGA bit.ly/f2uaqo # 私にもキンドル3が: 穂影のアイズオンリー "部屋にスペースができても、紙の本はもう買う気はしない。" bit.ly/eI3Z4H # "「玩樂是世界上最須認真看待的大事。」" bit.ly/h6j0zo # rip slyme PV ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE bit.ly/hcwiji # ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "Fish Fight ! / 野猿" bit.ly/gwTSKt # ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "RIP SLYME…
All Batting All The Time: Ted Williams Teaches Us How To Learn
by khatzumoto
Baseball legend Ted Williams was one in a million, widely considered the most “gifted” hitter of his time. “I remember watching one of his home runs from the bleachers of Shibe Park,” John Updike wrote in The New Yorker in 1960. “It went over the first baseman’s head and rose meticulously along a straight line…
AJATT SilverSpoon: Coming April 30
by khatzumoto
Everything is about to change. …