- "Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines." ~Robert Schuller #immersion #
- "PKを外すことができるのは、PKを蹴る勇気を持った者だけだ"
ロベルト・バッジョ bit.ly/lDlnUO # - YouTube – Making soccer history "'94W杯決勝 ブラジル vs イタリア PK戦" bit.ly/l27Bcj #Japanese #soccer #WCUSA94 #baggio #
- 漢字復活論議の行方:いま面白い韓國(지금 재미있는 한국):So-netブログ bit.ly/ieR7tD #
- -dissident- the Noam Chomsky Archive Japan "異分子(仮) -dissident- :チョムスキー・アーカイヴ日本語版は、
ノーム・チョムスキーの政治的発言を日本語で紹介するウェブサイト。" bit.ly/gHxEUb # - An Informal Learner Using Repetition Spacing Software « Thelearnersguild's Weblog bit.ly/kUmvZI #
- disとは – はてなキーワード "ディスる
disrespectの略で見下す" bit.ly/mRCpaZ # - スターゲート ユニバース bit.ly/jYYIfq #
- 洋書を読んで英語の勉強-27 "今の所、ハリポタしか読んでないけど
普通の記事を読んだりする時にあまりつっかえなくなった気がする… " bit.ly/j0ffAU # - YouTube – toeic スコアアップ術 bit.ly/m2x4NU #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "#42 THE NOTEBOOKで英語に親しむ^^ 英語の勉強法" bit.ly/mHVGHF #
- 野良箱 映畫「26世紀青年」(原題:Idiocracy)感想 bit.ly/mestoq #Japanese #moviereview #
- "Polyglot translates randomly selected words on the sites you visit into a language of your choice," bit.ly/kvrcu9 #
- "little strokes fell great oaks"
Benjamin Franklin # - 염라공주 모모레 17. 역전의 명수 | Daum 만화속세상 bit.ly/lHRwRw #
- Moby Interview bit.ly/lLivB8 in #Japanese #
- ネットで聞いた レンタル「こう使って得した」 何でもランキング :日本経済新聞 s.nikkei.com/mRIm3f #nikkei #rental #
- 1,600萬語通過!!: 洋書の多読の記錄のblog bit.ly/iUrK1s #
- "the extremes inform the mean, not vice-versa…Look for the outliers and study the outliers" @tferriss #
- 「てめえら人間じゃねえや!叩っ斬ってやる!」って・・・言うじゃな~い?
★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE bit.ly/jJP1KL
『破れ傘刀舟悪人狩り』 # - @leticiaito Hehe. I don't 😀 …I just love comics #
- Rule of thumb: (1) if it's in Japanese, try it once (2) …but if it's in Boringese, stop at once. #immersion #
- First, you have to play the media. After that, the media has to give you a reason why it should stay played. #immersion #
- First, you have to open the book. But after that, the book has to give you a reason why it should stay open. #immersion #reading #
- I just used "media" in the singular without blinking. Next on the list: "data". Maybe I'll balance it out by saying "these United States"… #
- Turnover: Try without prejudice, delete/skip/fast-forward/skim with extreme…prejudice. Or…postjudice 😛 #immersion #
- 日本產業用無人航空機協會・會則 bit.ly/jnu6kV #
- The more seriously you take learning a language, the more you'll suck at it. There is no learning. There is just getting used to. #
- Hunch: foreigners tend to suck at foreign languages because of misusing declarative memory ("what") and underusing procedural memory ("how") #
- Your parents take computers seriously. That's why they suck at using them. A language is a game. Play it, don't "learn" it. #
- L33tness is inversely proportional to seriousness. #
- 河野教授 "「世界初の二母性マウス誕生発生と文化のメカニズムを探る」" bit.ly/jF4WYS #
- A language is a toy, not a tool. Play with it and it will become an extension of your body and personality. Respect it and it will hate you. #
- All the "computer classes" in the world will never bring you anywhere near the level that just screwing around will. Japanese is the same. #
- There is no grammar. There is just pattern and custom. Don't follow "rules", follow the customs of the people you want to talk with. #
- New at AJATT Plus: Japanese Internet Radio (Simulradio) Batch File plus.ajatt.com/japanese-internet-radio-simulradio-batch-file #
- YouTube – (Call for love) 愛情呼叫轉移 "watch me 2007 MV" bit.ly/l3bqCa
bit.ly/jVkczy # - ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "BUMP OF CHICKEN 【PV】 プラネタリウム" bit.ly/jSSck8 #
- "The only metric should be enjoyment." bit.ly/ljRXa3 #
- "when I allowed myself to be selfish and lazy in Japanese, I started to really see a lot of progress" bit.ly/ljRXa3 #
- The Two-Tiered Card System: Reading Decks and Cloze Deletion – Three Pounds Flax bit.ly/j2OJs1 #
- Boot camp mentality | Informal Language bit.ly/mhxLEc #
- How I use shadowing | Informal Language bit.ly/laH9hP #
- "Tons of full length Japanese television shows, updated daily."
Youtubeバラエティ動畫倉庫 bit.ly/iBhcXA via #ajattplus # - Overplay.net bit.ly/iCmjcm #worldwide #vpn #
- "Patience and tenacity are worth more than twice their weight of cleverness."
Thomas Huxley # - YouTube – 蘋果日報 – 2011-04-22 – 辣妹誘男士護齒趕絕口臭殭屍 bit.ly/mHyQWJ #
- 毎日小學生新聞 – 毎日jp(毎日新聞) bit.ly/eiDBPH #
- "Language is a martial art/sport" → clever ways of saying "use procedural memory generously; use declarative memory sparingly" #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "ダーリンは外國人#03 日本での恥ずかしい體験" bit.ly/kukoKI #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "20世紀NG名珍場面(1)" bit.ly/iHtJC7 #
- The fast-forward button is your friend. #immersion #reading
As is the rewind 😀 # - 長 ~ い睡眠はスポーツ選手の成績を向上させる bit.ly/lgz4rO #
- 【スポーツ科學/睡眠/時差対策】睡眠とハイパフォーマンスとの関係 – 築波大學スポーツ醫學・向井直樹のブログ – Yahoo!ブログ bit.ly/jj5XWv #
- "many things which cannot be overcome when they are together yield themselves up when taken little by little."
Plutarch # - "Perseverance is more prevailing than violence"
Plutarch # - Brian McKnight Back At One 和訳歌詞 – 海外アーティスト – 教えて!goo " ワン、君は葉った夢のようだ
スリー、君が僕にとってただ一人の女の子であることは明らかだ" bit.ly/kRPihv # - James W. Heisig
Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture bit.ly/mzwjlr # - "The next mile is the only one a person really has to make."
Danish Fur Trappers feat. Eric Sevareid # - YouTube – Anarchy – Fate (日本語字幕版)MVA09 BEST HIP HOP VIDEO 受賞作品 j.mp/lHgFA2 #
- 【日本語ラップ】 Japanese Hip Hop 2010 【ヒップホップ】 j.mp/krh383 #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE j.mp/iQGLWX PV' RZ∞LIEW2FOW // JAPANESE SOUND アルバム「JUST KEEP IT AS」 6月30日発売! #
- NHK会社の星20081018 j.mp/mvURke #
- Make Japanese the default. Make English inconvenient. Make it so that you always have to wade through Japanese to get to English. #behavior #
- Worrying literally makes you stupid. You don't need to be smart to learn a language, but I wouldn't push it 😀 #
- Don't control your impulses, control your environment. Be impulsive. Just make it so that you can +/- only be constructively impulsive 😀 #
- 「他人が自分を認めないことを気にするな。」
孔子 # - 野口健:"行動を起こすから、その先に何かが生まれる。
変化は突然ではなく小さな努力の積み重ねから生まれるんです。" # - 香港理工大學研製出「肌動機械手」-優米視頻–優米網-與年輕人一同成長 bit.ly/mOWS4S #
- BOMBRUSH! – "STAY STRONG" feat. NORIKIYO, SHINGO★西成& DAG FORCE【Official Video】 j.mp/knNB8h #
- SHINGO西成「GHETTO」 j.mp/lUx3TF #
- 香港理工大學開元堂開元無敵化大會PolyU Kaiyuan Hall 2010 Promotion Video j.mp/moW5Kt #kung #fu #fighting #
- 如何運用NLP和「自我對話」成功學等心理技巧令你勝任新職位?02 j.mp/mck3xW #Cantonese #FTW #epic #
- YouTube – 今日のキャロリン♪ bit.ly/loGLuq #
- New at AJATT Plus: The AJATT Quick Reference Guide (QR… plus.ajatt.com/the-ajatt-quick-reference-guide-qrg-mandarin-edition-part-7 #
- Be humble enough to suspend your judgment. Be arrogant enough to turn it back on 😛 #methods #
- "Simple things now=amazing things in the future"
@ ta132=亜眼努 # - JAY'ED, CO-KEY – My Destiny (Prod. JAM KANE) (PV) j.mp/kT6TwN #
- DMX (ラッパー) – Wikipedia bit.ly/fozm0p #
- YouTube – Puzzle – Ici Et Maintenant bit.ly/fieeOY #French #rap #
- YouTube – [KTV] 方大同 愛愛愛 bit.ly/jieXHu #rnb #mandarin #slowjam #berrynice #
- Yeah, uh huh, 分かるだろう
黒と黄色 黒と黄色 黒と黄色・・・ #nakunai # - Why don't adult expats and immigrants learn the language? Well, why don't people with umbrellas get wet when it rains? #
- Yeah, uh huh
黑色黃色 黑色黃色 黑色黃色 黑色黃色・・・ # - イーア アーハー
黒・黄色 黒・黄色 黒・黄色 黒・黄色 #
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