Life As A Casting Project

Sometimes, it seems that people aren’t as nice to us as they could be. It seems that they aren’t excited as they could or should be when we speak their language. It happens. Move on. There are literally millions of alternatives. We don’t really judge any group of people fairly. Almost all our judgments about…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-04-10

Linkification – Google Chrome extension gallery "Parses plain-text links into hyperlinks" # "Making Sense of Japanese: What the Textbooks Don't Tell You" | Bad kanji attitude, but otherwise golden 😀 # @Batni LOL! 😀 # A language is a habit, not a skill. You don't "know" it. You are it. # YouTube –…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-04-03

You don't learn a language, you get used to it. # A language is a habit, not a skill. You don't "know" it, you live it. # The best way to fail at getting used to a language is to come into contact with it infrequently. # "どんなに悔いても過去は変わらない。どれほど心配した所で未来もどうなるものでもない。今、現在に最善を尽くす事である。" # YouTube – スポルト アイスホッケー-1 #…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-04-03

You don't learn a language, you get used to it. # A language is a habit, not a skill. You don't "know" it, you live it. # The best way to fail at getting used to a language is to come into contact with it infrequently. # "どんなに悔いても過去は変わらない。どれほど心配した所で未来もどうなるものでもない。今、現在に最善を尽くす事である。" # YouTube – スポルト アイスホッケー-1 #…

The Fun Algorithm

The Japanese language itself is neutral. It’s neither fun nor boring. It just is. So where does the fun come from? Wow, that sounds like…a line from an Oompa Loompa song. Wait, no, so…back in topic. Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known by his rap name, Mark Twain, once wrote: “Work consists of whatever a body…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-03-27

@PocketBanana It's only for ppl who bought, like, the QRG and stuff before a certain date 😀 hehe # "一度に大きな効果を得ようとすると、その効果を生み出す資源を失ってしまうことがある。" # Elias Fotinis DeskPins :: Make Any Window Topmost # YouTube – Nitro Microphone Underground – Coming Soon # TextMaster – count number of words, sentences and characters online while writing.…