Surusu Add Card Bookmarklet

Update (2010/12/30@0640 JST): This bookmarklet has been tweaked to fix a problem whereby the “+” sign in any highlighted text was getting dropped. If you’re still using the old version, please update now. Friends, AJATTeers, countrymen. Lend me your ears. I come to give a bookmarklet, not an update. It’s a little bookmarklet that will…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-07-03

@nac_est 閲覧装置は持ってるけど、実際に日本語表記の電子書籍がちゃんと出回ってるのかというと、答えは「ノー」っていうか、「皆無に近い」。だからI'm just 単なるgetting my hardcopy books scanned @一冊100~200円 in reply to nac_est # @nac_est しかもDRM大ッッッッッッッッッッ嫌い。著作権保護で血眼になって合法な事まで不可能にするなっつーの!(笑) なので逆に・・・なんつーの・・・こうして「半ば自炊」の電子本を使用するように強いられても悪くないかも。 in reply to nac_est # @nac_est 詳しくはこちら・・・って、言うじゃな~い?BOOKSCAN(ブックスキャン) 低価格・書籍スキャンサービス – 大和印刷 in reply to nac_est # 苛々苛々しゃいませ~!(笑) # Book describes how to use operant conditioning techniques on yourself and others. Author is a cat trainer # If…

Timeboxing Trilogy, Part 3: Dual Timeboxing

This entry is part 7 of 26 in the series Timeboxing Trilogy

This entry is part 7 of 26 in the series Timeboxing TrilogyOK, so remember how last time we talked about “nested timeboxing”? Well, today we’re going to talk about the first type of nested timeboxing — dual timeboxing. We’ll talk about the second type (decremental/downward spiral timeboxing) next time. So, Why Dual Timeboxing?   Dual…

The Little Red Dao of AJATT: Classic Edition

What is The Little Red Dao of AJATT (LARD): Classic Edition? Every major AJATT post, from 2006 to 2010, almost half a decade’s worth of insight and excellence… …Condensed to 5 or fewer bullet points per post In an electronic book (save the people’s forests!) I like to call it “LARD” for short. ‘Nuff said.…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-06-26

@JSand4325 Which post was that again? Hit me with a link! 😀 in reply to JSand4325 # About to start digitizing my books here. I think this svc. is especially promising for all you overseas AJATTeers 😀 # Would you deny yourself food *because* you were hungry? Then why would you give up on…