- ふぁんた時間 bit.ly/ddgxGF | via #ajattplus children's stories, text + audio narration…as opposed to video narration you get the point! #
- ニュートンと日経サイエンス bit.ly/9oW0kD #
- YouTube – BONNIE PINK / Thinking of You bit.ly/bCY3BM #
- YouTube – Yuzu – Natsuiro (PV) bit.ly/7Tneuq | ゆず 夏色 #
- ENDLICHERI☆ENDLICHERI | YouTube – WATERIZE 傷の上には赤いBLOOD bit.ly/ca494w #
- YouTube – Vo Vo Tau「beautiful days」【PV】 bit.ly/cDvXQg #
- ザ・ソプラノズ 哀愁のマフィア – Wikipedia bit.ly/doAPYc #
- Super! drama TV | ザ・ソプラノズ bit.ly/aG3bWd | cool picture #
- Before fluency: play Japanese video games, read Japanese books. After fluency: play Japanese video games, read Japanese books. #
- @LadyMissie Hehehe. in reply to LadyMissie #
- @LadyMissie No. Definitely not to the same extent. There's slang, but "spelling" and grammar are fine, from what I've seen. in reply to LadyMissie #
- 【アイスランド】大規模な混乱を招いた火山噴火
bit.ly/bJUX45 | via #ajattplus # - YouTube – The Beatles – HELP! (Japanese Dub) [日本語吹替版] bit.ly/9u9fZN #
- 世耕日記 bit.ly/csK2K5 | via #ajattplus #
- YouTube – 東京03 – 熱血教師 vs 熱血教師 bit.ly/bsFUuK | via #ajattplus #
- YouTube – 東京03 – ラーメン屋 bit.ly/bVf5sN | お も し ろ い #
- YouTube – 東京03 – サッカーファン bit.ly/bVZt9X | ネタバレ #
- YouTube – 東京03 – 交通事故のお見舞い | 爆笑http://bit.ly/cvMqkG #
- "Duel of the Fates" is really funny if you listen to it as Japanese…"コラ!何よ?!コラ!また!?" #
- contact precedes comprehension « Language Fixation bit.ly/a4uAx9 #
bit.ly/abSXdH # - SAKANAKA CHANNEL:現代日本の移民政策 "日本は「人材育成型」の移民政策をとるべきだ" bit.ly/abSXdH #
- "In order to go on living one must try to escape the death involved in perfectionism."
bit.ly/cRKzCI # - 【書籍】「本当に頭がよくなる1分間勉強法」 bit.ly/9jJHYe #
- "When We Were Kings" | Japanese dub bit.ly/doQUix #
- "倒すのではない、当てるんだ!そうすれば勝てる! 勝てない選手はいつも倒しにいく。勝てる選手はまず当てる。数多く当てる。" | モハメド=アリ(?) bit.ly/cHy0qZ #
- "根拠がないときだからこそ、まず自分を信じることが大切" bit.ly/bKsSLZ #
- 石井貴士オフィシャルブログ
bit.ly/a6QGie # - 20091025 HK Pan-Asian Ultimate Frisbee Tournament 39 | Sportsoho 運動版圖 bit.ly/bSXo8C #
- 毒蛇嚇機 (香港版)
bit.ly/c0wqBi | That's right, motherlovers. "Snakes on a Plane" in #Cantonese # - カナダで日本語を教えるdesperateな女教師のブログ。
"長い間ブログ更新が滞ってしまい申し訳ない。" bit.ly/aq4bCi # - Natnatvip Asian Entertainment: 金曲超級星 Superstar 2010-05-02 "
" bit.ly/b6pHsV # - @funnyav haha. MSPaint, I think 😛 in reply to funnyav #
- YouTube – ウサタクの話 動かないウサタク 前編 1/2 bit.ly/arnM7s | via #ajattplus #
- YouTube – Japanese popping competition; [はむつんサーブ] Hamutsun Serve bit.ly/aFy1XB #
- YouTube – 双極性障害の治療薬で4歳児が死亡 その1 bit.ly/cqpjfg #
- "darkest00me 》幼児の時点であんな強い抗精神薬を含む薬を飲まされたら、死ぬことはまれでも
何らかの影響は強く出ると思うな。 ||
itakeo21 》 大人でも結構副作用キツイよ "
bit.ly/aw5yIM # - "子供を化学合成された薬物で救える?
bit.ly/aw5yIM # - Use every trick in the book to get yourself to start. Whatever it takes. However crappy. Take that first step. Just do one #LongTermProjects #
- Once you start, momentum almost always carries you forward. So your only work in life is to get started. Strike the match. #
- Language learners are arsonists. We set up the conditions — sprinkle some gasoline, strike a match. Nature does the rest. #
- Narcotic abuse and arson. The new metaphors for success. 😛 #
- 日月出没計算サービス bit.ly/apOrUT #
- Amazon.co.jp: 本: 小飼弾のアルファギークに逢ってきた (WEB+DB PRESS plusシリーズ) bit.ly/dkZwB8 #
- Wasting time isn't a sign of laziness. It's just means that you've allocated too much time to the thing you're "supposed" to be doing #
- Yahoo!辞書 – おんこ‐ちしん【温故知新】 bit.ly/aYF9QN #
- 「或る年齢に達して神経ネットワークが固定されてしまうと、もう外国語を習得できないというと然うではありません。脳には固定されていない神経ネットワークがまだまだ沢山あるので、そっちを使えばいいワケです。」http://bit.ly/dn8rYN #
- 「英語を学ぶなら、日本語は邪魔である」
bit.ly/dn8rYN # - 「脳にとってストレスは大敵です」
bit.ly/dn8rYN # - コルチゾール – Wikipedia "このホルモンは、過剰なストレスにより多量に分泌された場合、脳の海馬を萎縮させることが、近年PTSD患者の脳のMRIなどを例として観察されている" bit.ly/dfJ0VU #
- YouTube – あなたの知らない本当のアメリカ [1/6] bit.ly/btbU1N #
- YouTube – あなたの知らない本当のアメリカ [2/6] bit.ly/d0m2ja #
- @tokidokinihongo でしょ!司会の町山智浩・氏の本も面白いから、良かったら調べてみてね~。(^^) in reply to tokidokinihongo #
- @loafyi Hahaha…seriously. They're like: "what the…?" 😀 in reply to loafyi #
- YouTube
– マル激トークオンディマンド bit.ly/9dbB4a # - @loafyi Keyword 町山智浩 for more interesting US stuff; he also has books out (funny, v. well-written). But you probably knew that already 🙂 in reply to loafyi #
- 「你講大話!!!」
YouTube – 黃毓民踢爆毛孟靜講大話 bit.ly/cordds #Cantonese # - Be like a mafia hitman. When you like a movie, you find out about its wife, its kids' school, its business associates, friends… #immersion #
- YouTube – 機器俠 Kungfu Cyborg 港版TRAILER 導演劉鎮偉 方力申,鄭中基 bit.ly/9FVkHC #
- The director of your favorite L2 movie has more likely than not made other cool stuff, too. These things cluster 😀 #immersion #
- Düd, Japan needs daylight savings like MJ needed responsible medical care. Sunrise at 4am. Nothing really open till 10am. Plus ppl work late #
- Plus I have frisbee to play. Work with me, 國會(^^) #
- "1948年4月28日に公布された夏時刻法に基づいて、同年5月から毎年第1土曜日24時から9月第2土曜日25時までの夏時間を実施していた(詳しくは夏時刻法を参照)。結局、サマータイムは4回(4シーズン)実施された" bit.ly/b0gG0D #
- 夏時間
1995年頃からは省エネなどを名目としたサマータイムの再導入が一部議員を中心に検討され始めた。" bit.ly/b0gG0D # - 夏時間
"2007年春には、日本経済団体連合会(日本経団連)が自由民主党に対して夏時間の導入を提案した。" bit.ly/b0gG0D # - YouTube – 一青窈 もらい泣き bit.ly/cf8Jrm #
- I'm finding that the directors & writers of a show/movie are a more reliable (if less visible) index of quality than the actors. #immersion #
- "根拠がないときだからこそ、まず自分を信じることが大切" bit.ly/bKsSLZ #
- 新垣 結衣 – Google 搜尋 bit.ly/dlHiiI #
- 中年の危機 – Google 検索 bit.ly/ci3DlR #
- YouTube – 木村カエラ - どこ (MF) bit.ly/ba1ACy #
- 雪男/イエティ – Wikipedia bit.ly/bVIzIK #
- YouTube – トリビアの泉 クリーニング「シミ抜き」の全国大会.wmv bit.ly/aeEvng #
- Just keep learning stuff. Just go plug random, fun holes in your Japanese. Ownage will take care of itself. #
- And if people tell you that you're just playing around, tell them that, well, you are. #immersion #ajatt #
- I like how this article fleshes out the idea that only those who play first build the skills to do serious stuff later
bit.ly/9e7jqH # - リトルクロック bit.ly/ce91nQ | #web #manga #Japanese #
- forLater.net | Simple Scheduled Email | Send reminders to yourself and others, Now and in the future
bit.ly/9a6yiG # - YouTube – オリエンタルラジオ bit.ly/aC1xnu #
- Billy Blanks Tae Bo spoof in #Japanese Bobby's Nigerian [technically, Japanese now :)]…he fakes bad Japanese a lot.
bit.ly/c8CB2L # - YouTube – BS11 INsideOUT アフリカ諸国も憂う日本政治の不安定さ (1) bit.ly/9J4vzw | ゲスト:ムウェテ武流阿加 #
- YouTube – BS11 INsideOUT アフリカ諸国も憂う日本政治の不安定さ (1) bit.ly/9J4vzw | ジョン・ムウェテ・ムルアカ(ムウェテ武流阿加) #
- YouTube – BS11 INsideOUT アフリカ諸国も憂う日本政治の不安定さ (2) bit.ly/cCUyfT | ジョン・ムウェテ・ムルアカ(ムウェテ武流阿加) #
- ムルアカ・クレッシェンド – livedoor Blog(ブログ) bit.ly/9mIAxB #
- YouTube – BLEACH – I'll Make A Man Out of You (Japanese version) bit.ly/ceVjuc #
- ATOKとGoogle日本語入力、IMEを選ぶならどっち?:CNETどっち? – CNET Japan bit.ly/a2NtjH #
- Asiajin » Google Releases Google Japanese Input (Beta) bit.ly/bg1U9k #
- YouTube – 元気が出るテレビ_早朝シリーズ_見栄晴 bit.ly/cezylz #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ 【 NonstopTUBE 】 – YouTube連続再生 – Automatic, keyword-based continuous playing of YouTube Videos bit.ly/bTswYM #
- "失敗とは、もうあきらめなさいという意味ではなく、もっと努力しなさいという意味だ。" bit.ly/9Pce2W #
- "失敗を恐れて挑戦しようとしない人こそ敗北者です。" | 『いかにして自分の夢を実現するか』 ロバート・シュラー | 考えるための書評集
bit.ly/9Pce2W # - You don't learn Japanese. You come into repeated, habitual contact with Japanese stuff. Japanese learns itself. #
- Watching TV in English: sloth.
Watching TV in Japanese: dedication.
bit.ly/al9m5F # - YouTube – BONNIE PINK – Cotton Candy bit.ly/8XWGVu #
- YouTube – 安室奈美恵(amuro namie) WoWa PV bit.ly/a7e6Vp #
- I'm telling you, man…it's the Bonnie Pink strut |
YT: BONNIE PINK「So Wonderful」 bit.ly/9vzCx9
Lyrics: bit.ly/dn3JiK # - YouTube – 識界:牛皮燈籠歇後語 ( 蘋果日報 ) bit.ly/ax8G3Y | 歇後語 – 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書 bit.ly/aGCxEm #
- 正識第一 / Book of Words | YouTube – 譚小環:詩 bit.ly/dnHrl3 #Cantonese #
- As you go on, not only will your skill increase, but also your capacity to acquire skill. You will learn more and faster #chunking #
- 夏時間 – Wikipedia "日韓同時にサマータイムを導入すれば経済効果が高い" bit.ly/b0gG0D #
- 「自己否定は、思考停止のスイッチなので、注意」http://bit.ly/cZFMRm #
- @LadyMissie bit.ly/cE3hmJ in reply to LadyMissie #
- @LadyMissie I'd basically go play in Japanese until the kanjilust becomes overwhelming, making any effective method acceptable. Play first. in reply to LadyMissie #
- @LadyMissie Japanese and computers are first and foremost TOYS. Toys whose expense is ex post facto justified by their usefulness. in reply to LadyMissie #
- Most of us try to do something big & useful, give up, then go do something small & useless. Why not do something small & useful? #
- YouTube – Luxury ride feat. ZEEBRA PV- Foxxi misQ bit.ly/drBd0H #
- YouTube – Midnight Club 3 DUB Edition REMIX – Luxury Ride bit.ly/9p2KlS #
- Digging this #decremental #factorial #timeboxing A lot of the benefits of #dual timeboxing (large window broken up) but using less gear. #
- You never hear people say of nuclear weapons: "but they're just atoms!". Yet we treat our #longtermprojects like that all the time #
- YouTube – [らき☆すた] Lucky☆Star Season 2 OP 幸運星第二季OP bit.ly/bY4U0E #
- YouTube – 【お笑い】 はねるのトびら – TOKYOスタイル – 第1話.mpg bit.ly/9E1Qij #
- @don_rivers Indeed 🙂 in reply to don_rivers #
- OMG…I've met salesmen like this :)…bought from them, too | YouTube – 【お笑い】 はねるのトびら – TOKYOスタイル – 第2話.mpg bit.ly/9B8hSZ #
- @e_dub_kendo Lately 10 mins. is pretty sweet for me: it totals up to 55 mins., but you *never* at any point feel it. in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- @lordsilent Not with the decremental timeboxing. It's great for doing consecutive timeboxes but in a way where u know the end is coming soon in reply to lordsilent #
- 「御洒落武道館満員じゃん!」(爆笑)| YouTube – 【お笑い】 はねるのトびら – TOKYOスタイル – 第2話.mpg bit.ly/9B8hSZ #
- @lordsilent I'll stop if I want to, but usually I don't. But I also I don't want to go on forever. Hence the decreasing box size. in reply to lordsilent #
- @e_dub_kendo Correct. But like I said, I never think of the total and it never feels like it. It's like turning procrastination on its head in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- @e_dub_kendo It does. If the window's short enough, then it does. Starting at 9 mins. might be good b/c then you've only got single digits! in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- @e_dub_kendo What size boxes do you use for #dual #timeboxing, btw? in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- "You'll never be fully 'ready' to switch an app to Japanese…It's one of those things you just need to DO." | ファイズー #immersion #
- "How do I know when I'm ready? You won't be. Just do it." | ファイズー on switching OS to Japanese. #immersion | via #ajattplus #
- You don't use a Japanese OS because you know Japanese. You know Japanese because you use a Japanese OS. #
- "But if I use a Japanese OS, what if I mess something up?" you say. Well, that's what linguists call "incentive to learn". #
- Time is a lot like the lottery, and when we get lump sum payments, we tend to get frivolous. #timeboxing bit.ly/cDHW49 #
- 「休憩を入れるのではなく、勉強・仕事をする内容を変えるなどで気分を変えて継続的に勉強・仕事する」
bit.ly/bx15aT | まあ外国人にはピッタリのアドバイスだと思うんけど、過労民族たる日本人 ならもっと休んだ方がいいだろ(笑) # - 「休憩を入れるのではなく、勉強・仕事をする内容を変えるなどで気分を変えて継続的に勉強・仕事する」 bit.ly/bx15aT | まあ外国人にはピッタリのアドバイスだと思うんだけど、過労民族たる日本人 ならもっと休んだ方がいいだろ(笑) #
- For all our heating (work), the water (skill) is not going to turn into steam (ownage) until we go beyond 100°C, and not a moment before. #
- No matter how much heat we give, if we stop before boiling point, we don't get boiled water. bit.ly/bx15aT bit.ly/aCZoY8 #
- What we sow today, we will not reap tomorrow (or next week, or next month, or next year). 'Doesn't mean we should stop sowing #immersion #
- 「直ぐに結果を求めて、15ヶ月も遣り続ける事が出来ない人は、今日トマトの種を蒔いて、明日トマトが実って収穫できる事を願っている様な物です。」
bit.ly/chPD2Z # - If we choose not to replicate the conditions and mindset of child language-learners, then we cannot expect their same success. #
- Native speakers are champions. Like most champions, they make sucky coaches. Don't ask their game advice. Observe their game. #
- Saying "children have an advantage" is like saying "blacks have fast-twitch muscles". It's a bio-deterministic cop-out to save our pride. #
- We must have the courage to admit that we haven't played hard enough. Having admitted that, all we have to do is change #immersion #
- Ethnic minorities, children and pets are admired but not respected. So their successes are attributed to biology instead of habit #
- Habits, habits, habits. Your habits are running the show. Other names for habits: "default settings", "averages", "loops". #
- Stop thinking about why kids supposedly have it better than you and start thinking about how you're going to beat them. #immersion #
- Respect small crumbs of time. Amazing things happen when you use them to do something small and useful. #timeboxing #
- ピッグス湾事件 – Wikipedia
bit.ly/dkbfcH # - The fact is, kids are using certain techniques and mindset. Want to beat them? Go steal, I mean, learn from them. #
- @shiroduckie all of them. in reply to shiroduckie #
- ドリュー・バリモア – Wikipedia bit.ly/9bJH1p #
- Don't be embarrassed about your commitment to your L2; you're not a freaking drug dealer or murder. Read, watch, listen with pride. #
- Don't be ashamed of your commitment to your L2; you're not a freaking drug dealer or murderer. Read, watch, and listen with pride #
- You don't "succeed". You fail at quitting. #
- ”better to prune the tree than uproot it." | @LaughingLearner on #SRS #card #deletion #
- YouTube – 無理ゲーな高速マリオ3を冷静実況プレイ-part1 bit.ly/bh7PBd | via #ajattplus #
- Super Mario 3 @ high speed. If you want to hear natural speech, here you go 🙂 bit.ly/bh7PBd | via #ajattplus #
- Show me a child and I will show you unquestioned, unending, unlimited dedication to language acquisition — all dressed up as play #
- YouTube – JAPANESE RAP STA -ON BOOT STREET- bit.ly/cCxwvp #
- Even going at just 10 kanji a day, every day, will have you acquiring 3650 kanji over the course of a year.
bit.ly/97oT5y # - "your body is good at…forgetting stuff that isn’t constantly reinforced. " bit.ly/ab7nRH #
- "簡単にあきらめる人は絶対勝てないし、勝つ人は絶対にあきらめない。 " bit.ly/aApKBV #
- MUNEHIRO – 祭★★★ bit.ly/abzHSV | I like how this reggae song has traditional Japanese elements 🙂 ; that's rare right now 🙂 #
- YouTube – MUNEHIRO / ヒノマルパワー~君の力~ bit.ly/avN0jP #
- YouTube – Luxury ride feat. ZEEBRA PV- Foxxi misQ bit.ly/drBd0H #
- YouTube – Foxxi misQ - Ultimate Girls bit.ly/alflWa #
- If you can't yet believe that you will succeed, then at least start disbelieving in your ability to fail. #mindset #
- 酵素 – Wikipedia "酵素(こうそ)とは、生体でおこる化学反応に対して触媒として機能する分子である。" bit.ly/bNuDD6 #
- YouTube – Just A Band – Ha-He bit.ly/agxdmh #
- YouTube – CCK on competition rules
bit.ly/9sZdjb #swahili # - You don't have what kids have. You have more. #
- 液晶テレビ・薄型テレビ|REGZA:東芝 bit.ly/ayia2u #
- YouTube – Eureka Seven All Openings bit.ly/auiYR1 #
- This image illustrates most of the problems have when living in foreign countries, including Japan. bit.ly/bd8zbA #triangle #
- アロハ坊主の日がな一日 | 映画[ そんな無茶な! ]無茶こそ、映画の面白さであり醍醐味なのだ! bit.ly/b0yYKE #
- YouTube – 霹靂布袋戲進軍美國相關新聞 1 bit.ly/9a9Uy1 #
- Replicate children's dedication, even just most of the way, and you won't equal them: you will surpass them. #
- 【アルティメット フリスビー】YouTube – 慶応大学ハスキーズ2007 "アルティメット フリスビー" bit.ly/9CENFL #
- 【アルティメット フリスビー】YouTube – クラオリ2008 bit.ly/bBQp81 #
- 【極限飛盤】YouTube – 10.31-11.1 飛盤季賽 bit.ly/92O8vu #
- OMG! Competitive Ultimate Frisbee on TV in Taiwan! YouTube – 世運主場館啟用首場賽 中華飛盤3:8暫輸日本 bit.ly/b2aitu #Mandarin #
- YouTube – 飛盤預賽連敗三場 中華隊4:13輸美國 bit.ly/brC1Iy Ultimate Frisbee ([極限]飛盤) #Mandarin #
- girls playing rugby…what more can I say?
YouTube – 真理辣妹女子橄欖隊 熱褲背心超吸睛 bit.ly/czbnEv # - Going in with an unproductive mindset is like…carrying a roomful of hecklers in your head. Ask them to leave 🙂 Escort them out. #
- Languages get learned not in preparation for exposure, but *because* of exposure. #
- @DAISHA_HUNTER lol…Katt Williams FTW in reply to DAISHA_HUNTER #
- Maxwell Maltz's "Psycho-Cybernetics" in #Japanese bit.ly/bOzJ8O | 自分を動かす―あなたを成功型人間に変える | マクスウェル マルツ (著), 小圷 弘 (翻訳) #
- You can learn from a class. You can learn boredom, confusion, conformity, fear of failure, fear of success, and low self-efficacy. #
- If the content of a class doesn't bore you to death, then the mindset will keep you in the language ghetto forever. You deserve better. #
- You deserve better than the fourth-rate "learning" track to nowhere that adult foreigners get. You deserve native materials. #
- Explain to me how avoiding the sight and sound of native materials will make you more native-like… #
- Boredom and frustration. Fun and games. You decide. Call me when you do — I'll be in my playroom. #classes vs. #immersion #
- YT | Dragon Ball OP 日本語 "摩訶不思議アドベンチャー" (Full Song) "Just…pretend GT doesn't exist! hahaha" bit.ly/cqm3qN | via #ajattplus #
- "How far are you willing to go to get what you want?" | Asher of #ajattplus on #immersion #
- JpopAsia – Shunkan Sentimental by SCANDAL – a Anime video bit.ly/aZEDuP | via #ajattplus #
- YouTube – Dragonball Opening (German) bit.ly/bwx1Dd #
- @LilFluff lol…アホっか #
- Much procrastination is caused by irrational assumptions of infinity. Once we consciously make time finite, things get done. #timeboxing #
- YouTube – 日産NOTE 低燃費少女ハイジ 第1話 やまびこ篇 bit.ly/dyhWvF | via #ajattplus | Hilarious…from the people who made "Golden Eggs" #
- @Birgens You're right. RTK/Heisig is a great example of that. Maybe proportion/primacy is the issue. in reply to Birgens #
- 夏時間 – Wikipedia "2009年9月9日に鳩山由紀夫内閣との日韓首脳会議で日韓同時導入を韓国が提案する方向で検討していると発表した。" bit.ly/b0gG0D #
- Learning a language should be a crime. It's nothing but plagiarism. All you do is steal from native users. No smarts required. #
- Steal from native speakers. Rob them blind. Every phrase they say, every gesture they make. Take it. Don't even say "thank you" 🙂 #
- How to find cool stuff in your L2: google a phrase (e.g. "ultimate frisbee") in your L1, but limit search results to L2 only. #
- Learning a language is the biggest racket ever. You steal from native speakers, and then they thank *you* for all your "work". #
- アップル – iPad – ウェブ、メール、写真を体験する、まったく新しい方法。 bit.ly/cTNS6W | via #ajattplus #
- YouTube – Once Upon A Chinese Classic Outtakes trailer bit.ly/dsZz9S #
- YouTube – 《越光寶盒》粵語版預告片 Once Upon a Chinese Classic HK trailer bit.ly/9o9rFf | This movie's hy-larry-us #
- You don't look for learning materials. You look for victims. #LanguageLearningIsStealing #
- You're not "learning" anything. You're just stealing things that other people have already made up. #LanguageLearningIsStealing #
- 角川春樹 – Wikipedia bit.ly/bACDIG #
- YouTube – 1993 大正製薬 CM 後藤久美子 三田佳子 bit.ly/aJTBwD #
- You might be too cool for school, but you're never too cool to learn (read: steal ideas from people…you idea thief, you!). #
- Surusu Enhancements – Google Chrome extension gallery bit.ly/aZ9vTU | via #ajattplus #
- YouTube – ヤマダ電機、売上高2兆円超 中国進出3年で5店舗(10/05/07) bit.ly/bnjCDC #
- 「宇宙で日本人同士が顔を合わせるのは、史上初めてです。」 bit.ly/cn4JiL | 宇宙で日本人同士が感動の対面 山崎さんと野口さん(10/04/07) #
- #Japanese Children's Stories
bit.ly/8ZTx0U via #ajattplus # - ついろぐ【Twilog】 : モニ太のデジタル辞典 : コラム : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/c2dC5N #
- "All I can say about…the importance of
total immersion is this: How far are you willing to go to get what you want?" | Asher of #ajattplu # - YouTube – 想い出がいっぱい | 酒井 法子〔ちびまる子ちゃん〕 bit.ly/9RQswn #
- YouTube – S.H.E-天亮了 bit.ly/cBTqMQ | I like the almost-rap speed of the lyrics in this one :=) #
- "optimum learning occurs in an environment of high stimulation and low anxiety" bit.ly/cmgECz #
- Common fallacy: things below a certain size/duration aren't useful anyway, so why bother? #
- The reason you're having trouble doing stuff is because you think small can't be useful. #
- Give small and useful a chance 😛 . Pick something easy. #timeboxing #immersion #
- YouTube – Funny Japanese Fanta Grape Commercial – Fun Time bit.ly/aETROO #
- YouTube – 上妻宏光 "津軽じょんがら節" bit.ly/bNv7U4 #
- Oh, wait, I forgot. My bad. You can't listen to Japanese because the trolls wouldn't like that. #YouEitherWantJapaneseOrYouDont #
- YouTube – Japanese TV Ad commercial – Japan-fun.com bit.ly/bbzXj5 #
- Of course it's gonna take a long time to finish. So don't finish. Just start. Leave finishing alone: it's a big boy (literally) #
- YouTube – (Sugar) HyeSeung@ひまわり/LOVEACCELE
bit.ly/d8DPep | Korean-accented Japanese is the cutest thing ever! 😀 # - 官報 bit.ly/9UEEsk #
- 官報 – Wikipedia bit.ly/dcN0zk #
- YouTube – 柴田淳-月光浴[PV] bit.ly/bAc5YN #
- YouTube – 柴田淳 ぼくの味方 PV 字幕 bit.ly/aQk8Gm #
- Wait, I forgot. My bad. You can't read manga in public because the RL trolls wouldn't like that #YouEitherWantJapaneseOrYouDont #
- 言ってみれば、学校って、世界一長くて高くて役に立たない自己啓発セミナー #
- 言ってみれば、学校って世界一長くて高くて役に立たない自己啓発セミナーみたいなモンだな #
- @Wicketification No. Go for it. The reps on Surusu are just artificially capped to get people to do something instead of nothing. in reply to Wicketification #
- Deciding what to do next time will help you do better next time. Punishing yourself will just make you not want to do anything. #
- Perhaps we overrate pain as a teaching tool because it works in situations like touching a hot stove. #NoFunNothingGetsDone #
- But "no pain no gain" isn't going to work for you. New rule: "No fun, nothing gets done" #
- It can take some thought to figure out how to make things fun, but…what good is your brain if not for making your life better? #
- Did your brain have plans tonight? Is it too busy to work for you? If you like pain so much why don't you take it out and beat it too? #
- @Wicketification *I* want your manga panel deck…time to get coding… 😀 in reply to Wicketification #
- Gimme like 6~12 months though…I have pressing commitments: frisbee to play, nails to clip, repetitious thoughts to tweet. #
- 学研キッズネット bit.ly/c6fuij | via #ajattplus #
- @_LarryWong 唔好咁講呀~。雖然有啲壞人唔代表大家都係咁架啦(^^) in reply to _LarryWong #
- Do what you can. If you can click a mouse, click a mouse. You don't have to leap tall buildings in a single bound. #immersion #
- YouTube – Dragon Ash – 夢で逢えたら PV bit.ly/b3HPDy #
- YouTube – 側田 – 未輸 (Music Video) bit.ly/d5BPeE #
- YouTube – 陳冠希-記得我嗎 (MV) bit.ly/9xrLV2 #
- 記得我嗎 歌詞 | 陳冠希 | "還記得我嗎? 我叫 陳冠希 跟我念一遍 還記得我嗎? 什麼? 大聲點,聽不見! " bit.ly/9Bf0m1 #
- YouTube – 陳冠希 不可能完整版
bit.ly/cfbNi8 | This, children…is a rap song. # - You don't have to leap tall buildings in a single bound. There are stairs #timeboxing #JustDoOne #
- "Patience and tenacity of purpose are worth more than twice their weight of cleverness." bit.ly/91snne #
- "Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong… " bit.ly/bXnFi0 #
- Using your iPhone to create a language immersion environment bit.ly/cRatp9 #
- @_LarryWong 講得啱呀(^^)。其實哩,我覺得你嬲得好有道理喎。入境人哋嘅國家一定要有禮貌,尊重法律規定。 in reply to _LarryWong #
- YouTube – ♥Wilber Pan feat Akon Be With You (Ah Ken 阿肯)♥ Lyrics/Translation/Pinyin bit.ly/9sEZEZ | 夢のコラボ! #
- YouTube
– Rihanna ft. Hins Cheung (張敬軒)-Hate that I love you cantonese bit.ly/6eEEQz # - [Update] Surusu Enhancements – Google 瀏覽器擴充功能庫 bit.ly/d09PNe #
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The application thing is so true, I remember making the change over and it took a while before I get everything but I don’t think there’s any other way I could have learnt the vocab!
One noteworthy exception though, antivirus software should always be in a language you understand at a very high level!! You rarely use it and if you NEED it and then don’t understand it then it can mess up your immersion enviroment and cost you a computer ^^ Not that I’m speaking from experience or anything 😉