It’s New Year’s. So freaking what? It’s just another day. We all need to calm down a little. Even me telling you to calm down is probably just fueling the excitement, isn’t it? Are you going to make a resolution? Good luck with that. I doubt you’ll even remember it by early March. Screw resolutions.…
The Fork, The Choice and You
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Engineered InevitabilityWhat deserves your closest attention is neither your ultimate goal, nor your track record, nor your overall plan, but your next choice. What are you going to do next? Ultimate goals are heavy; they weigh on the soul. They’re useful and everything, but you…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-12-26
by khatzumoto
“Delete bad SRS cards or they will deplete you”. Momoko # Watching a Korean drama in Cantonese…Bobby Lee wasn’t kidding. It’s been 10 minutes and three well-chiseled men have cried already. # I am feeling this rather intense desire to end my sentences in “innit?”. 可笑しいイニッ # An SRS deck is a fluid, living system.…
[Movie Transcript] Gladiator Speech — Maximus Reveals Himself…in Japanese, Of Course
by khatzumoto
Hey. It’s chilly outside. It’s toasty inside. I’ve got this…Honeywell space heater action going here. Movies get watched, okay? Today’s transcript is from Gladiator. One of my favorite movies. I didn’t get round to seeing it until about 2005. Being a man of extensive huevos, I personally did not cry at the end, but, my…friend…
Surely One Could Learn Multiple Languages At Once?
by khatzumoto
I got this really cool comment in response to this article where I urged people to calm down and focus on one language at a time: Said Jimbo: Surely, if a child can be raised natively in three languages, it would be just as possible and in fact easier as an adult to do the…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-12-19
by khatzumoto
Be a mang. Play hard. But play fair. Grow some ovaries. If you have a problem, say it to Japanese people’s face. Politely. In Japanese. # “It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.” Confucius (?) I used to love collecting these 😀 # Learn your Japanese…