The mid-1990s movie speech nostalgia party continues. Today the objet of our adulation is that space-themed romantic comedy romp, Crimson Tide, starring Denzel Washington and Aragorn. Gene Hackman’s Captain Ramsey gives that speech early on in the film before they board the U-boat. It’s one of my favorites, so I went ahead and transcribed it.…
ID4/Independence Day President’s Speech in Japanese…Transcribed!
by khatzumoto
I was feeling nostalgic last night, so I swiss-cheesed Independence Day like three times — in fact, I’m watching it as I write this. Anyhoo, that famous President’s speech is so cool, and the subs in the Japanese version are so unlike the dub (most likely made at different times, on different timelines, with different…
Surusu Update: Deck Rename!
by khatzumoto
Let it be known throughout the land. Surusu now comes with the ability to rename decks! Just visit the bottom of the “decks” page to give your old decks nicer names 😀
What’s The Deal With Personal Development Anyway?, Part 1: My Story
by khatzumoto
I hate writing long articles. Which is funny, because a lot of the articles on this site are long. So, I guess it would be more accurate to say that I hate setting out write long articles (in fact, faced with the prospect of a long article, I’m liable to not write anything at all),…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-12-12
by khatzumoto
Acting native-like is both the cause and effect of…becoming native-like # Acting native-like is both the cause and effect of…becoming native-like # Acting native-like is both the cause and effect of…becoming native-like # Ultimately, you don’t have a relationship with “the Japanese people”, you have relationships with individual people who are Japanese.…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-12-05
by khatzumoto
Books that are unread are just furniture. And not very good furniture, at that. Read them or get rid of them. Thus spake Khatzumoto… # RT @danielpwright Japanese versions of Julie Andrews キタァァァァァー!!! # 「そ れ が私の好きな物おおお!」 # As far as you’re concerned, a language isn’t for knowing at some idyllic point in the future.…