[Movie Transcript] Crimson Tide Captain’s Speech in Japanese

The mid-1990s movie speech nostalgia party continues. Today the objet of our adulation is that space-themed romantic comedy romp, Crimson Tide, starring Denzel Washington and Aragorn. Gene Hackman’s Captain Ramsey gives that speech early on in the film before they board the U-boat. It’s one of my favorites, so I went ahead and transcribed it.…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-12-12

Acting native-like is both the cause and effect of…becoming native-like bit.ly/8jLUCo # Acting native-like is both the cause and effect of…becoming native-like bit.ly/8jLUCo # Acting native-like is both the cause and effect of…becoming native-like bit.ly/8jLUCo # Ultimately, you don’t have a relationship with “the Japanese people”, you have relationships with individual people who are Japanese.…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-12-05

Books that are unread are just furniture. And not very good furniture, at that. Read them or get rid of them. Thus spake Khatzumoto… # RT @danielpwright Japanese versions of Julie Andrews キタァァァァァー!!! bit.ly/5nxF7r # 「そ れ が私の好きな物おおお!」 bit.ly/5nxF7r # As far as you’re concerned, a language isn’t for knowing at some idyllic point in the future.…