Surusu Update: Anki Card/Deck Import; Rep Undo; Deck Ops

Men of AJATT, on to glory! See Surusu famed in story! Waves these burning words before ye: “Britain scorns to yield!”. Hmmm…and on that note. Surusu now supports import of decks from Anki. Current limitations: Only Anki “cards“ (not “facts”) exported in the form of tab-separated text file, are supported. As you might expect, repetition…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-01-16

YouTube – ここがヘンだよ日本人「日本の少年・少女と外国人」 ケビン・クローン YouTube – “鈴木紗理奈” # YouTube – 太田光の私が総理大臣になったら秘書田中 # Biological fatalism is perhaps the core flaw in Anglo-Saxon culture. It has hurt everyone, including Anglo-Saxons. # YouTube – M☆A☆G☆I☆C 久保田利伸 meets KREVA # Stand up for yourself. When you stop giving up, people give up trying to stop you.…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-01-09

Use as much sugar as you need to make the medicine go down. Use more sugar than medicine if you want. # If you want to learn how to write business emails in Japanese, then get this book. It’s funbun (for-native-by-native) # I didn’t actually coin the word “funbun”, by the way. These boys…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-01-02

Use as much sugar as you need to make the medicine go down. Use more sugar than medicine if you want. # Goalwise, forget that it’s New Year’s. You don’t need a big event. You need small events, small choices, small actions. # Change here. Change now. Don’t depend on Pope Gregory XIII and his…