- Be a mang. Play hard. But play fair.
Grow some ovaries. If you have a problem, say it to Japanese people’s face. Politely. In Japanese. # - “It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.”
Confucius (?)
I used to love collecting these 😀 # - Learn your Japanese animal sounds in a rap song!
YouTube – KREVA – あかさたなはまやらわをん bit.ly/8PRw6j # - For best long-term results, you may want to SRS this type of thing.
bit.ly/5WeS9K # - Why to use a monlingual dictionary: “…glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”
bit.ly/5WeS9K # - “People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don’t know when to quit.”
bit.ly/6iAvsP # - From last link:
“He who would do some great thing…must apply himself…with such a concentration of his forces as…looks like insanity.” # - “drops of rain make a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling.”
Translated: Immerse always. SRS often.
bit.ly/5WeS9K # - “The man [or woo man :D] who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” #
- From last link
“Those who would attain to any marked degree of excellence in a chosen pursuit must…[play] hard for it, prince or peasant. # - “with ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable.”
bit.ly/5WeS9K # - “Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.”
bit.ly/6iAvsP # - This is my SONG, dawg.
YouTube – Yuzu – Natsuiro (PV) bit.ly/7Tneuq
Do people even say “dawg” any more? # - “Success seems to be connected with action. Successful men keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.”
bit.ly/6iAvsP # - “It is a shameful thing for the soul to faint while the body still perseveres.”
In AJATTese: don’t fall for the age excuse. # - The key to success, folks, is substance abuse. Find an “addictive substance” in your language of choice. And it will almost learn itself 🙂 #
- I remember this show…it was cool.
RT @Jamaipanese Stand UP!! – Japanese Drama review – bit.ly/5WqbU0 # - Khatzumoto Confession: I do most of my SRS reps lying down. And you thought I was just being metaphorical about laziness. #
- Don’t just go running to your gaijin buddies for beer and whining. If you have a problem, say it to Japanese people’s face. Politely. 日本語で. #
- 落語baby! All you Tiger & Dragon fans, check out the real deal!
RT @danielpwright
bit.ly/53QKkM # - For gaijin, comfort in Japan = (Japaneseness) x (Gaijinness). Like your hands, you’re best off when able to use both of them. #
- Some people will refuse to speak their language to you until your ownage is overwhelming. 冇問題. It’s not like they’re your parents. #
- Gaijinness is a great asset in Japan, but it only reaches its full potential when combined with the ability to assimilate as/when needed. #
- The less time you have, the better work you will do. Make Japanese seem fast-paced using timeboxing and Massive Turnover. #
- Being foreign is perhaps the best way to make friends in Japan. But being “Japanese” is perhaps the best way to keep them. #
- Timeboxing is to work as nearby power lines are to a moving car. It makes it look like you’re going faster, and that itself motivates speed. #
- Efficiency increases as allotted time decreases. Increase your Japanese progress by always pinching your time. #
- Bored? Either replenish or keep switching through your Japanese media collection. Turnover. Turnover. Turnover. Something cool will come up. #
- Many people contact me, wanting me to soothe their uncertainty with busywork. You can only force things so much — just chill and have fun. #
- “In truth, there are no masters, only students who are at one point or other on the journey”.
bit.ly/5HVhfg # - Boredom is merely a sign of ignorance, albeit (hopefully) of a form temporary in nature. #
- SRS: Busywork and boredom get in my way the most. Remove the cards/processes that cause these. #
- Random HK blog 😀
traccc on Xanga bit.ly/8hNwyk # - Hunch: we do our best reading when we’re not trying to read at all. Treat books as something to be processed, rather than read. #
- A quick tip to get you to read more: Treat your house like a bookstore — *read standing up* until you tire out from it. #
- (Written) explanations of how to make a sound tend be inCREDibly useless. I’m sure there are exceptions but…dang. #
- For gaijin, comfort 中n Japan = (Japaneseness) x (Gaijinness). Like your hands, you’re best off when able to 使se 両oth 之f them. #
- I know you’re scared that “just” playing won’t get you anywhere. Go experience pain and boredom for a while, and see how that goes. #
- Use this to make sure you actually visit all those Japanese websites people send you links to 😀 bit.ly/78ojmB #
- Most arguments aren’t about what they’re about. They’re about face. That’s why it’s useless to get into them at all. #
- Maybe “weabo” is just a term that internationally maladjusted people use to make themselves feel better. :)~ #
- Social power’s always connected to language. Long-term, not knowing Japanese in Japan is voluntary self-exclusion from power. #
- I loved this skit back in the day. The middle part is funny even with no Japanese knowledge. YT: ドランクドラゴン 変な新幹線http://bit.ly/5sRTHd #
- Boredom is merely a sign of ignorance — ignorance of what cool stuff there is to do “out there”. #
- Boredom is ignorance. Expose yourself to more, and you will find the fun. (To me, “out there” often = unexplored corners of bookshelf 😀 ). #
- Immersion = live your life. Just in a different font 😀 #
- Respect books less, and you will read them more. See more pages, and you will read more. Touch more units, and you will read more. #
- Timebox yourself. Time is to productivity as a squeezing hand is to a tube of toothpaste — you need that pinch, to get it out. #
- Tip for AJATT success: don’t try to give a care about things you don’t give a care about. #
- 何と言ってもやっぱり独立記念日こと「インディペンデンスデイ」は凄かったわ。ウィルス・ミスかっこいい!(^^)http://bit.ly/8FKVQg #
- 「嗚呼、おい、緑の変なモン撃って来るな!」
“Oh no you did NOT shoot that green **** at me!”
bit.ly/6Hh2Ed # - 「嗚呼、おい、緑の変なモン撃って来るな!」”Oh no you did NOT shoot that green **** at me!”http://bit.ly/6Hh2Ed #
- 「ユダヤじゃない!」
“I’m not Jewish.”
“Nobody’s perfect.”
bit.ly/6Hh2Ed # - People who never actually do anything, always seem to have very clear ideas as to what “should” be/have been done. (Finally got it right :D) #
- Not-reading — weeding out, triage — is the true work of the reader. #
- Information is no respecter of persons.
And a language is nothing but information. # - Basics. Basics. Basics. Do the easy things. Do the simple things. It’s not “too easy”. It’s not “childish”. It matters. Du za shimpuru 日本語. #
- Don’t branch out for the sake of branching out. If you’re enraptured in Japanese “Stargate” right now, then let the passion run its course. #
- RT @tummai I agree on the value of easy stuff. I’ve had great success with children’s shows and books: tinyurl.com/yzsqmw3 #
- インディペンデンスデイを見たセイで、「plausible deniability」がちゃんと和訳したくなっちゃった。今のとこ候補として:『有理否認性/許容可能否認性/合理的否認性/条理的否認性/有り有り否認性』がある。ご意見・ご訳案お持ちの方、お申し付け下さい! #
- [前呟参照]因みに・・・「合理的否認性」の使用例は一件あり!
bit.ly/7k53OU # - Monodics and circumlocution FTW! Don’t know how to say “purr”? Be like: “that ‘rrrrrr’ sound that cats make when they’re happy”. #
- Get over the tall tales, the excuses, the whining.
You can learn to read Chinese just fine.
It’s just a human language. # - ツイッター流行用語「なう」の解説 : モニ太のデジタル辞典 : コラム : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/6ENSpY #
- Repeat the basics. Repeat the basics. Repeat the basics. Learn all kinds of combinations of the same basic words. And repeat them. #
- あのさー、思うんだけどさ、日本の若者って、「ちわっす」とか挨拶して軽く連発会釈をする時って、「ファミリガイ」のQuagmireに似てない?ギギディギギディオーライ #
- This is the real shizzle. A book about formal speaking, by Japanese people for Japanese people. Tons of set phrases.bit.ly/6JHEQ2 #
- If you don’t actively get rid of the books you dislike, you won’t just dislike those books, you will start to dislike all books. #
- If you don’t actively get rid of boring stuff in Japanese, the boredom spreads like a cancer until you just hate ALL of Japanese. #
- Gosh, I hope Twitter’s been down so no one had to see that last corny tweet 😀 #
- Dangerously silly idea: I can only take a small action, so I might as well do nothing. You used to be a cell. Don’t knock small. #
- RT @TheoOliveira free pdf manga about ubuntu in japanese.
bit.ly/8AOIU7 # - The worst way to repair a backlog is to work yourself even harder to make up for it. That’s what got you in trouble to begin with. #
- The way to take care of a backlog is to work small: to teach yourself that incremental, slow and steady does win. #
- “Delete bad SRS cards or they will delete you”
(Paraphrased from Zeeree…paraphrased from me(?) lol)…
www.thezeeree.com/ # - Sometimes I do like silence. But I maintain some “visual immersion” by having a video playing on mute. #
- “there is no support for age as a barrier to mental development…including foreign language learning”
bit.ly/5UXUNj # - Learning a language is more logistics than linguistics: you need to establish and maintain a supply line of native materials. #
- It’s not the language. It’s not you. It’s your habitual behavior. #
- In the time you spend beating yourself up and calling yourself an idiot, you could just fix the problem. #
- People, I don’t think you quite understand. They are the Gummie Bears, and that’s all there is to it! (Video @ bottom) bit.ly/5Upfnh #
- These people, these, mammals…they don’t mince words. They are the Gummie bears. That’s how they roll. bit.ly/5Upfnh #
- Approach learning a language like a game or an experiment. By definition, there’s no wrong way to have fun or try stuff out. #
- You don’t really realize just how repetitive your thinking is until you look back on your own writing (ID4/AFGM/CT). bit.ly/8dk9LS #
- The zeroth law of language-learning: Zero in, zero out. If you stop, you lose. If you walk, you win. #
- You can’t sprint long distances. Don’t be a hero. Walk. The point is to get there. As long as you’re moving, you’re winning. #
- This isn’t one of those things one admits in public, but…「にゃんこい!」 is like my favorite anime right now. Dang. #
- I don’t think liking 「にゃんこい!」 makes me a punk: the main cat is voiced by TANAKA Atsuko = Motoko from GITS. That’s pedigree, man. #
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