
Don’t Be A Hero

This entry is part 5 of 10 in the series Social Resistance

This entry is part 5 of 10 in the series Social Resistance “Internet arguments are like the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you’re still a retard.” ~ Source Unknown…to me. “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.” ~ Dale Carnegie? Prolly…not sure…can’t be bothered to check. “Don’t argue with…


I’ll just tell you straight out right now. I am completely out of my depth on this subject. What I mean is, some of what I’m about to say probably runs into…I dunno…philosophy or epistemology or something or other that’s been discussed and analyzed ad taedium by people much more knowledgeable than I. As excited…

SRS: No Typing In Sentences

Great comments get left here on But, lost in the fog of posts, they tend to get ignored and thus effectively die. All-Star Comments is the section where we bring them back to life. Today’s all-star comment is from きのこ, an active contributor of back in the recent day. The original post was about…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-09-12

Combining decremental #timeboxing with #birthlines to handle avoidance-prone tasks (processing government documents :D) # 英会話に生かせる! 映画フレーズつまみぐい:スペースアルク # 「本書では、中国から伝わってきた漢字文化が、日本でいかにして受容され、 吸収され、昇華されてきたのか、古い時代から順を追って説明している。」 # "「排外主義的愛国主義者には低学歴か低所得が多い」" # "方言には書記言語を持たないものが少なくなく、日常会話を方言で行い、公的な場では書記言語によってコミュニケーションをとる話者が多く存在する。" # "アメリカの場合、英語に限ると識字率は50%しかないと言われている。" | ええーーっ!ちょっと、ちょっとちょっと。有り得なくない?それ・・・つーか出典無いしね。 # Don't hate a book before you've opened it. Don't force yourself to like it after you've opened it. # Go for quantity…