This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series BirthlinesThis post is the first in a series on a concept known as birthlines. Consider it a teaser. deadline –noun 1. the time by which something must be finished or submitted; the latest time for finishing something: a five o’clock deadline. Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010. We’ve all…
The Three Laws of Language-Learning | Version 3.0
by khatzumoto
The Prime Directive: Have fun. The Promise: Suck less. I will not suck any more today than I did yesterday. I will not suck any more tomorrow than I do today. Every day, I will suck less. All while keeping law # 1. The Path: Start often. Do little, often. Start more times than you stop. All…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-10-03
by khatzumoto
#Kanji "difficulty" perception = mass hysteria. # Don't take things too seriously. Things that we take seriously don't get done. #timeboxing # It's not so much the activities themselves that are fun (or not) as it is our approach to them. #timeboxing # Do things the fun way. Do things in small pieces. Fun gets…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-10-03
by khatzumoto
#Kanji "difficulty" perception = mass hysteria. # Don't take things too seriously. Things that we take seriously don't get done. #timeboxing # It's not so much the activities themselves that are fun (or not) as it is our approach to them. #timeboxing # Do things the fun way. Do things in small pieces. Fun gets…
Your Way Doesn’t Have To Be “Right”, It Just Has To Work: Language Acquisition and Cybernetics
by khatzumoto
I was just thinking today about how “dirty” and fluid and lazy Lazy Kanji is. And I was thinking about the obnoxious certainty that anti-RTK people have about how RTK couldn’t possibly work. And it hit me that it may have been this article (about the differences and similarities between AI and cybernetics) by a…
Book Review / 1-Minute Email-Fu | Quick, Concise, Chronically Awesome Japanese Business Email Examples For People Who Think Too Much
by khatzumoto
Cult? AJATT. AJATT? Books. Books? Today’s book: 1-Minute Email-Fu. A book that will quite literally turn you into the shogun of Harlem. Or at least of Japanese business email. Anyway, 問答無用!No more preliminary jibber-jabber! Let’s get right to it! Title/Author/Info Pros Cons 考えすぎて書けない人のための1分間メール術 [単行本]神垣あゆみ (著) 1-Minute Email-Fu | Quick, Concise, Chronically Awesome Japanese Business Email…