
Birthlines, Part 1: What Is A Birthline?

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Birthlines

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series BirthlinesThis post is the first in a series on a concept known as birthlines. Consider it a teaser. deadline –noun 1. the time by which something must be finished or submitted; the latest time for finishing something: a five o’clock deadline. Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010. We’ve all…

The Three Laws of Language-Learning | Version 3.0

The Prime Directive: Have fun. The Promise: Suck less. I will not suck any more today than I did yesterday. I will not suck any more tomorrow than I do today. Every day, I will suck less. All while keeping law # 1. The Path: Start often. Do little, often. Start more times than you stop. All…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-10-03

#Kanji "difficulty" perception = mass hysteria. # Don't take things too seriously. Things that we take seriously don't get done. #timeboxing # It's not so much the activities themselves that are fun (or not) as it is our approach to them. #timeboxing # Do things the fun way. Do things in small pieces. Fun gets…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-10-03

#Kanji "difficulty" perception = mass hysteria. # Don't take things too seriously. Things that we take seriously don't get done. #timeboxing # It's not so much the activities themselves that are fun (or not) as it is our approach to them. #timeboxing # Do things the fun way. Do things in small pieces. Fun gets…

Book Review / 1-Minute Email-Fu | Quick, Concise, Chronically Awesome Japanese Business Email Examples For People Who Think Too Much

Cult? AJATT. AJATT? Books. Books? Today’s book: 1-Minute Email-Fu. A book that will quite literally turn you into the shogun of Harlem. Or at least of Japanese business email. Anyway, 問答無用!No more preliminary jibber-jabber! Let’s get right to it! Title/Author/Info Pros Cons 考えすぎて書けない人のための1分間メール術 [単行本]神垣あゆみ (著) 1-Minute Email-Fu | Quick, Concise, Chronically Awesome Japanese Business Email…