
SRS As A Form Of Instant Gratification

Over the years, a lot of great comments have been left here on Unfortunately, unlike posts, they get lost in the vast depths of Commentland pretty easily. “All-Star Comments” is a section where I resurrect them from the dead and share them with you. So, this was a comment made by a handsome AJATTeer…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-07-10

『ちなみにこの「金の脳」は、はい「メロンパン入れ」になってま~す♪ いらっしゃいませ~♪』 # Francis Ng(吳鎮宇) VS Anthony Wong(黄秋生) … feat. 周杰倫 # "it is more important to get going than to get it right." #immersion # @e_dub_kendo 質問 for you >> RT @Cush1979: with lazy kanji, do still still use primitives to help you remember # "it is more important to get going…