旅行広東語会話 – 広東語辞書JCanExpress – bit.ly/9QOVkQ # がり勉とは – はてなキーワード "がり勉にいそしむ児童を白眼視するキャンペーンが張られた。" bit.ly/cZO8kb # "You can bet Michael Jordan practices…because he loves shooting hoops, not because he wanted…a championship ring. " bit.ly/8jLUCo # Language proficiency as a metaphor for video game proficiency bit.ly/d4zNEF # 買一送一Photoshoot. bit.ly/dwhUn3 # "repetition…is not [s]imply repetition. Because each time I repeat, I…have…[a]…new…
Nucular Weapons
by khatzumoto
The essence of learning Japanese is in the almost meaninglessly small things you do. When you find something so small, so apparently meaningless that you think “that couldn’t possibly help”, but it’s something that puts you in more contact with Japanese, then that, my friend, is your sweet spot. Because you have found something that…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-06-12
by khatzumoto
foobar2000 bit.ly/9arVfb | Worthy Winamp replacement # 新城廣播有限公司 Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited bit.ly/9cocsg # 健康好生活 – 生育、不育大解構 – 健康 – 新城知訊台資訊網 bit.ly/bCVSl6 # @xatlasm Do it. Make it happen. 😀 If AJATT's making itself unnecessary, that's a good thing. in reply to xatlasm # @arashikat Well, if Japanese is worth knowing…it's worth knowing 10, 20,…
Timeboxing Trilogy, Part 2: Nested Timeboxing
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 6 of 26 in the series Timeboxing TrilogyOK, so we’re talking about timeboxing. If you’re lost, go here to start from (at?) the beginning of the discussion. Nested timeboxing is a fake umbrella term I just made up for what is actually two different variations on the timeboxing concept that I…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-06-05
by khatzumoto
@BrentHodgson Audio on the front. Real Japanese text on the back. No romaji. Ever. 😛 You could also just listen a lot 😀 in reply to BrentHodgson # In this sport we call language-learning, you only have to be *touching* the ball to be winning. #immersion # @BrentHodgson Well…I'd at least use bopomofo 😀 ,…
Timeboxing Trilogy, Part 1: What Is Timeboxing, Why Does It Work, And Why Should You Care?
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 5 of 26 in the series Timeboxing TrilogyThis is the first post in a multi-part series on timeboxing. I’m expecting the series to run for about 3 parts, plus maybe 1 or 2 extra posts to answer any questions that come up along the way. This first article is just a…