A lot of people have asked me “hey Khatzumoto, which monolingual Chinese dictionaries do you use?”. And I respond to them in comments, but no one gets to read comments. So here it is, a list of the monodics I currently use. [internet] 國語辭典簡編本 (The Abridged Mandarin Dictionary, designed for children, it has pictures and…
Chinese Project Notes 3: Environment-Building + The Laddering Method Reloaded
by khatzumoto
So, the Chinese Project is going really well. I made another shopping trip to my favorite Taiwanese online bookstore. These are new members of my Chinese media collection (except for 玩具總動員/Toy Story, which is an older member): So, most of what I have are comic books and Disney/Pixar DVDs in Chinese. I also have Chinese-dubbed…
On Input
by khatzumoto
Here is a really cool post about the need for input at bilingualmente. It’s right on the money with the problem of thinking in your base language instead of in your target language, and how to solve it. I was just discussing this with Momoko yesterday. Other than failing to systematically learn kanji in large quantity,…
Further Reading On どんだけ
by khatzumoto
Here are some sites discussing the recent どんだけ (dondake) phenomenon, in which I was (am?) an unwitting (subliminal?) participant (indecisive?) of sorts, as earlier discussed. All the articles are in Japanese, to keep y’all happy. Hatena Nikkei Neologism Dictionary Shibuya Financial Times Uncyclopedia Wikipedia
More On How To Watch TV and Movies–AntiMoon
by khatzumoto
AntiMoon have a series of articles on input over here. Perhaps most interesting to you will be their article on how to sentence-mine a movie, since this is an idea that initially baffles a lot of people.
KhatzuMemo Update–View and Search Collection Features Added
by khatzumoto
KhatzuMemo has just been updated. Yay! The following features have been added: View All — you can now see all items in your collection at once. I know, I know, you can’t believe it’s taken this long to put it in. Search — you can now search your collection. Don’t say it. I know it’s…