AntiMoon have a series of articles on input over here. Perhaps most interesting to you will be their article on how to sentence-mine a movie, since this is an idea that initially baffles a lot of people.
Check out these other posts, motherlover!
- ブラじゃない!大胸筋矯正サポーターなんだよ!
相変わらず新しいネタに噛み付くのが遅い俺なんだけど、まあ、其れは其れで取り敢えずコレ観ろよ! 久々に笑わせてくれるていうか、観るに値する番組が世に出たって感じ。実はホンマにずーっと悩んでた。「せっかく日本語学んじゃったのに、結局オモロいモノ(本・番組)無いもん」って。この「金卵」に救われて感謝、感謝。「サウスパーク」並みの極上馬鹿喜劇なので、超勉強になるかと思いますぅ。独学者の皆様に是非お薦めしもす。
- 日本のテレビが変
他国と同じように、日本のテレビと言えばピンからキリまである。外国で日本語の勉強に専念していた頃の私は「日本語なら見るに値する」という考え方だった。昔は昔、今は今。そして今は日本に住んでいる為、日本のテレビを簡単に見れるようになった。しかし、日本語が前よりレベルアップしたのに連れ、判断基準も上がってしまった。要するに、審美眼が「日本語なら見るに値する」を遥かに越えて来たトコロだ。 ピンからキリ迄あるという日本のテレビ番組なんだけど、実はその大半が「キリ」で、垂れ流しに過ぎん。別に皆が悪いという訳でもないが、ヤッパリ思ったより下手なモノが多い。『タイガー&ドラゴン』や、『電車男』・『トリック』のような確りしたドラマなど、残念ながら割と少ない。 何処の何がどう悪いかというと、矢張り「ワンパターン主義」が主因だ。例によって例の如く書かれた台詞と設定が何度も繰り返して製作・放送されるのが事実である。ていうか、何で毎日バカ高い店で飯を食っている芸人の姿を見なきゃいけないんだよ?!何で才能に乏しく、歌いも演じることも出来ないクセに歌とドラマで生きているアイドルが続々出てきているんだよ!?どうして在り得ない効果を宣伝する化粧品(「20年若く見える」・・・ってそんな馬鹿な話あるかっ?!!)とか、怪しい健康食品(「単に胡麻を食べても摂取できないんだけど、100%胡麻から作られた幻の健康エキス」・・・ってそんな馬鹿な話あるかっ?!!)など、老人と主婦を騙すばかりのCMが許されるの?と自分に言い聞かせている。 弱音を吐くのが嫌いなので、解決策を練ろうとした私。最初はケーブルテレビに加入した。「多額のお金払っているから広告も少ないし、コンテンツが優れているだろう」。という筈だったけれど、流石に大大大失敗。だって、各60分の時間帯で20分がCMで占められるなんて受け入れられるモンか。しかも、幾ら番組そのものが優れていても放送時間は選べないので、録画機を買わねばならない破目になりガチ。差し詰めケチの私には絶対無理な話。 んで、CMの地獄であるケーブルテレビから逃げて(退会して)、次はパソコンでインターネットテレビを見ようとした。しかし、番組数・メモリ量・画面面積が不足だし、字幕も無いから即やめた(はい!日本語字幕中毒者で~す!文句あるかっ?)。普通のテレビでも見ようかと思って、NHK料金を支払いたくない為、その計画も未然に中止。結局現在はネットのDVDレンタル(或る意味でNetflixの日本版、TSUTAYA DISCAS)でテレビ欲を満たそうとしているが、続けられるかどうかは未だに不明。借り放題や、見たい時に見たい番組が見れるとは確かだけど、DVDの郵送がメッチャ遅い所為(セイ)でその分だけ借り放題さが成立しない(「題」はマダ「放」ってないっつーの!)。 一応そういう状態だ。今後とも弱音を吐く必要がなくなるように頑張り続けて、報告する!ってか厳密に言えば、如何なる厳しい状態でも、弱音を吐く必要がないけどね。まいっか!偉い哲学は偉い哲学者に任せよう!
- Why Dubbed Movies?
thi_dt @ajatt Why dubbed movies? Why don't you watch real Japanese movies? Coz real Japanese…
- How to Watch and Download Real, Live Japanese TV: Goodbye MOJI, Hello iSakura
New Ways to Watch and Download Real, Live Japanese TV (Yes, Terrestrial, Satellite, Cable and…
- Japanese TV Drama Scripts--Tiger and Dragon
Could life be better? I submit that it could not!! No, I know it could,…
Good point, but you what I noticed early on is that the dialogue in Japanese movies is not always reflective of everyday Japanese. Your best bet would be to watch more variety shows.
That’s a good point, too. It does also depend on the movie (well-written movies tend to have more realistic dialogue). Either way, it’s not like it would hurt, and I don’t want us to go out and say “don’t do X”, any more than we have to.
The best thing is to just do what you enjoy, I think. All movies movies all the time could get old, all variety shows all the time will definitely get old, but all Japanese all the time 😀 never grows old.
Remember what Krashen said, it doesn’t have to be “good for you”. If it’s fun, then that’s good for you. You can eat chocolate cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner as long as it’s in Japanese.
You’re so right. For me, I watch the movies I like, but I absolutely love Sanma and Hama Chan, so I try and catch their shows all the time. I don’t always understand what they are saying but they are mad funny.
I don’t know where to ask this either so I’ll ask it here as it is relevant to TV.
ok so, by this point my iPod is basically glued to my ear with Japanese podcasts playing(both news and entertainment)
so I was wondering,
would it be a good or bad idea, to watch my favorite american(english) shows with no volume on (while i have my iPod on)(or without it doesnt matter) because I would know exactly what is going on and I could kind of add my own Japanese dubs to the show just thinking about it.
so would that be a good or bad idea?
Where’s a good place online that sells japanese dubbed movies (english page preffered ( i know i know))?? I can only find subtitled or english dubbed japanese movies.
There is a limited “see this page in English” function somewhere to the top right of the page.
I didnt know where to post this. Im surprised you havent mentioned (or I cant find it) keyhole tv to watch live japanese tv.
RE: for dubbed movies.
I’ve noticed that just about any movie I’ve searched has:
Format: (usually contains sound information and occasionally says dubbed)
Language: Japanese, English, (and sometimes another)
Subtitles: Japanese, English, (and others)
Only certain movies list “dubbed” in the format part. For example Ratatouille says Dubbed and also under language says Japanese/english, while The Bourne Identity does not say dubbed but does say Japanese/English under language. So before I drop 20-30 bones on a dvd, does it have to say dubbed in the format section or is that what the language description is? If the language section is not for voiceovers then what is it for, the menu? There is already a subtitle listing so I’m a bit unsure about what the seperate language description is for..
RE: selling dubbed movies
None of the movies I’m interested have english voiceovers/dubs at my local japanese video store, so I’ve been checking amazon for the past few days. The thing that is confusing me is the “Language: japanese, english.” Now from what I have seen just about every movie has:
Format: Color, Dolby, DTS Stereo, Widescreen, etc. (sometimes says Dubbed)
Language: 英語, 日本語 (occasionally another language)
Subtitles: 日本語, 英語, (+whatever random subtitle)
So do the movies need to say dubbed in the format section to have voice-overs? If so, what is the language part for?
As an example Ratatouille says dubbed in the format list, and also has language + subtitles jp/eng. Bourne Identity has language and subtitle both listing jp/eng, but does not say dubbed under the format part. Language clearly isnt for subtitles since sometimes the language/subtitle section do not match, and if you look up blu-ray movies the language is always english only, with japanese subs.
Some clarification would be helpful since they are really expensive, thank you! :X
(sorry if this double posts, I posted it at work but didnt se the comment when i got home)
Hi there Katz,
Well, I have been a fan for a long time, I just wish that I hadnt taken such a long break away, I only took a break because I really did not understand a lot of the things you were talking about. Anyway, I am back into it now, and I remember reading an article about reading manga and folding the pages on sentences. I have looked for about a week now, and cannot find it. I have read the article about sticking dots on interesting parts, and maybe I will just do that.
If you could tell me the url of that article, that would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,