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KhatzuMemo Update–View and Search Collection Features Added

KhatzuMemo has just been updated. Yay!

The following features have been added:

  • View All — you can now see all items in your collection at once. I know, I know, you can’t believe it’s taken this long to put it in.
  • Search — you can now search your collection. Don’t say it. I know it’s basic.
  • Repetition Algorithm Improvements — this feature has actually been there for a while, but I’m only announcing it now.
  • Main Menu — a sweet new menu
  • Et cetera — little tweeks in the background, the code is leaner and cleaner.

Anyway, enjoy! Also if you want any other features, let me know. I can’t promise to add them in a timely fashion (if at all), but it will help to know what matters most to you. You can just comment on the blog or send me an email.

      8 comments for “KhatzuMemo Update–View and Search Collection Features Added

    1. Amy
      August 4, 2007 at 03:21

      やった, うまくしてた!:) But now I have more questions..:(

      1.) Today instead of 100 reps for the day, it kept adding more and more as I went along. Why is that happening and how can I keep it at 100 reps per day?
      2.) I noticed when I was looking at all my sentences that there’s a bunch of them I added long ago that don’t seem to have ever been put into the ‘deck’ at all..

      どう思う?:)手伝ってくれて有り難う。 🙂

    2. khatzumoto
      August 4, 2007 at 05:58

      >1.) Today instead of 100 reps for the day, it kept adding more and more as I went along. Why is that happening and how can I keep it at 100 reps per day?

      What it’s doing is excluding your “redos”, where you had to repeat the same item again because you got a low score on it. You still do 100 unique items, but if you have a redo it may come to more than 100 reps. I had 120 reps today. I thought it would be better in terms of learning. Do you still want to keep this behavior?

      >2.) I noticed when I was looking at all my sentences that there’s a bunch of them I added long ago that don’t seem to have ever been put into the ‘deck’ at all..

      Did you add those by hand, or from a file?

    3. khatzumoto
      August 4, 2007 at 06:03

      Thanks for commenting, by the way! It’s really, really helps to get feedback :D.

    4. khatzumoto
      August 4, 2007 at 06:12

      Amy–also, for those older items, try using the “Do More Reps” function, you will get to them eventually. The thing about forcing a a limit of 100/day is that I had to chose to prioritize. So I chose to prioritize whatever items were already “in process”, especially items you get wrong a lot, or that have really long intervals (so they only come once in a while).

    5. Glenn
      August 5, 2007 at 18:44

      Ah, a search function! Yes! I’ve been waiting for that!

      I think I like the new behavior for misses, although I haven’t had the opportunity to use it yet (been travelling back home). I just have to make sure to know the stuff well enough so that I’m not sitting there all day! XD

    6. Amy
      August 7, 2007 at 02:21

      さすが, You were right… I just had to stop inputting for a day or two and those sentences I’d inputted weeks ago and forgotten about suddenly popped right up! 🙂 びっくりして、面白かった。
      And I guess it is useful to see how many I didn’t get that day, too (where it’ll say, たとえば、”105/120 reps today”; or in my case, “105/147”)… I understand that it doesn’t actually take any longer time, but somehow it sure seems like it, when I see that higher number, lol.
      ありがとう,よろしく~。 :)

    7. jubilantia
      April 28, 2008 at 12:06

      Khatz- is there anyway to export flashcards from Khatzumemo into an xml file? I’m in a place where I need to get them into an offline SRS so I can work on them.

    8. March 25, 2009 at 04:01

      Please Khatz, is there any way to export your collection from Khatzumemo since I’d like to get a back-up. And manually pulling down about 700 cards is utmost BMT.
      Please, if there is a way, enlighten me ;D If not, I beg you to add it!

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