山口県熊毛郡大和町 石城山 "湖面に寫る石城山、私の家から見たものはどこから見たものよりも美しく見える。" j.mp/g3uUER # イタリアを笑えるだろうか | Newsweek斜め読み | コラム&ブログ | ニューズウィーク日本版 オフィシャルサイト j.mp/qGnJpc # 學習辭書に「特殊な専門・業界用語や難語」(=「日常の生活や読書に不必要な語彙」)はない!: アンチ・バベルの塔 (The Tower of Anti-Babel) j.mp/pOufQH # Amazon.co.jp: 人生を変える80対20の法則: リチャード コッチ, 仁平 和夫: 本 j.mp/rbhVdq # RHYMESTER 耳ヲ貸スベキ – YouTube j.mp/bI3DED # 中盤戦 feat.Mummy-D¦ Middle Game – YouTube j.mp/nRRh74 # ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "グレートチキンパワーズ – サトウ 福餅入り鏡餅" j.mp/pRb3Bu # As…
It’s Not Time, It’s Choice
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Engineered InevitabilityTime by itself will do nothing. It’s engagement or the lack thereof multiplied by time that makes the difference. So, if time “is” anything at all, it is at best a force multiplier. By itself, it’s powerless. Time multiplied by 0 gives you, well,…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-07-17
by khatzumoto
The Proper Use of Humility – Less Wrong j.mp/qYCQke # Tsuyoku Naritai! (I Want To Become Stronger) – Less Wrong j.mp/nk6Y7R # Live long and prosper:帶你走入Star Trek的世界(三) "生生不息,繁榮昌盛。 Live long and prosper。" j.mp/qqr5oE # YouTube – 如何擺脫港式英文的口音 (廿六) Didn't, Shouldn't, Wouldn't j.mp/q2elnf # 如何擺脫港式英文的口音 (廿六) – 英文由F字學起 – 蕭愷一 – Yahoo! BLOG j.mp/pIon2v # "元々「BLACK…
How To Learn Japanese While Living In Japan In Only 3 Ridiculously Easy, Concrete Steps
by khatzumoto
So you’re in Japan and you’ve learned that “just being in the country will make you awesome” is a total myth, albeit a reasonable-sounding and persistent one. What now? Turn on the TV at 9pm today. Turn it off at 9:30 pm…2 years from now. Seriously. I am not effing kidding. This is not hyperbole.…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-07-10
by khatzumoto
Text To Speech, TTS: English, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, German, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese j.mp/cA5CK0 # YouTube – 共に行こう (Version Pure) / SHAKKAZOMBIE feat GORE-TEX, SUIKEN, DABO, MACKA-CHIN j.mp/9tF6Pk # 早稲田大學高等學院 "Waseda University Senior High School" j.mp/kkUCfd # 思考実験 – Wikipedia j.mp/klNr2M # @Pandakittynya apparently… 🙂 # YouTube – 超可愛小妹妹的翻譯 j.mp/lVrON0 # YouTube – 日本小妹妹學英文,笑死人啦…
Top 10 Great Japanese Movies, 1998~2008
by khatzumoto
Without further ado and in no particular order: 茶の味/The Taste Of Tea (2004) Quirky. No plot. It doesn’t need one. This movie is above and beyond plot. It just makes you happy. Plus it really lends itself to repeat viewings. Just watch it, man. I no I said “in no particular order”. I lied. There…