
Do Something Easy, Or Nothing At All. There Is No Hard.

This entry is part 4 of 3 in the series Hard and Easy

This entry is part 4 of 3 in the series Hard and EasyThere are only two choices in life. Do nothing. “I’m tired” “I’m burned out” “I can’t” Do something hard. “It’s good for me!” “Suffering builds character!” “I need discipline!” “I have to” “I should” Do something easy. “No way!” “This counts?” “But it’s…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-06-12

181736.jpg (580×442) #万引き #lol via #silverspoon # 日本語インプット # YouTube – Funny Japanese commercial # "It is by tiny steps that we ascend the stars." — Jack Leedstrom #timeboxing # ミチオ・カク – Wikipedia "加來 道雄" # "Whatever your age, if you continue to stretch your brain, you can be sure it…

New SilverSpoon Openings! (Round 7)

What Is SilverSpoon? ↑ Go here if you’ve forgotten what all SilverSpoon is 😛 Sign Up Now — Only 16 Places Available There are only 16 places available in this round. This is the final round for low, fixed-price entry into SilverSpoon. Fear not, there will be other chances for you to get in —…

Boredom Kills

And so it came to pass than on June 7, 2011 at 13:45 Japan Standard Time, angel13 said: I am still in kanji (only about 150 or so in) and I am finding it extremely boring. I just can’t seem to get myself motivated to do it and I don’t want to delete kanji I…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-06-05

YouTube – Alvin Toffler on Education ..or…Why School Sucks # Don't try to read a book once well. Read it 10, 20, 100 times sloppily. Move the pages. For you, #reading = moving paper. # Move the pages. Linger for interesting parts. Then get moving again. #immersion #reading # By numerical volume, the central…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-05-29

"I don’t think of the SRS as a memorization aid, but as a familiarization tool" # "I've often noticed kids repeating everything that's said around them – it's a game to them" # "shadowing…is simply a refinement of what we do naturally to acquire the first language" # "it's like when you…