“Don’t use skepticism as a thinly veiled excuse for inaction or remaining in your comfort zone…You can’t change…? Sure you can. Genetics be damned.” — Timothy Ferriss “The reason why so little is done, is generally because so little is attempted.” — Samuel Smiles You “can’t”? You don’t have the “knack”? Maybe. Maybe. But that’s…
St. AJATT Plus Day: Join AJATT Plus Before The Great Price Hike…
by khatzumoto
People of the AJATT, hear me! As you may have guessed from my many inspirational posts, I am a deeply pious man. And right now is a time of year of great religious significance. A time to celebrate. A time to reflect. A time to gather with loved ones and break bread. The most wonderful…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-12-05
by khatzumoto
"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't" — Jerry Rice bit.ly/gdbCd7 #SRS # "週刊ストーリーランドは、1999年10月14日から2001年9月13日にかけて日本テレビ系で・・・放送されたバラエティ番組である。視聴者から面白い話を募集し、アニメ化して放送するという内容だった。" bit.ly/fxeUZ2 # YouTube – hamatimejirotubasu 的頻道 "週刊ストーリーランド「天国からのビデオレター・完全版」1/3" bit.ly/h6NYz0 #exactsubs #japanese # YouTube – マボロシ MABOROSHI – SLOW DOWN! bit.ly/i8Z0y5 # YouTube – マボロシ MABOROSHI – THE ワルダクミ bit.ly/i19jNm # YouTube – マボロシ MABOROSHI…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-12-05
by khatzumoto
"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't" — Jerry Rice bit.ly/gdbCd7 #SRS # "週刊ストーリーランドは、1999年10月14日から2001年9月13日にかけて日本テレビ系で・・・放送されたバラエティ番組である。視聴者から面白い話を募集し、アニメ化して放送するという内容だった。" bit.ly/fxeUZ2 # YouTube – hamatimejirotubasu 的頻道 "週刊ストーリーランド「天国からのビデオレター・完全版」1/3" bit.ly/h6NYz0 #exactsubs #japanese # YouTube – マボロシ MABOROSHI – SLOW DOWN! bit.ly/i8Z0y5 # YouTube – マボロシ MABOROSHI – THE ワルダクミ bit.ly/i19jNm # YouTube – マボロシ MABOROSHI…
The Wait That Kills: Before You Pwn Books, You Must First Own Books
by khatzumoto
We are all born illiterate. If you were to wait until you could read to start thumbing through Japanese books, you’d die waiting. If you were to wait until you could read to start owning Japanese books, you’d die waiting. False: can’t read Japanese ∴ own no Japanese books. True: own no Japanese books ∴ can’t…
Critical Frequency and Soviet Special Forces Strength Training
by khatzumoto
Great comments get left here on AJATT.com. But, lost in the fog of posts, they tend to get ignored and thus effectively die. All-Star Comments is the section where we bring them back to life. Today’s All-Star Comment is from McSalty, a guy who knows his way around the worlds of health and fitness. He’s noticed…