
Not to get you excited way ahead of time or anything, but…

Yeah…it’s coming. Soon. “Soon” being Japanese for “at an indeterminate time in the geologically near future”. Explosions, action, fast-paced hip music. Save that for other movies. This one just has me in it. And that, friends…is enough. Khatzumoto: The Movie. Presented in ultra high-definition flash video and shot using the latest two-year-old Japanese cellphone technology.…

The Bilingual Career Forum Story

So, the way I even heard about this bilingual Japanese/English career forum is that my Japanese roommate from before I had considered studying Japanese, Ko-star, went to the Boston version. It both inspired me and made me jealous when I realized that “wow, Ko-star is totally fluent in two very economically valuable languages, and here…

Pure Pwnage: How Fluent Was I After 18 Months?

So, I have a BIG ego, and do LOTS of ego-surfing. I should make an RSS feed of my self-googling. And during my daily, no, hourly session of ego-surfing, it came to my attention that I had not quite made clear just what I meant by “fluency” after 18 months. In a word, my fluency…