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[Movie Transcript] Crimson Tide Captain’s Speech in Japanese

The mid-1990s movie speech nostalgia party continues.

Today the objet of our adulation is that space-themed romantic comedy romp, Crimson Tide, starring Denzel Washington and Aragorn.

Gene Hackman’s Captain Ramsey gives that speech early on in the film before they board the U-boat. It’s one of my favorites, so I went ahead and transcribed it. Don’t ever say I never did nothing for the peoples! 😀

Anyway, enjoy, and here’s the text of the original speech. Also, here’s a link to the Japanese audio for the little speech.




















行け(ゴー) 「バマ」!

行け(ゴー) 「バマ」!

艇長! 乗組員解散!

乗組員 解散!了解しました!

As much as it pains me to admit fallibility, there are two words there’s a bit at the very end that I just couldn’t make out clearly. I think #1 is 「以上」 and #2 is…#2 I just have no freaking idea: it sounds like 「命令」, but that doesn’t seem like it would make much sense.

Anyone with a clearer idea…feel free to share 🙂 .

[Big thanks to KREVA for totally wiping up my mess! I mean covering me!  I mean…yes!]. By way of more late-breaking news — it turns out there at least two other people online who’ve already transcribed this, so check them out here, and here.

I think maybe I’ll do the “you can’t handle the truth” exchange from A Few Good Men next…if I feel like it 😉 . Not feeling like it yet…

  9 comments for “[Movie Transcript] Crimson Tide Captain’s Speech in Japanese

  1. KREVA
    December 19, 2009 at 16:40

    Hey Khatz, thanks for the mini-script. I can already spot some useful words to mine.

    My shot at the ones you couldn’t make out would be:
    1) 艇長
    2) 銘々

    Correct me if I am wrong. 🙂

  2. Rob
    December 20, 2009 at 00:02

    ありがとうKatzu! 私もこの映画が大好きです。

  3. December 20, 2009 at 01:11

    Nice, this is pure gold for anyone doing sentence mining who knows the movie =P

  4. Mandazor
    December 20, 2009 at 03:14

    Bwah~ Thank you so much! I love this xD <3

  5. Rob
    December 20, 2009 at 13:04

    I could be wrong here, but I think who ever translated the movie screwed up a bit on one part of the speech. When the Captain is talking about the ship with Mr. Cob and he says, “It represents fine people,” the movie dubs this as, “乗組員は優秀であるか?”

    乗組員 would refer to the crew, but I believe Captain Ramsey is referring to the people of Alabama state. The dub probably should have said something like, “人民は優秀であるか?” 

  6. Rob
    December 20, 2009 at 13:35

    Or instead of “人民” perhaps “州民” 

  7. magamo
    December 20, 2009 at 18:23

    I found a typo: 空軍には入って貰いたい should read 空軍に入って貰いたい.

    As for the translation of “It represents fine people,” I think this is due to the typical flow of thought in English, i.e., “It represents fine people who live in a fine, outstanding state in the greatest country in the entire world.” is usually worded in a reverse way in Japanese: 地上でもっとも偉大な国にある、素晴らしい州に住む人民を表している。Since Ramsey split the sentence into clauses that work as pseudo-sentences, the translator couldn’t do sentence-by-sentence translation. So probably s/he came up with the alternative dialogue to make it flow well in Japanese. Anyway, if I were the translator, I’d translate the sentences like this:

    (You’re aware of the name of this ship, aren’t you, Mr. Cob?)

    (Very aware, sir!)

    (It bears a proud name, doesn’t it, Mr. Cob?)

    (Very proud, sir!)

    (It represents fine people.)

    (Very fine people, sir!)

    (Who live in a fine, outstanding state.)

    (Outstanding, sir!)

    (In the greatest country in the entire world.)

    (In the entire world, sir!)

    This way the Japanese lines carry pretty much the same meaning and follow the same flow. It might mess up the lip-sync though.

  8. Rob
    December 21, 2009 at 02:07

    Yes, I like your translation better magamo. The way the movie is translated, I don’t think a Japanese person would understand what the ship name is about. Since the point of that final speech is to pep up the crew before shipping out, perhaps like you said, the translator changed it so it would essentially accomplish the same thing, though the meaning is a bit different. (or perhaps they really didn’t get it and screwed up)

    It’s interesting to think about how much freedom translators have when doing the dubbing. For the most part I think they do a good job, a million times better than the subs, but I’ve come across instances where it seems for no good reason, they will add/delete something from a scene, changing the meaning ever so slightly. Or perhaps I’m riding their case because I would kill to have their job!

  9. January 8, 2010 at 09:36

    Dude your sites insane I dont know where to begin… I’ve perused a few videos ( there was a series some years ago ! & 2 for learn Japanese I torrented them all ) they a re pretty good..

    I dont really WANT to learn Kanji just Functional language skills…
    where “should” I begin on your site to add it to my study materials…

    thanks dude Congratz on landing a gig over there !!

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