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How To Score Reps In Surusu, 2013 Edition

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series How To Score Reps In Surusu
  • 0 = total blank
  • 1 = wrong
  • 2 = mostly wrong
  • 3 = mostly right
  • 4 = right
  • 5 = slam dunk
  • WARP = Out-of-this-world ballin’ . WARP is generally about one or two orders of magnitude more powerful than a “5”. Use with great care. This will space your card very, very far out into the future.

Ironically enough, most people grade themselves too harshly. So:

  1. Don’t be too harsh 😀
  2. Don’t grade yourself harshly on a card because you’ve had trouble with it in the past. Grade cards on a per rep basis: if you did well on the card this time around, then give yourself a high score. Surusu knows the card’s history and won’t boot it into oblivion just because you did well on it once or twice despite a troubled history 😀 .
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  2 comments for “How To Score Reps In Surusu, 2013 Edition

  1. August 4, 2013 at 22:00

    Sometimes I just grade super high if a card is interesting to me but I want to deal with it much later. Sometimes my vocabulary has caught up and I am ready for that card. Or I delete it. It’s all good if you are surrounding yourself with good methods media etc.

  2. alex gomez
    February 11, 2014 at 04:19

    how to use it?

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