This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series How To Score Reps In Surusu 0 = total blank 1 = wrong 2 = mostly wrong 3 = mostly right 4 = right 5 = slam dunk WARP = Out-of-this-world ballin’ . WARP is generally about one or two orders of magnitude more powerful…
Blog Archives
How To Score Reps In Surusu
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series How To Score Reps In Surusu 0 = blank 1 = totally incorrect 2 = partially correct 3 = correct, with great effort 4 = correct, with some effort 5 = correct, effortless WARP = Out-of-this-world ballin’ . Faster than light speed. This will space…