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How To Score Yourself On Repetitions 2

This is a repeat of a previous post. I wasn’t happy with the wording the last time, it seemed unclear and difficult to understand. Truth be told, scoring repetitions requires some individual judgment, but much of it, I think, can be standardized. So here’s a second attempt at explaining how to score repetitions. Hopefully this time around things are clearer.

0Blank. Complete non-recall. You completely forgot the reading of 1 or more characters. You completely forgot the meaning of one or more words

1Completely wrong. One big error or multiple small errors. You got the reading of one or more characters COMPLETELY wrong. Or, you got the reading of 2 or more characters slightly wrong. This goes against what I said previously, but, I think a tone error in Chinese should be graded as “completely wrong” rather than “slightly wrong”. Tone matters that much.

2Slightly wrong. You got the reading of one character slightly wrong. You had a hazy idea of the meaning, and it was slightly off, or too broad/narrow

3More or less juust right. Weak, struggling, but right. No mistakes. Maybe you had the meaning or reading wrong to begin with, but then you corrected yourself

4Exactly right. Very good. Maybe a little slow or slightly halting, but not too slow

5Perfect. It was a breeze. Like breathing. In. Out. Next!

  12 comments for “How To Score Yourself On Repetitions 2

  1. james
    May 24, 2007 at 22:36

    I’m glad you re posted this. I felt that I’ve been going to easy on myself and just grading 5 anything that I could get through eventually and understand the meaning.

    Do you think it’s better to do only 15 sentences a day and make sure you have them absolutely drilled rather than doing 30 not so drilled ones? (though you still can pronounce and understand)

    I ‘ve also been wondering about the length of the sentences. Some of my senteces are fairly long e.g. 離婚する時家庭裁判所に養育権訴訟を起こす男の人が最近増えてきたそうだ. I understand this sentence but beacuse of it’s length it is difficult to memorize in it’s entirety. Do you think this is too long a sentence to put into mnemosyne?


  2. khatzumoto
    May 24, 2007 at 22:49

    Hey James

    >(though you still can pronounce and understand)
    No matter how many sentences, if you can pronounce and understand, then you’re good to go.

    >Do you think this is too long a sentence to put into mnemosyne?
    No, it isn’t. It is on the lengthier side of things, but it’s not out of the question. Some sentences in Japanese get long. What I do is:
    1. Enter the full, long sentence in
    2. Break the sentence up into logical parts (generally, clauses) and enter *those* parts, too
    I find this works best. It’s good to have some long sentences in there because Japanese sentences can get long. But, as far as your brain is concerned, learning and sentence-building happen in small, manageable chunks. So that’s why I enter the parts into the SRS, as well as the whole.

  3. June 1, 2007 at 10:29

    There’s a missing end function somewhere in this post. Everything from 1. down is underlined… Just so you know 😉

  4. khatzumoto
    June 1, 2007 at 13:48

    Hey Matt–what browser are you using?

  5. Lerris
    June 1, 2007 at 14:21

    It seems to be happening with IE (6 in my case), looks fine in Firefox.

    In your code, at the end of each of those entries (0-5) is an extra
    span style=”text-decoration: underline” /
    (I omitted the greater than/less than tags in case it tries parsing them)
    Firefox treats them properly since that / should tell it to close the tag immediately… seems IE’s not being so kind.

  6. khatzumoto
    June 1, 2007 at 15:08

    Lerris, Matt…you guys make me look good. Thank you very much!

  7. June 1, 2007 at 19:05

    Hey, I know it’s been sorted now, but I’d seen it on both IE6 and IE7. Let’s not go into why I’m using IE in the first place 😐

  8. Squintox
    August 17, 2008 at 05:04

    IMO, what helps is if you don’t see it as numbers, but you see them as grades. So in Anki:

    4 = A
    3 = B
    2 = C
    1 = D
    0 = F

  9. Will
    September 2, 2008 at 03:20

    I got a question I am still learning Kanji but I have been putting it into my SRS using copy paste. What program do I need to download in order to type Japanese Characters. I am on Windows XP.

  10. Jonathan
    September 30, 2009 at 19:28

    It should be noted that Mnemosyne counts ‘2’ as a “correct” grade, and will schedule the card for a day or two in the future. So if you’re using Mnemosyne, ‘1’ would be a better grade for a card that you got slightly wrong.

  11. Augusto
    November 23, 2010 at 00:56

    What about for Anki, which has only 4? Cut 5 and 2 on the list above, maybe?

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