The countdown heats up…
Check out these other posts, motherlover!
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Everything is about to change. ...
- New SilverSpoon Openings! (Round 10)
Go here: AJATT SilverSpoon Sign Up :D | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time…
- SilverSpoon Round 10
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- The AJATT Store
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Why is it that with my SRS reps, it has gotten harder for me to get kanji from english keyword, yet i can easily recall meaning if i see a kanji. It worries me.
Depends on how you have your cards set up. From my personal kanji roller coaster ride, if your kanji deck is set up with the kanji in the ‘question’ field, it builds your recognition of the kanji’s meaning. At least, that’s what happened with me. I could see them where ever and tell you what they meant, but couldn’t randomly write them.
With the kanji in the ‘answer’ field, well… I’m still working on this one, but it seems like if I just think about the keyword, I can write them (if they are not too new and I remember the story). This also depends on how many times the kanji has been studied.
This is the difference between the Lazy Kanji Mod and the ‘Regular’ way in my opinion. But I could be wrong though (or weird or both).
I think it’s a good thing, becouse you are going to go Alljapaneseallthetime, so English is prohibited, mildly speaking. Recently I found go-and-put-keyword-in-long-term-memory-through-an-SRS attitude wrong. You don’t need ‘卸- wholesale’ in your head. You need to feel it, when you can use this kanji. So when you go on with monodics, forgetting the English keywords won’t be a bother.
Input before output. Even if you can’t recall kanji from keyword now, you will probably can eventually, when you expose yourself to a certain kanji othen enough.
Heh, it’s exactly the other way around for me – I can usually recall the kanji when I see the English keyword but I often forget the keyword when looking at a kanji. I sometimes remember the story but not the keyword. Still, I figure it’s okay, as long as I can recognize the kanji, it’ll serve well enough as a foundation when I start learning how to read Japanese.
Recollection or understanding always always ALWAYS comes before production. You will understand more kanji than you can write. You will understand more words than you can say.
And frankly, that’s fine. What you need for Japanese is to understand the meaning of characters. You don’t necessarily need to recall them from English keywords. (Japanese readings? Yes: べんきょう⇒勉強. But not, say, “strong”⇒強.)
Recognition always comes before recollection. It’s a universal rule. Quite often you can understand a language better than you can produce it. You can read better than you can write. This stands to be true in your native language. Passive knowledge is always larger active. It’s the way it goes. Relax. Take it easy. You’re doing ok 😉
There is no problem. Don’t worry about every little thing. Just get on with things and the language take its course.
Mmmm. トーストに納豆を掛ける。。。大ファンだゼ!!
Where is the silverspoon?
I’m pretty sure it’s sold out for now. I was going to sign up but then it sold out.