- “foreign sounds paired with music will be…accessible for mental rehearsal and memorization”
bit.ly/kME0a # - “Music codes words with heavy emotional and contextual flags, evoking a realistic, meaningful, and cogent environment”
bit.ly/kME0a # - 自由イズフリーダム! #
- ‘ “structure of the day” methodology seldom teaches what it intends’
bit.ly/kME0a # - “we must pay attention to the reality that has always been there”
bit.ly/kME0a # - We with our electricity, running water, Internet access…We are the elite. We can do anything we want. There are no excuses. #
- Just because you mark something up, that doesn’t mean you have to SRS it. It just means you can if you want. Mark for convenience, not duty. #
- 「不怕失敗,只怕灰心」 #
- 騙し取ったのは悪いが、若者の「起業家精神」という所は国全体としてもっと育成促進すべき物だと思う。何せ今の「サラリーマンかフリーターか風俗か」という極端に馬鹿馬鹿しい構造じ #
- For language learners in general, returns decrease as motion increases.
Stay where you are and keep boiling that water.
bit.ly/tfctR # - Noticed in Canto SRS reps yesterday: a tendency to involuntary (effortlessly, no active reference to memory) pronounce sentences correctly. #
- 半端じゃないよコイツ
bit.ly/lNH5R # - Little choices add up. What are you choosing now? #
- Writing doesn’t make your writing better. Writing gets you used to the physical act of producing; reading makes the actual product better. #
- I imagine the actual act of drawing makes for better drawing, though…Not sure 😀 #
- I wouldn’t want to shut the door on the possibility of learning many languages at once, but the sun’s rays do burn hottest when focussed. #
- Immersion is more physical than mental. Simply make it so that only Japanese is physically available to you, and your mind will follow. #
- Motivation is like…toilet paper. Better to keep extra around than to wait until it runs out and then be screaming for help… #
- Being at intermediate level in a language is sort of like being an ugly duckling in a world where virtually no one believes in swanhood… #
- A lanky, awkward, adolescent duckling. Whose despair drives her to the ultimate choice: suicide (i.e. giving up) #
- ”grit…[is] about setting a specific long-term goal and doing whatever it takes until the goal has been reached.”
bit.ly/Drg9v #
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AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-08-22
by khatzumoto
- “foreign sounds paired with music will be…accessible for mental rehearsal and memorization”
bit.ly/kME0a # - “Music codes words with heavy emotional and contextual flags, evoking a realistic, meaningful, and cogent environment”
bit.ly/kME0a # - 自由イズフリーダム! #
- ‘ “structure of the day” methodology seldom teaches what it intends’
bit.ly/kME0a # - “we must pay attention to the reality that has always been there”
bit.ly/kME0a # - We with our electricity, running water, Internet access…We are the elite. We can do anything we want. There are no excuses. #
- Just because you mark something up, that doesn’t mean you have to SRS it. It just means you can if you want. Mark for convenience, not duty. #
- 「不怕失敗,只怕灰心」 #
- 騙し取ったのは悪いが、若者の「起業家精神」という所は国全体としてもっと育成促進すべき物だと思う。何せ今の「サラリーマンかフリーターか風俗か」という極端に馬鹿馬鹿しい構造じ #
- For language learners in general, returns decrease as motion increases.
Stay where you are and keep boiling that water.
bit.ly/tfctR # - Noticed in Canto SRS reps yesterday: a tendency to involuntary (effortlessly, no active reference to memory) pronounce sentences correctly. #
- 半端じゃないよコイツ
bit.ly/lNH5R # - Little choices add up. What are you choosing now? #
- Writing doesn’t make your writing better. Writing gets you used to the physical act of producing; reading makes the actual product better. #
- I imagine the actual act of drawing makes for better drawing, though…Not sure 😀 #
- I wouldn’t want to shut the door on the possibility of learning many languages at once, but the sun’s rays do burn hottest when focussed. #
- Immersion is more physical than mental. Simply make it so that only Japanese is physically available to you, and your mind will follow. #
- Motivation is like…toilet paper. Better to keep extra around than to wait until it runs out and then be screaming for help… #
- Being at intermediate level in a language is sort of like being an ugly duckling in a world where virtually no one believes in swanhood… #
- A lanky, awkward, adolescent duckling. Whose despair drives her to the ultimate choice: suicide (i.e. giving up) #
- ”grit…[is] about setting a specific long-term goal and doing whatever it takes until the goal has been reached.”
bit.ly/Drg9v #