Better something than nothing. Better more than less. Better fun than "good for you". Better now than later. #immersion # Playing is fundamental. Play is *the* fundamental. Only people with a solid foundation in play can actually do the serious stuff. # With persistence, almost any method will get you "there". Without it…nothing will. #…
Weird-But-Valuable SRS Hacks: Using the SRS to Remember Names
by khatzumoto
Almost exactly 4 years ago, I came to Japan. Since I didn’t physically grow up here, I simulated a childhood before coming, using electronic media tools. I continue that simulation even now. No matter where you live, it’s fun and useful to make friends fast, and one thing that helps friendships form is accurately remembering…
Why Have You Been Killing Babies?
by khatzumoto
If you were hungry, would you deny yourself food because you were hungry? If you were thirsty, would you deny yourself drink because you were thirsty? If you needed a blood transfusion, would you deny yourself blood because you needed it? Rhetorical questions. You wouldn’t starve yourself to death to punish yourself for being an…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-05-22
by khatzumoto
Listen to real Japanese conversations and read transcriptions thereof [VoiceBlog.JP] # Transcripts of real, natural Japanese conversations at actual speed [VoiceBlog/JapaneseListening] # "志村 五郎(しむら ごろう、1930年2月23日 – )は日本の数学者。プリンストン大学名誉教授。静岡県浜松市生まれ。 盟友であった谷山豊と取り組んだ谷山・志村予想によってフェルマー予想の解決に貢献" # "谷山 豊/数学者。 もともと名前は「とよ」と読むのが正しいものの、「ゆたか」と読み間違える人が多かったので、いつからか自ら「ゆたか」と名乗るようになった" # Be a failure. Fail at doing unproductive things and fail at giving up. # "If you don’t know…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-05-15
by khatzumoto
@Wicketification No….what did you have in mind? (You can do a cull of weak cards/leeches if&when your overall retention drops below 90%) in reply to Wicketification # "The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity" # "You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-05-08
by khatzumoto
ふぁんた時間 | via #ajattplus children's stories, text + audio narration…as opposed to video narration you get the point! # ニュートンと日経サイエンス # YouTube – BONNIE PINK / Thinking of You # YouTube – Yuzu – Natsuiro (PV) | ゆず 夏色 # ENDLICHERI☆ENDLICHERI | YouTube – WATERIZE 傷の上には赤いBLOOD # YouTube – Vo Vo…