@PocketBanana It's only for ppl who bought, like, the QRG and stuff before a certain date 😀 hehe # "一度に大きな効果を得ようとすると、その効果を生み出す資源を失ってしまうことがある。" bit.ly/iaInBc # Elias Fotinis DeskPins :: Make Any Window Topmost bit.ly/hsIy4C # YouTube – Nitro Microphone Underground – Coming Soon bit.ly/fNW04R bit.ly/i8uW4d # TextMaster – count number of words, sentences and characters online while writing.…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-03-27
by khatzumoto
@PocketBanana It's only for ppl who bought, like, the QRG and stuff before a certain date 😀 hehe # "一度に大きな効果を得ようとすると、その効果を生み出す資源を失ってしまうことがある。" bit.ly/iaInBc # Elias Fotinis DeskPins :: Make Any Window Topmost bit.ly/hsIy4C # YouTube – Nitro Microphone Underground – Coming Soon bit.ly/fNW04R bit.ly/i8uW4d # TextMaster – count number of words, sentences and characters online while writing.…
Timeboxing Trilogy, Part 10: Timeboxing, Tony Schwartz and Recovery
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 16 of 26 in the series Timeboxing Trilogy“It is not about staying the course. It is not about pushing yourself for long periods of time…The key to your great performance is intense effort balanced by deep recovery. It’s becoming a sprinter inside a marathon. You live in a marathon, but the…
Bookmarklet: NonstopTUBE — Non-Stop YouTube
by khatzumoto
Takes whatever text you highlight and sets it as the topic/search term of the NonstopTUBE non-stop YouTube player. NonstopTube javascript:(function(){var w=window,d=w.document,s=”;;if(d.selection){s=d.selection.createRange().text}else if (d.getSelection){s=d.getSelection()}else if(w.getSelection){s=window.getSelection()}window.open (‘http://www.saisin.biz/youtube/youtube.cgi?page=1&xxx=0&orderby=relevance&route=word2&sp=word&word=’+encodeURIComponent(s),’_blank’)})()
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-03-20
by khatzumoto
"I learned Dutch by watching TV." bit.ly/grEVC4 # Flikken Maastricht: Schuld – Uitzending Gemist bit.ly/hmN0ig #dutch #policedrama # New at AJATT Plus: The Death of 10,000 Sentences: 4 Months On plus.ajatt.com/the-death-of-10000-sentences-4-months-on # 搔き揚げ – Wikipedia bit.ly/fgMrqD # 現代イソップ物語 猫に鈴 "不可能の前に臆することなく、実現に向けてこの世を変えなければならない" bit.ly/foHbND # "Just listen/shadow and you're golden." bit.ly/hJKBcW # ヒューリスティック‐アプローチ 試行錯誤・実験・検討などの過程を通じて問題解決を行う手法。発見的方法。 bit.ly/fovzrP # "議論に勝つことはできない。議論に負ければ、負けだし、議論に勝ったとしても、負けだからだ。" bit.ly/ebMOR0 #…
Cantonese Mini-Transcript: You Come In Here Hit Hit Kill Kill?!
by khatzumoto
Ip Man. Award-winning hagiography. And the subject of today’s post. This is the scene where Ip Man’s wife has just totally had it with people having fights in her house. She’s not having any more of it and lets herself be heard. I love Cantonese. ipmanswifehitsthefan 打咩嘢打?!你當我屋企係武館呀?隨便入嚟打打殺殺?!即刻扯! Hit what hit? You think my house kung-fu…