- #Kanji "difficulty" perception = mass hysteria. #
- Don't take things too seriously. Things that we take seriously don't get done. #timeboxing #
- It's not so much the activities themselves that are fun (or not) as it is our approach to them. #timeboxing #
- Do things the fun way. Do things in small pieces. Fun gets done. #birthlines #timeboxing #microtimeboxing #
- Heisig interview
"in addition to playing with a lot of kids he read comic books" bit.ly/bpUFC2 # - Interesting uses for #SRS "Java file I/O" bit.ly/aSY4qD … Yeah, definitely I/O!! #
- #SRS Tip: use cloze deletions to learn useful chunks of program code. #
- ネット市民同士を人間と見做すから一喜一憂に興奮したり落ち込んだり喧嘩に巻き込まれたりしてしまう。ネット上の発言者を一種の電気ノイズと割り切って精神的距離を置き、冷静に接しましょう。 #
- The more "important" the thing is, the less seriously you need to take it if you want it to actually get done. #timeboxing #
- The more important the thing is, the more it will benefit from being done even crappily and partially. #timeboxing #
- "The greatest weakness of all is the great fear of appearing weak" bit.ly/ctvOND #
- 悠悠網視在線視頻 bit.ly/cK5Lym #
- YouTube – 開卷八分鐘2010年06月14日
bit.ly/9lCke4 # - Why Grammar-based Instruction is Bunk | Foreign Language Mastery bit.ly/bhuj0Q #
- YouTube – 情熱の砂漠(熱情的沙漠1975年)-陳和美 bit.ly/9vnWSA #
- "Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still" bit.ly/d0bP4g #
- "Try and fail, but don't fail to try"
bit.ly/9DhZU6 # - The only limits on reading should be time and interest bit.ly/bDm5dc #
- "I’m a big fan of reading entertaining trash, especially in Japanese" bit.ly/bDm5dc #
- The Case for Narrow Reading bit.ly/bLYbUA #
- "make the most of all that comes, and the least of all that goes." #immersion #timeboxing #fun bit.ly/aiqa0o #
- Paperback Reading 洋書を読む、よ? Oxford English Dictionary が本でなくなる日 bit.ly/a7g2xD #
- YouTube – 【NCTU OCW】工程數學(一)Fourier Transform-Applications bit.ly/bqBwQG #
- YouTube – 【NCTU OCW】工程數學(一)Fourier Transform-Fourier transform bit.ly/92Gm5N #
- YouTube – 2次元フーリエ変換/逆変換デモ Two-dimensional Fourier Transform bit.ly/cpi2V8 #
- @Kanjiwarrior Could you show/email me your math deck 😀 ? k at ajatt dot com in reply to Kanjiwarrior #
- "doing more repetitions of easy questions is beneficial, despite what you might think" bit.ly/9rzUoW #
- "doing a little bit of work every day is waaaaay more effective than cramming." bit.ly/9rzUoW #
- That phase that kids go through where they copy what people say as they say it…seems a lot like #shadowing 😀 #
- 柏書房 -連載 "『歴史としての猫』" bit.ly/aEUWCV #
- らばQ:女子刑務所の華やかな女囚たちのコンテスト写真14枚 bit.ly/bZW1xF #
- "子どもは自らの学習をコントロールし支配する権利を有する必要がある。" bit.ly/8XW4A1 #
- おにばばたちのいるところ | 考える自由・学習の自由(ジョン・ホルト) "子どもは自らの学習をコントロールし支配する権利を有する必要がある。" bit.ly/8XW4A1 #
- DJ SHIVABELL on USTREAM: DJ streaming from JAPAN!. bit.ly/9xQ7AI #
- " take small actions in the right direction." bit.ly/d3qHyR #
- 小説書けてない人間が小説の書き方指南してどうするの: ドロベブロ
bit.ly/duSEu5 # - "簡体字は旁の意味とか関係なしに略しちゃったから寧ろ覚えにくそう。 " bit.ly/aW5r9i #
- "何でも井や又にするの止めれ" bit.ly/aW5r9i (爆笑) #
- "日本も旧字体を復権させよう" bit.ly/aW5r9i #
- "日本も中共も正體字で統一しろよ。
過去の書籍と互換のある字を知っておいておいたほうがいいだろ。" bit.ly/aW5r9i # - "簡体字の愛には心が省略されているらしい、
なるほどと思った。 " bit.ly/aW5r9i # - Doing a crappy job on something important is often more valuable than a good or perfect job on something less important. #
- 大型ほ乳類 > 大型ネコ – カラカルキャット – bit.ly/aCFtT5 可愛い!(笑) #
- 大型ほ乳類 > 大型ネコ – カラカルキャット – bit.ly/aCFtT5 欲しい!(笑) #
- 熱中症 関東で19人死亡 東京都心、4日連続猛暑日 – MSN産経ニュース bit.ly/aqUSHt #
- 「しかし以外にも最も危険な現象は、雷でも竜巻でもハリケーンでもありません。これらの気象現象に因る死亡者を合計した数より被害者が多いのは猛暑です。」《ナショナルジオグラフィック 》ザ・宇宙 ~神秘と驚異~ #5 銀河最強の嵐 #
- Mastery is In the Basics
bit.ly/9TtMLf # - 禁書週間(2008年度”悪書”ベスト10) « signoma bit.ly/97t91B #
- ~禁書週間~: L.A. だらだら日記 bit.ly/9kWFEX #
- "一將功成萬骨枯 " bit.ly/9LFxNh #
- YouTube – Türkisch für Anfänger Staffel 1 Folge 1 Part 1-3 bit.ly/aKghVK | via #ajattplus #
- 下手な鉄砲も数撃てば当たる
bit.ly/cZPVBy # - YouTube – Gintama just do it bit.ly/9QyKMN via #ajattplus #
- Watch and learn – The Boston Globe "karaoke-for-literacy" bit.ly/9q3SLb #
- The bigger and more important it is, the LESS perfectly it needs to be done. E.g.: #kanji 90% retention is OK. #
- You don't wait until you have perfect posture before you start breathing. You just breathe. Important means imperfect > nothing. #
- For most tasks, days and years are meaningless units. Unless we have 24 usable hours, we don't have a "day". Minutes, baby. #
- A trivial amount of work in a nontrivial direction always has nontrivial significance. #timeboxing #
- If you want it to get done, make it fun. If you want to make it fun, do it in smaller chunks. #timeboxing #
- You don't have the time/energy to do something big and important. No one does. But you have 2 minutes. Use that. #timeboxing #
- Things that aren't important always get done. So if you want stuff to get done, don't give it importance. Just make it fun. #
- Don't be a flagellant learner. Like a ball, bounce back. Use your lapses as a springboard, not a whip. #immersion #speaking #
- 宇宙重力波望遠鏡 – Wikipedia bit.ly/bl4eS4 #
- Pick the most important/valuable direction, but in that direction, pick the smallest/easiest action. #timeboxing #
- If it's worth doing then it's usually worth doing early, crappily and partially. #timeboxing #
- Letting Go of the Wall » Study Shack bit.ly/9CWqFt #
- Don't do the right thing. Go in the right direction. When the direction is right, even a fall is progress. #timeboxing #
- Don't get it right. Get it going. Get it moving. #timeboxing #
- "The Wright Brothers did not build a DC-3. They built the minimum which achieved what they were after." bit.ly/crwiah #
- YouTube – Vol.16 ビジネス敬語入門 bit.ly/aA4N2M #
- "use Japanese to teach you more Japanese in Japanese" bit.ly/aGhO3l #
- "ベストセラー「メールは1分で返しなさい!」の
著者による、そのまま使える文例集です。" amzn.to/bZG2SP # - In learning to read, quantity beats quality. Go for entertaining trash. #immersion #reading #literacy #
- ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞-みうらじゅんに訊け!番外編 bit.ly/9mYEK1 #
- 読解力をつけるには 小1から楽しく書ける。作文、読解、国語の通信教育。Online作文教室 言葉の森 "読解力とは何でしょうか。" bit.ly/a208p7 #
- Unschooling "Sandra Dodd, " bit.ly/dmkWoN #
- 「あれほどテーブルマナーに五月蝿いのに土足でベッドに寝転がれる欧米人が理解できない」夢の人|JUNK 爆笑問題 カーボーイ2006年05月23日 #
- 「何だかんだ言ってジャンケンで一番強いのはグーだと思う」JUNK 爆笑問題 カーボーイ2006年05月23日 #
- 最初はグー
bit.ly/adIiEm # - 「格差社会は、国語力の差がつくっている!国語のテストの点数がよくならない子どもも、報告書がまともに書けない大人も、ともに原因は、勉強方法をしらないことと教育環境の認識不足。」 amzn.to/aYbQro #
- www.fnn-news.com: フジテレビ系列28局がお届けするニュースサイト bit.ly/bXi8zC #
- NHK高校講座 bit.ly/9VPoY8 #
- News i – TBSの動画ニュースサイト bit.ly/dnqRhU #
- Sergueï Makarov (hockey sur glace) – Wikipédia bit.ly/9ouiJm #
- "No matter how far you have gone on a wrong road, turn back." bit.ly/c1RuWe #
- You don't you have 2 minutes. Everybody has 2 minutes. Use them. #timeboxing #
- Boring cards are a cancer. Kill early. Kill preemptively. #SRS #
- [字幕]090205 秘密Arashi (超美變性人SP 嘉賓:DAIGO) 3_在線視頻觀看_土豆網視頻 秘密Arashi 嵐 櫻井翔 Daigo 相葉雅紀 bit.ly/cuP9CZ #
- "listening to material related to a task, or just being around it, can improve your skills at that task." bit.ly/c0Zp1W #
- How Much Should We Practice? | Wired Science | Wired.com bit.ly/b6FixU #
- 世界の見方が変わる地図たち – GAGAZINE(ガガジン)
via #ajattplus bit.ly/aeRB4e # - Schedules are for referring to, not to keeping. The purpose of a schedule is to help you, not bind you. #timeboxing #
- HONDA Naoyuki: It is *because* you don't have enough time, that you will get stuff done. #timeboxing #
- A schedule is for referring to, not keeping to. It's for helping you do less, think less, worry less. #timeboxing #
- The point of a #schedule is not to do the things that are on it but to (temporarily) not do the things that aren't on it. #
- The point of #schedule is to help you be lazy about everything that's not on it. Very close to the idea of #timeboxing #
- The point of having action (A) at time (T) on your #schedule is that it gives you an excuse to stop doing anything that isn't A. #
- A #schedule = a cheat sheet for life. You get (1) excuses to neglect other things that (2) you don't even have to remember. #
- Books work better when you open them. Start there. Always start there. #immersion #reading #
- Boring movies are a cancer. Fast-forward early. Fast-forward preemptively. #immersion #movies #media #
- Cultivate a certain brand of ignorance. Don't "know" so much that you know "better" than to do something that helps. #
- The probability is never 0 or 1 until after the fact. If it's cheap to try and there's net gain to be had, then…try. #
- In scheduling, eagerness to *not* do gets stuff done, eagerness to do…gets people hospitalized. #
- Boring parts of #books are a cancer. Skip. Now. #immersion #reading #
- Writing a #schedule is like writing yourself a ticket to freedom from everything that's not on the schedule. #timeboxing #
- One key to victory in #scheduling is to stop scheduling things you don't want to do and can get away with not doing. #
- Most people have never written a #schedule in their lives. They write self-torture timetables and *call* them "schedules" #
- Another key to victory in #scheduling is to stop scheduling (delete) stuff you clearly have no intention of doing. #
- Most people write "lists of crap I feel guilty about and should do but won't. That's emotional torture, not #scheduling #
- If you're avoiding stuff on your #schedule that means your life sucks. You need to fix your life, not buy a new PDA. #
- We buy planners to avoid dealing with the fact that we're trying to get ourselves to do things that don't need doing. #
- We buy #scheduling tools but neglect to install a scheduling mindset. It doesn't work. So we buy more tools to "fix" it. #
- The top item on many people's #schedules should be: "Find Out How To Make My Life Not Suck" #
- If you persist, 1 boring thing is enough to make the whole language seem boring. Do not persist in suffering. #immersion #
- @Batni "Pick the tastiest apple and run!" I love it 😀 #
- Top sign of a life that cannot be fixed by more obedience to a #schedule seeking and looking forward to illness. #
- Chrome Nanny – A Leech Block like Extension for Chrome « God, Your Book Is Great !! bit.ly/bN005g #
- Instructions For Chrome Nanny – A Leech Block like extension for Chrome « God, Your Book Is Great !! bit.ly/akc07E #
- RescueTime Chrome Productivity Meter – Google 瀏覽器擴充功能庫 bit.ly/cnrNdi #
- Chrome Nanny – Google 瀏覽器擴充功能庫 bit.ly/9EDNZb #
- YouTube – RhinoSpike discovered! bit.ly/aGzPBW #
- RhinoSpike : Foreign Language Audio on Demand! bit.ly/a006fJ #
- Miyuki's English Lab ~福岡の英会話トレーナー みゆきの研究室~ 中級者用 教材 "つまりは国籍は不明の「中庸」英語です。" bit.ly/aAFAng #
- TimeSnapper – make timesheets a snap "Where did all my time go?" bit.ly/bGriMx #
- 法律用語の豆知識 bit.ly/9KR3Ai #
- (単行本 – May 2003) の '図解による法律用語辞典' を Amazon でチェック! amzn.to/bAVmzZ #
- "型(基本)が出来上がるまでは焦らず、しっかりと回数を重ねることに集中した方がよろしいようである。" bit.ly/aJwuVZ #
- 在6個月內學好英文的三個重點(一) | Ethan的部落格 bit.ly/cXIzEs #
- Anything you say about the future is an opinion. What you're doing right now is a fact. Focus on the facts. #immersion #
- [認真討論] 英文/外語及語言學交流及研究第二區 – 香港高登 bit.ly/dcUCrI #
- 河國榮, An Aussie in Hong Kong — Interview on RTHK 2 晨光第一線 細味歷練 2009年1月 bit.ly/9YfB1q #
- "書く力を高めるためには、書く力の土台となる読む力をつける必要がある" bit.ly/dx0UAP #
- "今日のような受験体制があるのは、志望校に定員があるからです。"
"しかし、コンピュータ技術の発達や、インターネットなどの通信技術の発達によって、いま、定員という考えそのものがなくなりつつあります。 " bit.ly/ba4QEB # - "日本の国語教育の問題点については同感。授業で心情読解に多くの時間が割かれている、きちんと論理的な文を書く訓練がない" bit.ly/cTC1Sp | こりゃ日本も英語圏も同じだな #
- "英語を日常的に使っているアメリカ人でも日常会話に加えて読み、書きがまともにできるというのはじつは一部のインテリのみ。" bit.ly/cTC1Sp | =紛れも無い事実 #
- "If I’m not having fun, or learning anything, then I’d better be sleeping" bit.ly/aKeLvn #
- 白人はお鮨がお気に入り [理系脳毒之助Diary] bit.ly/bpTTry #
- Real #schedule = ballpark. If it's not ballpark, if there's no freedom, then it's a timetable, not a schedule. #
- All books are actually magazines in disguise. #immersion #reading #
- Ironically, the busier you are, the more likley you are to do well at AJATT. Why? Implicit #timeboxing #
- Can be done at any time → never gets done. New Yorkers don't visit NY landmarks. Limit time and win. #timeboxing #
- @BoccKob しろびと?(^^) in reply to BoccKob #
- 爪切りで切った爪が瞬間移動する確率は異常http://bit.ly/dz78s8 (笑)確かにね #
- JAL:MD81 30日にラストフライト – 毎日jp(毎日新聞) bit.ly/cK5oUx #
- 第89話「The Omega Directive(戦慄!オメガ破壊指令)」: Kathryn's log bit.ly/bmo9IV #
- (Perceived) unlimited time → nothing gets done. Create time scarcity → abundant results. #timeboxing #
- The Skeptic's Dictionary 日本語版
bit.ly/adSRsB # - "因果の誤り post hoc fallacy" bit.ly/csFiDc #
- @yuzuruyuzuru Yeah, or just use timeboxes directly. On, like, everything. Or on a lot of stuff at least. 😀 in reply to yuzuruyuzuru #
- We overvalue initial results. It doesn't matter what happens on your first try. Try 10,000 times before you hold an opinion #
- @yuzuruyuzuru People who are "strapped for time" have #traction ..they have something to work against. They have a canvas in reply to yuzuruyuzuru #
- @yuzuruyuzuru So, yeah, personally, I wouldn't add stuff I didn't like, but I would artificially constrain time by #timeboxing in reply to yuzuruyuzuru #
- @yuzuruyuzuru We already live in a timebox — finite lifespan…it's just becoming more aware of it at a lower level. in reply to yuzuruyuzuru #
- @yuzuruyuzuru Yeah. It's super fun 😀 in reply to yuzuruyuzuru #
- Using TimeSnapper in earnest again. You can't BS yourself when your day is being recorded 😀 bit.ly/9iWIaw #
- ライフハッカー[日本版] bit.ly/db5GX6 #
- "KANJIDAMAGE is the kanji book I wanted to have when I first started studying! " bit.ly/b7LrdM #
- ラーオ語
"タイ語とは、純粋言語学的にいえば、同一言語の地域変種の関係にあるため、ラーオ語話者とタイ語話者は両言語の共通部分を使うことによってかなりの程度の意志疎通が可能である。" bit.ly/da4Aji # - @theRealSchwingy AJATT Amazon Store (Japan) – Books: General "日本の論点" bit.ly/bap0nk in reply to theRealSchwingy #
- @theRealSchwingy There's also an online version you can sub to: 文藝春秋編 日本の論点PLUS bit.ly/dBHHt1 Easier than paper for #SRS in reply to theRealSchwingy #
- 豆板醤を制する者は料理を制する #
- 佛和検索 "佛和辞典Web" bit.ly/aUUSNi #
- トリッキング動画集 "トリッキング動画メニュー" bit.ly/dk3cs2 #
- Little and often. Don't be a hero. #timeboxing #
- "A 3-year-old Chinese kid can speak Chinese. How hard can it be? You must be smarter than a 3-year-old"
bit.ly/b9THbS # - "When I first got to Canada, I wasn't able to tell the difference between English and French" bit.ly/b9THbS whoa. #
- It's not like your personal life is a democracy and you need to get votes. Only one person is in charge. #socialresistance #
- アトラクター – Wikipedia bit.ly/cCgWQW #
- 七左衛門のメモ帳: "無料より優れたもの Better Than Free" bit.ly/96IfC8 #
- Cantophilia – Love of the Cantonese Language: Try Our Breast "我其實係好希望呢啫係" bit.ly/bkORkI #
- ウンベルト・マトゥラーナ – Wikipedia bit.ly/9uBmjq #
- All or nothing → 🙁 . All or something → 🙂 #
- Just do it. It = something that helps. Just do something that helps. #
- Memorable quotes from Infernal Affairs #Cantonese bit.ly/cp4mZW #
- Just do something that helps. It doesn't have to be big. It just has to help. #immersion #SRS #
- Let size and speed take care of themselves. All you need focus on is the direction of your actions. #immersion #
- You can't always control the size/speed of your actions, but you can always control their direction. #immersion #
- FREE!コンテンツ – オタキングex公式サイト bit.ly/dqhVAA #
- マジック:ザ・ギャザリング – アンサイクロペディア bit.ly/c9OgwC #
- How I Use Textbooks (w/o Letting Them Use Me) – Three Pounds Flax bit.ly/bYJrYN #
- たばこ税の増税 – Yahoo!ニュース bit.ly/aVzKYL #
- 煙草増税万歳!(^^) #
- @DAISHA_HUNTER They're calling it "The R" now?! 😀 in reply to DAISHA_HUNTER #
- たばこ税の「真実」を知ってください たばこ税の仕組み | JT ウェブサイト bit.ly/cCTBJ0 #
- YouTube – 可爱女人 – Ke ai nu ren – 周杰倫 Jay Chou / sung by Riney and Bam "唱的真好,真的要拍拍手.." bit.ly/bJuVbO #
- YouTube – JAY CHOU 周杰倫 MTV 可愛女人 bit.ly/9bT95h #
- NAKATANI Akihiro: Perfectionists tend to have messy homes. | Corollary: perfectionists don't learn their kanji. #
- Perfectionism prevents #kanji acquisition. Be willing to forget 400 on your way to 4000. #SRS #
- Delete by default. #SRS #
- Lower your standards. Do easy things. Easy = small. Easy = short. #timeboxing #
- 理系は損だ! 徹夜の日々でも初任給11万円のプログラマー (週刊SPA!) – Yahoo!ニュース bit.ly/9rLvhJ #
- 文系は損だ! 必要なのは理系脳、年収格差に悩む営業マン (週刊SPA!) – Yahoo!ニュース bit.ly/cCCQrH #
- "わざわざ工業大学行ってアルバイトしてるようなもんだな。
ましな所いくらでもあるだろうにそんな所行く方が間違ってるだろ。 " bit.ly/cO1vvG # - "新常用漢字(196字)
196 New Joyo (General-Use) Kanji " bit.ly/ai9wKI # - 胖卡文化科學人下鄉活動成果 [2009/11/28] « 科普閱讀推廣部落格 bit.ly/aCyMWQ #
- オープンアクセス – Wikipedia "査読つき学術雑誌に掲載された論文を,インターネットを通じて、誰もが無料で閲覧可能な状態に置くこと" bit.ly/90Meox #
- "2007年末にはアメリカで、NIHから予算を受けて行った研究の成果は、発表後一年以内に公衆が無料でアクセスできる状態にしなければならない、ということが法律で義務化された" bit.ly/90Meox #
- Feldzug gegen das Vergessen
bit.ly/bdgxej # - オバマ議員の人種問題スピーチ
"過去に於いて大統領候補が人種問題をこのように明確かつ客観的に捉えた発言はなかったと思います。たぶん米国の歴史的な人種問題スピーチとなるのではないでしょうか。" bit.ly/afCdmc # - オバマ人種問題演説
"彼らが起草したこの文書は最終的には署名されましたが、最終的には不完全なものでした。奴隷制度というこの国独自の原罪によって汚されていたからです。" bit.ly/aI044d # - YouTube – 小学生の現代アート体験 「ふわふわ」「もわもわ」が好き! bit.ly/bWg0CA #
- いつも心に太陽を (映画) – Wikipedia bit.ly/9G86rM #
- りな12さい♀だよっ♪ "タバコの買い溜め済んだの?" bit.ly/dhqs8j #
- @e_dub_kendo Not at all. I just lurv the idea of allowing dangerous substances BUT with heavy taxes. Very elegant…structurally. in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- @e_dub_kendo Plus cigs were way too cheap here. Still are. I say up that tax again next year. Ppl will rethink things… in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- @e_dub_kendo I saw a ガイアの夜明け where a guy had lung cancer and was smoking *in his hospital bed*…when I grow up, I want to be that hardcore in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- 日本のタバコは安過ぎる bit.ly/aVZyFI #
- YouTube – たばこ増税賛成 1000円になるのも大賛成 bit.ly/dwP0pO #
- YouTube – たばこ1箱1000円に~消費税増税に代わる新たな税収を 日本財団笹川陽平会長講演 bit.ly/d2IHnA #
- I intone direct statements like questions? #
- おたく – Wikipedia "かつてはおたくという言葉に否定的な意味合いがあったが、現在は肯定的な評価もされるようになった。" bit.ly/bSd5d3 #
- "read stuff that
you are already interested in" bit.ly/dk9OO6 # - It is *because* we suck that we must practice the most. #immersion #SRS #
- [a crappy job on something important] > [a good job on something unimportant
bit.ly/aNyUnn # - 90% retention of 5000 #kanji beats 100% retention of 100 kanji
bit.ly/aNyUnn #SRS # - [a crappy job on something important] > [a good job on something unimportant] #
- @e_dub_kendo No, sir. I just like to bully smokers. It's one of the few things I can still feel morally superior about 😀 in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- It doesn't mature like fine wine, folks. Nibble on it now, while it's fresh. #birthlines #timeboxing #
- YouTube – Noriaki – unstoppable bit.ly/cHV6gr #geekrap #parodyrap #
- 「本を読むスピードは買うスピードに比例します」|中谷彰宏 #
- "There are no slow readers, only slow buyers. Reading speed is directly proportional to book acquisition speed"~Nakatani #
- Nakatani's advice applies to library books, too. Increase your book turnover → reading speed automatically increases. #
- A4 printer paper = the new iPad. Foldable. Portable. Platform-independent. Water-resistant (kinda). Cheap by the ream. #
- 【ファンキー通信】小学校で男子トイレの個室化が進むワケ(ファンキー通信) – livedoor ニュース
bit.ly/9xEDld # - You should be too busy doing Japanese to worry about whether you're getting good at Japanese. #
- If you have time to worry about whether you're getting good at Japanese, spend it on (get this) getting good at Japanese. #
- @rk2392 Turnover. Give the books an expiry date. If they're not read by then, consider them rotten and delete. in reply to rk2392 #
- @rk2392 The point is not to collect books but to look inside (i.e. read) them. Unread → might as well not exist to us. in reply to rk2392 #
- @rk2392 Delete by default. (1) Select all the books (2) Unselect 20% or less of them (3) Delete the rest. in reply to rk2392 #
- If you want stuff to get done, don't give it importance. Just give it a minute. #timeboxing #birthlines #
- If you really liked that book, you'd have read it already. Move on. #reading #
- Boring → fast-forward. Fun → repeat #immersion #
- 米ピッツバーグ出身の黒人青年が演歌歌手デビュー ニュース-ORICON STYLE- bit.ly/d6lk5J #
- "Don't be a follower, be a student…Take advice, not orders" ~ Jim Rohn #
- The more obvious it is, the more commonsensical it is, the more you need to hear it, again and again and again and again #
- @Jaybot7 通称名。おググり下さい。 in reply to Jaybot7 #
- エヴァンゲリオン名言倉庫 "逃げちゃだめだ…
綾波の姿を見てエヴァに乗ることを決意したシーン" bit.ly/dgq2xv # - "Turn frustration into fascination if you can. You'll learn more." ~ Jim Rohn #
- If it's truly important, then it's worth doing even badly. Even partially. Even crappily. Even for 1 minute. #timeboxing #
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AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-10-03
by khatzumoto
- #Kanji "difficulty" perception = mass hysteria. #
- Don't take things too seriously. Things that we take seriously don't get done. #timeboxing #
- It's not so much the activities themselves that are fun (or not) as it is our approach to them. #timeboxing #
- Do things the fun way. Do things in small pieces. Fun gets done. #birthlines #timeboxing #microtimeboxing #
- Heisig interview
"in addition to playing with a lot of kids he read comic books" bit.ly/bpUFC2 # - Interesting uses for #SRS "Java file I/O" bit.ly/aSY4qD … Yeah, definitely I/O!! #
- #SRS Tip: use cloze deletions to learn useful chunks of program code. #
- ネット市民同士を人間と見做すから一喜一憂に興奮したり落ち込んだり喧嘩に巻き込まれたりしてしまう。ネット上の発言者を一種の電気ノイズと割り切って精神的距離を置き、冷静に接しましょう。 #
- The more "important" the thing is, the less seriously you need to take it if you want it to actually get done. #timeboxing #
- The more important the thing is, the more it will benefit from being done even crappily and partially. #timeboxing #
- "The greatest weakness of all is the great fear of appearing weak" bit.ly/ctvOND #
- 悠悠網視在線視頻 bit.ly/cK5Lym #
- YouTube – 開卷八分鐘2010年06月14日
bit.ly/9lCke4 # - Why Grammar-based Instruction is Bunk | Foreign Language Mastery bit.ly/bhuj0Q #
- YouTube – 情熱の砂漠(熱情的沙漠1975年)-陳和美 bit.ly/9vnWSA #
- "Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still" bit.ly/d0bP4g #
- "Try and fail, but don't fail to try"
bit.ly/9DhZU6 # - The only limits on reading should be time and interest bit.ly/bDm5dc #
- "I’m a big fan of reading entertaining trash, especially in Japanese" bit.ly/bDm5dc #
- The Case for Narrow Reading bit.ly/bLYbUA #
- "make the most of all that comes, and the least of all that goes." #immersion #timeboxing #fun bit.ly/aiqa0o #
- Paperback Reading 洋書を読む、よ? Oxford English Dictionary が本でなくなる日 bit.ly/a7g2xD #
- YouTube – 【NCTU OCW】工程數學(一)Fourier Transform-Applications bit.ly/bqBwQG #
- YouTube – 【NCTU OCW】工程數學(一)Fourier Transform-Fourier transform bit.ly/92Gm5N #
- YouTube – 2次元フーリエ変換/逆変換デモ Two-dimensional Fourier Transform bit.ly/cpi2V8 #
- @Kanjiwarrior Could you show/email me your math deck 😀 ? k at ajatt dot com in reply to Kanjiwarrior #
- "doing more repetitions of easy questions is beneficial, despite what you might think" bit.ly/9rzUoW #
- "doing a little bit of work every day is waaaaay more effective than cramming." bit.ly/9rzUoW #
- That phase that kids go through where they copy what people say as they say it…seems a lot like #shadowing 😀 #
- 柏書房 -連載 "『歴史としての猫』" bit.ly/aEUWCV #
- らばQ:女子刑務所の華やかな女囚たちのコンテスト写真14枚 bit.ly/bZW1xF #
- "子どもは自らの学習をコントロールし支配する権利を有する必要がある。" bit.ly/8XW4A1 #
- おにばばたちのいるところ | 考える自由・学習の自由(ジョン・ホルト) "子どもは自らの学習をコントロールし支配する権利を有する必要がある。" bit.ly/8XW4A1 #
- DJ SHIVABELL on USTREAM: DJ streaming from JAPAN!. bit.ly/9xQ7AI #
- " take small actions in the right direction." bit.ly/d3qHyR #
- 小説書けてない人間が小説の書き方指南してどうするの: ドロベブロ
bit.ly/duSEu5 # - "簡体字は旁の意味とか関係なしに略しちゃったから寧ろ覚えにくそう。 " bit.ly/aW5r9i #
- "何でも井や又にするの止めれ" bit.ly/aW5r9i (爆笑) #
- "日本も旧字体を復権させよう" bit.ly/aW5r9i #
- "日本も中共も正體字で統一しろよ。
過去の書籍と互換のある字を知っておいておいたほうがいいだろ。" bit.ly/aW5r9i # - "簡体字の愛には心が省略されているらしい、
なるほどと思った。 " bit.ly/aW5r9i # - Doing a crappy job on something important is often more valuable than a good or perfect job on something less important. #
- 大型ほ乳類 > 大型ネコ – カラカルキャット – bit.ly/aCFtT5 可愛い!(笑) #
- 大型ほ乳類 > 大型ネコ – カラカルキャット – bit.ly/aCFtT5 欲しい!(笑) #
- 熱中症 関東で19人死亡 東京都心、4日連続猛暑日 – MSN産経ニュース bit.ly/aqUSHt #
- 「しかし以外にも最も危険な現象は、雷でも竜巻でもハリケーンでもありません。これらの気象現象に因る死亡者を合計した数より被害者が多いのは猛暑です。」《ナショナルジオグラフィック 》ザ・宇宙 ~神秘と驚異~ #5 銀河最強の嵐 #
- Mastery is In the Basics
bit.ly/9TtMLf # - 禁書週間(2008年度”悪書”ベスト10) « signoma bit.ly/97t91B #
- ~禁書週間~: L.A. だらだら日記 bit.ly/9kWFEX #
- "一將功成萬骨枯 " bit.ly/9LFxNh #
- YouTube – Türkisch für Anfänger Staffel 1 Folge 1 Part 1-3 bit.ly/aKghVK | via #ajattplus #
- 下手な鉄砲も数撃てば当たる
bit.ly/cZPVBy # - YouTube – Gintama just do it bit.ly/9QyKMN via #ajattplus #
- Watch and learn – The Boston Globe "karaoke-for-literacy" bit.ly/9q3SLb #
- The bigger and more important it is, the LESS perfectly it needs to be done. E.g.: #kanji 90% retention is OK. #
- You don't wait until you have perfect posture before you start breathing. You just breathe. Important means imperfect > nothing. #
- For most tasks, days and years are meaningless units. Unless we have 24 usable hours, we don't have a "day". Minutes, baby. #
- A trivial amount of work in a nontrivial direction always has nontrivial significance. #timeboxing #
- If you want it to get done, make it fun. If you want to make it fun, do it in smaller chunks. #timeboxing #
- You don't have the time/energy to do something big and important. No one does. But you have 2 minutes. Use that. #timeboxing #
- Things that aren't important always get done. So if you want stuff to get done, don't give it importance. Just make it fun. #
- Don't be a flagellant learner. Like a ball, bounce back. Use your lapses as a springboard, not a whip. #immersion #speaking #
- 宇宙重力波望遠鏡 – Wikipedia bit.ly/bl4eS4 #
- Pick the most important/valuable direction, but in that direction, pick the smallest/easiest action. #timeboxing #
- If it's worth doing then it's usually worth doing early, crappily and partially. #timeboxing #
- Letting Go of the Wall » Study Shack bit.ly/9CWqFt #
- Don't do the right thing. Go in the right direction. When the direction is right, even a fall is progress. #timeboxing #
- Don't get it right. Get it going. Get it moving. #timeboxing #
- "The Wright Brothers did not build a DC-3. They built the minimum which achieved what they were after." bit.ly/crwiah #
- YouTube – Vol.16 ビジネス敬語入門 bit.ly/aA4N2M #
- "use Japanese to teach you more Japanese in Japanese" bit.ly/aGhO3l #
- "ベストセラー「メールは1分で返しなさい!」の
著者による、そのまま使える文例集です。" amzn.to/bZG2SP # - In learning to read, quantity beats quality. Go for entertaining trash. #immersion #reading #literacy #
- ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞-みうらじゅんに訊け!番外編 bit.ly/9mYEK1 #
- 読解力をつけるには 小1から楽しく書ける。作文、読解、国語の通信教育。Online作文教室 言葉の森 "読解力とは何でしょうか。" bit.ly/a208p7 #
- Unschooling "Sandra Dodd, " bit.ly/dmkWoN #
- 「あれほどテーブルマナーに五月蝿いのに土足でベッドに寝転がれる欧米人が理解できない」夢の人|JUNK 爆笑問題 カーボーイ2006年05月23日 #
- 「何だかんだ言ってジャンケンで一番強いのはグーだと思う」JUNK 爆笑問題 カーボーイ2006年05月23日 #
- 最初はグー
bit.ly/adIiEm # - 「格差社会は、国語力の差がつくっている!国語のテストの点数がよくならない子どもも、報告書がまともに書けない大人も、ともに原因は、勉強方法をしらないことと教育環境の認識不足。」 amzn.to/aYbQro #
- www.fnn-news.com: フジテレビ系列28局がお届けするニュースサイト bit.ly/bXi8zC #
- NHK高校講座 bit.ly/9VPoY8 #
- News i – TBSの動画ニュースサイト bit.ly/dnqRhU #
- Sergueï Makarov (hockey sur glace) – Wikipédia bit.ly/9ouiJm #
- "No matter how far you have gone on a wrong road, turn back." bit.ly/c1RuWe #
- You don't you have 2 minutes. Everybody has 2 minutes. Use them. #timeboxing #
- Boring cards are a cancer. Kill early. Kill preemptively. #SRS #
- [字幕]090205 秘密Arashi (超美變性人SP 嘉賓:DAIGO) 3_在線視頻觀看_土豆網視頻 秘密Arashi 嵐 櫻井翔 Daigo 相葉雅紀 bit.ly/cuP9CZ #
- "listening to material related to a task, or just being around it, can improve your skills at that task." bit.ly/c0Zp1W #
- How Much Should We Practice? | Wired Science | Wired.com bit.ly/b6FixU #
- 世界の見方が変わる地図たち – GAGAZINE(ガガジン)
via #ajattplus bit.ly/aeRB4e # - Schedules are for referring to, not to keeping. The purpose of a schedule is to help you, not bind you. #timeboxing #
- HONDA Naoyuki: It is *because* you don't have enough time, that you will get stuff done. #timeboxing #
- A schedule is for referring to, not keeping to. It's for helping you do less, think less, worry less. #timeboxing #
- The point of a #schedule is not to do the things that are on it but to (temporarily) not do the things that aren't on it. #
- The point of #schedule is to help you be lazy about everything that's not on it. Very close to the idea of #timeboxing #
- The point of having action (A) at time (T) on your #schedule is that it gives you an excuse to stop doing anything that isn't A. #
- A #schedule = a cheat sheet for life. You get (1) excuses to neglect other things that (2) you don't even have to remember. #
- Books work better when you open them. Start there. Always start there. #immersion #reading #
- Boring movies are a cancer. Fast-forward early. Fast-forward preemptively. #immersion #movies #media #
- Cultivate a certain brand of ignorance. Don't "know" so much that you know "better" than to do something that helps. #
- The probability is never 0 or 1 until after the fact. If it's cheap to try and there's net gain to be had, then…try. #
- In scheduling, eagerness to *not* do gets stuff done, eagerness to do…gets people hospitalized. #
- Boring parts of #books are a cancer. Skip. Now. #immersion #reading #
- Writing a #schedule is like writing yourself a ticket to freedom from everything that's not on the schedule. #timeboxing #
- One key to victory in #scheduling is to stop scheduling things you don't want to do and can get away with not doing. #
- Most people have never written a #schedule in their lives. They write self-torture timetables and *call* them "schedules" #
- Another key to victory in #scheduling is to stop scheduling (delete) stuff you clearly have no intention of doing. #
- Most people write "lists of crap I feel guilty about and should do but won't. That's emotional torture, not #scheduling #
- If you're avoiding stuff on your #schedule that means your life sucks. You need to fix your life, not buy a new PDA. #
- We buy planners to avoid dealing with the fact that we're trying to get ourselves to do things that don't need doing. #
- We buy #scheduling tools but neglect to install a scheduling mindset. It doesn't work. So we buy more tools to "fix" it. #
- The top item on many people's #schedules should be: "Find Out How To Make My Life Not Suck" #
- If you persist, 1 boring thing is enough to make the whole language seem boring. Do not persist in suffering. #immersion #
- @Batni "Pick the tastiest apple and run!" I love it 😀 #
- Top sign of a life that cannot be fixed by more obedience to a #schedule seeking and looking forward to illness. #
- Chrome Nanny – A Leech Block like Extension for Chrome « God, Your Book Is Great !! bit.ly/bN005g #
- Instructions For Chrome Nanny – A Leech Block like extension for Chrome « God, Your Book Is Great !! bit.ly/akc07E #
- RescueTime Chrome Productivity Meter – Google 瀏覽器擴充功能庫 bit.ly/cnrNdi #
- Chrome Nanny – Google 瀏覽器擴充功能庫 bit.ly/9EDNZb #
- YouTube – RhinoSpike discovered! bit.ly/aGzPBW #
- RhinoSpike : Foreign Language Audio on Demand! bit.ly/a006fJ #
- Miyuki's English Lab ~福岡の英会話トレーナー みゆきの研究室~ 中級者用 教材 "つまりは国籍は不明の「中庸」英語です。" bit.ly/aAFAng #
- TimeSnapper – make timesheets a snap "Where did all my time go?" bit.ly/bGriMx #
- 法律用語の豆知識 bit.ly/9KR3Ai #
- (単行本 – May 2003) の '図解による法律用語辞典' を Amazon でチェック! amzn.to/bAVmzZ #
- "型(基本)が出来上がるまでは焦らず、しっかりと回数を重ねることに集中した方がよろしいようである。" bit.ly/aJwuVZ #
- 在6個月內學好英文的三個重點(一) | Ethan的部落格 bit.ly/cXIzEs #
- Anything you say about the future is an opinion. What you're doing right now is a fact. Focus on the facts. #immersion #
- [認真討論] 英文/外語及語言學交流及研究第二區 – 香港高登 bit.ly/dcUCrI #
- 河國榮, An Aussie in Hong Kong — Interview on RTHK 2 晨光第一線 細味歷練 2009年1月 bit.ly/9YfB1q #
- "書く力を高めるためには、書く力の土台となる読む力をつける必要がある" bit.ly/dx0UAP #
- "今日のような受験体制があるのは、志望校に定員があるからです。"
"しかし、コンピュータ技術の発達や、インターネットなどの通信技術の発達によって、いま、定員という考えそのものがなくなりつつあります。 " bit.ly/ba4QEB # - "日本の国語教育の問題点については同感。授業で心情読解に多くの時間が割かれている、きちんと論理的な文を書く訓練がない" bit.ly/cTC1Sp | こりゃ日本も英語圏も同じだな #
- "英語を日常的に使っているアメリカ人でも日常会話に加えて読み、書きがまともにできるというのはじつは一部のインテリのみ。" bit.ly/cTC1Sp | =紛れも無い事実 #
- "If I’m not having fun, or learning anything, then I’d better be sleeping" bit.ly/aKeLvn #
- 白人はお鮨がお気に入り [理系脳毒之助Diary] bit.ly/bpTTry #
- Real #schedule = ballpark. If it's not ballpark, if there's no freedom, then it's a timetable, not a schedule. #
- All books are actually magazines in disguise. #immersion #reading #
- Ironically, the busier you are, the more likley you are to do well at AJATT. Why? Implicit #timeboxing #
- Can be done at any time → never gets done. New Yorkers don't visit NY landmarks. Limit time and win. #timeboxing #
- @BoccKob しろびと?(^^) in reply to BoccKob #
- 爪切りで切った爪が瞬間移動する確率は異常http://bit.ly/dz78s8 (笑)確かにね #
- JAL:MD81 30日にラストフライト – 毎日jp(毎日新聞) bit.ly/cK5oUx #
- 第89話「The Omega Directive(戦慄!オメガ破壊指令)」: Kathryn's log bit.ly/bmo9IV #
- (Perceived) unlimited time → nothing gets done. Create time scarcity → abundant results. #timeboxing #
- The Skeptic's Dictionary 日本語版
bit.ly/adSRsB # - "因果の誤り post hoc fallacy" bit.ly/csFiDc #
- @yuzuruyuzuru Yeah, or just use timeboxes directly. On, like, everything. Or on a lot of stuff at least. 😀 in reply to yuzuruyuzuru #
- We overvalue initial results. It doesn't matter what happens on your first try. Try 10,000 times before you hold an opinion #
- @yuzuruyuzuru People who are "strapped for time" have #traction ..they have something to work against. They have a canvas in reply to yuzuruyuzuru #
- @yuzuruyuzuru So, yeah, personally, I wouldn't add stuff I didn't like, but I would artificially constrain time by #timeboxing in reply to yuzuruyuzuru #
- @yuzuruyuzuru We already live in a timebox — finite lifespan…it's just becoming more aware of it at a lower level. in reply to yuzuruyuzuru #
- @yuzuruyuzuru Yeah. It's super fun 😀 in reply to yuzuruyuzuru #
- Using TimeSnapper in earnest again. You can't BS yourself when your day is being recorded 😀 bit.ly/9iWIaw #
- ライフハッカー[日本版] bit.ly/db5GX6 #
- "KANJIDAMAGE is the kanji book I wanted to have when I first started studying! " bit.ly/b7LrdM #
- ラーオ語
"タイ語とは、純粋言語学的にいえば、同一言語の地域変種の関係にあるため、ラーオ語話者とタイ語話者は両言語の共通部分を使うことによってかなりの程度の意志疎通が可能である。" bit.ly/da4Aji # - @theRealSchwingy AJATT Amazon Store (Japan) – Books: General "日本の論点" bit.ly/bap0nk in reply to theRealSchwingy #
- @theRealSchwingy There's also an online version you can sub to: 文藝春秋編 日本の論点PLUS bit.ly/dBHHt1 Easier than paper for #SRS in reply to theRealSchwingy #
- 豆板醤を制する者は料理を制する #
- 佛和検索 "佛和辞典Web" bit.ly/aUUSNi #
- トリッキング動画集 "トリッキング動画メニュー" bit.ly/dk3cs2 #
- Little and often. Don't be a hero. #timeboxing #
- "A 3-year-old Chinese kid can speak Chinese. How hard can it be? You must be smarter than a 3-year-old"
bit.ly/b9THbS # - "When I first got to Canada, I wasn't able to tell the difference between English and French" bit.ly/b9THbS whoa. #
- It's not like your personal life is a democracy and you need to get votes. Only one person is in charge. #socialresistance #
- アトラクター – Wikipedia bit.ly/cCgWQW #
- 七左衛門のメモ帳: "無料より優れたもの Better Than Free" bit.ly/96IfC8 #
- Cantophilia – Love of the Cantonese Language: Try Our Breast "我其實係好希望呢啫係" bit.ly/bkORkI #
- ウンベルト・マトゥラーナ – Wikipedia bit.ly/9uBmjq #
- All or nothing → 🙁 . All or something → 🙂 #
- Just do it. It = something that helps. Just do something that helps. #
- Memorable quotes from Infernal Affairs #Cantonese bit.ly/cp4mZW #
- Just do something that helps. It doesn't have to be big. It just has to help. #immersion #SRS #
- Let size and speed take care of themselves. All you need focus on is the direction of your actions. #immersion #
- You can't always control the size/speed of your actions, but you can always control their direction. #immersion #
- FREE!コンテンツ – オタキングex公式サイト bit.ly/dqhVAA #
- マジック:ザ・ギャザリング – アンサイクロペディア bit.ly/c9OgwC #
- How I Use Textbooks (w/o Letting Them Use Me) – Three Pounds Flax bit.ly/bYJrYN #
- たばこ税の増税 – Yahoo!ニュース bit.ly/aVzKYL #
- 煙草増税万歳!(^^) #
- @DAISHA_HUNTER They're calling it "The R" now?! 😀 in reply to DAISHA_HUNTER #
- たばこ税の「真実」を知ってください たばこ税の仕組み | JT ウェブサイト bit.ly/cCTBJ0 #
- YouTube – 可爱女人 – Ke ai nu ren – 周杰倫 Jay Chou / sung by Riney and Bam "唱的真好,真的要拍拍手.." bit.ly/bJuVbO #
- YouTube – JAY CHOU 周杰倫 MTV 可愛女人 bit.ly/9bT95h #
- NAKATANI Akihiro: Perfectionists tend to have messy homes. | Corollary: perfectionists don't learn their kanji. #
- Perfectionism prevents #kanji acquisition. Be willing to forget 400 on your way to 4000. #SRS #
- Delete by default. #SRS #
- Lower your standards. Do easy things. Easy = small. Easy = short. #timeboxing #
- 理系は損だ! 徹夜の日々でも初任給11万円のプログラマー (週刊SPA!) – Yahoo!ニュース bit.ly/9rLvhJ #
- 文系は損だ! 必要なのは理系脳、年収格差に悩む営業マン (週刊SPA!) – Yahoo!ニュース bit.ly/cCCQrH #
- "わざわざ工業大学行ってアルバイトしてるようなもんだな。
ましな所いくらでもあるだろうにそんな所行く方が間違ってるだろ。 " bit.ly/cO1vvG # - "新常用漢字(196字)
196 New Joyo (General-Use) Kanji " bit.ly/ai9wKI # - 胖卡文化科學人下鄉活動成果 [2009/11/28] « 科普閱讀推廣部落格 bit.ly/aCyMWQ #
- オープンアクセス – Wikipedia "査読つき学術雑誌に掲載された論文を,インターネットを通じて、誰もが無料で閲覧可能な状態に置くこと" bit.ly/90Meox #
- "2007年末にはアメリカで、NIHから予算を受けて行った研究の成果は、発表後一年以内に公衆が無料でアクセスできる状態にしなければならない、ということが法律で義務化された" bit.ly/90Meox #
- Feldzug gegen das Vergessen
bit.ly/bdgxej # - オバマ議員の人種問題スピーチ
"過去に於いて大統領候補が人種問題をこのように明確かつ客観的に捉えた発言はなかったと思います。たぶん米国の歴史的な人種問題スピーチとなるのではないでしょうか。" bit.ly/afCdmc # - オバマ人種問題演説
"彼らが起草したこの文書は最終的には署名されましたが、最終的には不完全なものでした。奴隷制度というこの国独自の原罪によって汚されていたからです。" bit.ly/aI044d # - YouTube – 小学生の現代アート体験 「ふわふわ」「もわもわ」が好き! bit.ly/bWg0CA #
- いつも心に太陽を (映画) – Wikipedia bit.ly/9G86rM #
- りな12さい♀だよっ♪ "タバコの買い溜め済んだの?" bit.ly/dhqs8j #
- @e_dub_kendo Not at all. I just lurv the idea of allowing dangerous substances BUT with heavy taxes. Very elegant…structurally. in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- @e_dub_kendo Plus cigs were way too cheap here. Still are. I say up that tax again next year. Ppl will rethink things… in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- @e_dub_kendo I saw a ガイアの夜明け where a guy had lung cancer and was smoking *in his hospital bed*…when I grow up, I want to be that hardcore in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- 日本のタバコは安過ぎる bit.ly/aVZyFI #
- YouTube – たばこ増税賛成 1000円になるのも大賛成 bit.ly/dwP0pO #
- YouTube – たばこ1箱1000円に~消費税増税に代わる新たな税収を 日本財団笹川陽平会長講演 bit.ly/d2IHnA #
- I intone direct statements like questions? #
- おたく – Wikipedia "かつてはおたくという言葉に否定的な意味合いがあったが、現在は肯定的な評価もされるようになった。" bit.ly/bSd5d3 #
- "read stuff that
you are already interested in" bit.ly/dk9OO6 # - It is *because* we suck that we must practice the most. #immersion #SRS #
- [a crappy job on something important] > [a good job on something unimportant
bit.ly/aNyUnn # - 90% retention of 5000 #kanji beats 100% retention of 100 kanji
bit.ly/aNyUnn #SRS # - [a crappy job on something important] > [a good job on something unimportant] #
- @e_dub_kendo No, sir. I just like to bully smokers. It's one of the few things I can still feel morally superior about 😀 in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- It doesn't mature like fine wine, folks. Nibble on it now, while it's fresh. #birthlines #timeboxing #
- YouTube – Noriaki – unstoppable bit.ly/cHV6gr #geekrap #parodyrap #
- 「本を読むスピードは買うスピードに比例します」|中谷彰宏 #
- "There are no slow readers, only slow buyers. Reading speed is directly proportional to book acquisition speed"~Nakatani #
- Nakatani's advice applies to library books, too. Increase your book turnover → reading speed automatically increases. #
- A4 printer paper = the new iPad. Foldable. Portable. Platform-independent. Water-resistant (kinda). Cheap by the ream. #
- 【ファンキー通信】小学校で男子トイレの個室化が進むワケ(ファンキー通信) – livedoor ニュース
bit.ly/9xEDld # - You should be too busy doing Japanese to worry about whether you're getting good at Japanese. #
- If you have time to worry about whether you're getting good at Japanese, spend it on (get this) getting good at Japanese. #
- @rk2392 Turnover. Give the books an expiry date. If they're not read by then, consider them rotten and delete. in reply to rk2392 #
- @rk2392 The point is not to collect books but to look inside (i.e. read) them. Unread → might as well not exist to us. in reply to rk2392 #
- @rk2392 Delete by default. (1) Select all the books (2) Unselect 20% or less of them (3) Delete the rest. in reply to rk2392 #
- If you want stuff to get done, don't give it importance. Just give it a minute. #timeboxing #birthlines #
- If you really liked that book, you'd have read it already. Move on. #reading #
- Boring → fast-forward. Fun → repeat #immersion #
- 米ピッツバーグ出身の黒人青年が演歌歌手デビュー ニュース-ORICON STYLE- bit.ly/d6lk5J #
- "Don't be a follower, be a student…Take advice, not orders" ~ Jim Rohn #
- The more obvious it is, the more commonsensical it is, the more you need to hear it, again and again and again and again #
- @Jaybot7 通称名。おググり下さい。 in reply to Jaybot7 #
- エヴァンゲリオン名言倉庫 "逃げちゃだめだ…
綾波の姿を見てエヴァに乗ることを決意したシーン" bit.ly/dgq2xv # - "Turn frustration into fascination if you can. You'll learn more." ~ Jim Rohn #
- If it's truly important, then it's worth doing even badly. Even partially. Even crappily. Even for 1 minute. #timeboxing #