- Tip: shoot for #reading time rather than pagecount. But take the time in small slices and switch freely. #timeboxing #
- When you read very disjointedly (e.g. URP), page/bookcount start to lose meaning. Time becomes the best metric. #timeboxing #
Podcast Station bit.ly/9Vu67e # - RTHK Podcast Station bit.ly/9es40e #Chinese #
- 『そのような「改善=小変」に対して、
amzn.to/axq60R # - モニ太のデジタル辞典 : 写真特集 : エンタメ : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/9D5tQ9 #
- “despite all the progress…made in the last 30 years, many foreign people still speak in foreign languages”
bit.ly/bsvEMk # - We don't need to get on people's case for being monolingual. If it's really so bad for them, then reality will learn them a thing or two. #
- We don't need to get on people's case for being monolingual. Many people still need more depth in their native language… #
- Knowledge of foreign languages is overrated. Knowledge of local and soon-to-be local languages is underrated. #
- If lang X is unpopular, you benefit from uniqueness. If lang X is popular, you benefit from breadth of options. Either way, you win. #
- If economic gain is the aim, then increasing your depth and eloquence in the languages you have already may be the best ROI. #
- A "typical" L1 speaker might gain more from upping his L1 vocab (register range) and writing, than from learning an L2. #
- @en_JS So true. Fortunately or unfortunately 😀 #
- @en_JS @en_JS So true. Fortunately or unfortunately. I guess I call "fortunately"…haha! 😀 #
- "abandon simplified characters in favor of traditional forms." bit.ly/d9z6hv #
- There’s always a crack, there’s always something short and sweet you can do
bit.ly/aLpXXS # - "innovation will come through…lack of resources rather than a wealth of riches" #timeboxing bit.ly/9Ed1rt #
- "innovation will come through…lack of resources rather than a wealth of riches" #timeboxing bit.ly/dzMgOC #
- "Children (and, indeed, everyone) do not need to be taught [in order to] to learn" bit.ly/bsIO1b #
- "mistrust of the student…seems to be one of the core…principles of the mainstream education model" bit.ly/bsIO1b #
- Sugata Mitra shows how kids teach themselves | Video on TED.com
Sugata Mitra教授演示孩童們如何自我學習
bit.ly/9GPlFT # - The method you want is the absence of method. The method you want is "do what works". "Works" = effective AND desirable. #
- “A teacher that can be replaced by a machine, should be”
bit.ly/bHau7b #SRS # - "you left this machine which talks only in English, so we had to learn English" bit.ly/9GPlFT HAHAHA! #Immersion FTW! #
- Hunch: the real dealmaker/breaker in learning is not subject matter but logistics. #
- The real maker/breaker in learning is not subject matter but logistics [more accurately: volume, variety and access convenience]? #
- ボー・ジャクソン – Wikipedia bit.ly/bToJaB #
- To win this game, all you have to do is make an keep 1 promise: "I will not suck any more tomorrow than I do today". #
- Thin about it: if you always suck less today than you did yesterday, then only *death* can prevent your victory 😛 #
- Boredom is an indicator on the mental dashboard. It says: "Let's change form (how) or content (what), right now". #
- ウェイン・グレツキー – Wikipedia bit.ly/bkJ5O7 #
- IMHO, power to forget = power to acquire. People can forget how to walk. So we must be able to do even more interesting things. #
- "Your capacity for occasional blunders is inseparable from your capacity to reach your goals" bit.ly/aLaa87 #
- The Legend Michael Jordan On Winning | 4EvaYoung.com bit.ly/axTlU5 #
- Power to forget = power to acquire. If we can unlearn how to walk, we must be able to learn how to skate or speak a language. #
- Power to forget = power to acquire, because it demonstrates that our abilities are fluid, mutable… #
- Dare to think that you deserve to be good at Japanese. #
- TechCrunch Japan bit.ly/9rjKBa #
- Language proficiency is like rice: you need to cook it when you don't want it so you can have it when you need it. #
- Right when you're like: "I could not care less about rice right now"…*that's* when to cook rice. #immersion #
- You want to be *using* your language ability when you need it, not learning it. #
- There is no guarantee that you can't be awesome possum at Japanese. #pessimisticaboutpessimism #zerocertainty #
- The type of book they tell you not to read is often exactly the type of book you need to be reading right now. #
- IMHO, the only boundaries on #reading should be time and interest. Not common sense, and definitely not respectability. #
- People who tell you not to read a certain type of book are fashion victims who have completely missed the point. #
- If you have to limit your reading to what is considered respectable, you might as well physically remove your (cont) tl.gd/648rdd #
- Multiple monitors + Japanese/L2 video + work = win. #immersion #
- @ricky_raw 両方かな?(^^) bit.ly/cQvlBv in reply to ricky_raw #
- Whoever has veto power over your #reading list owns your mind. Whoever owns your mind, owns you. #
- Freedom of reading (input) is as underrated as freedom of expression (output) is overrated. #
- Or not….I might be *really* wrong on that one 😀 #
- You can't reason your way to language proficiency. Roll up those sleeves and get your eyes and ears dirty. OK, skip the sleeves. #
- ケニア:新憲法に大統領が署名 – 毎日jp(毎日新聞) bit.ly/bgauSc #
- ケニアで新憲法公布式典
bit.ly/ceOIQf # - ケニア、国民投票で新憲法承認 民族融和後押し – 47NEWS(よんななニュース) bit.ly/dBalzB #
- YouTube – ガンダム講談会 bit.ly/d74IwW
bit.ly/aLXfsV # - YouTube – 神田きらり_寛永三馬術1/4 bit.ly/cP2mhD #
- 「稽古は本番のように、本番は稽古のように」
bit.ly/cP2mhD # - A way to link to a specific part of a youtube video bit.ly/d9TUTB #
- Her "impression" of 徳川(?)家光 is really cool 😀
bit.ly/cyjVNS | 神田きらり_寛永三馬術2/4 # - Trying to find deep reasons why you enjoy something is shallow. Just enjoy the sensory candy. #immersion #
- To win this game, all you need do is make and keep this promise: "I will not suck any more tomorrow than I do today". #
- You are not a mental eye surgeon. Stop trying to treat the mentally blind. You don’t have their consent.
bit.ly/apVhzh # - We may not be able to erase the gaps, but we can minimize their length
bit.ly/aLpXXS #immersion # - Think about it: if you always suck less today than you did yesterday, then only *death* can prevent your victory 😛 #
- You're alive. Therefore you're dying. You can't afford to be arguing with Internet trolls. The days are ticking… #
- 50,000 days from now you'll have been dead for several years. You don't have #time to waste being bored or arguing. #
- "時間がないから本が読めないのではなく、
bit.ly/abT50r # - "Lack of time doesn't cause lack of reading. Lack of reading causes lack of time." HONDA Naoyuki #
- @fembassist LoL haha, I know what you meanbeen there, done that 😀 . But at least you save your breath 😀 in reply to fembassist #
- @fembassist I wrote started AJATT in part so I wouldn't have to explain things to people verbally 😀 in reply to fembassist #
- ネット中立性をモバイルプラットホームにも拡張すべき理由 bit.ly/9zNPZt #
- Tight shoes → entire life seems miserable.
Tiny, unresolved logistical inconveniences → important tasks seem hard. # - Suck less. #SRS #
- If forum trolls start paying you money to set them straight, *then* you should respond. #
- YouTube – 陳冠希 – 嘥氣 [mv] — bit.ly/dAkyNj bit.ly/dbSuGB
歌詞 "我送你兩個字 "嘥氣" " bit.ly/aaQ4xs # - YouTube – 陳冠希 Edison 記得我嗎MV Levis廣告曲 bit.ly/d0LreH #
- 陳冠希 – 記得我嗎? | 小奧堅詞 bit.ly/aV3XR7 #
- 中時電子報:最優質最豐富的華人網路新聞專家 bit.ly/ceQn0F
自由時報電子報 bit.ly/aTMslf #
- YouTube – 陳冠希 不可能完整版MV Edison bit.ly/9mdyi9 #
- YouTube – 陳冠希 不可能完整版MV Edison "不可能完整" bit.ly/9mdyi9
不可能 歌詞 | 陳冠希 歌詞 | Edison Chen's Lyrics bit.ly/c8bmJ1 # - "世上還有什麼不可能 我都做到
無論碰到什麼問題 我都不會煩惱
生命是我的執照 讓我能夠升到最高
不可能的夢想 不可能的目標
我都做得到 " bit.ly/c8bmJ1 # - What is a Language and How to Find Sentences « Mikoto's Adventures in Japanese bit.ly/birJVH #
- YouTube – 買一送一 Official MV (MC Jin 歐陽靖 + Hanjin 陳奐仁) "買一送一 " bit.ly/cPYd0L #
- 陳奐仁(feat. 歐陽靖) – 買一送一 – 最新歌詞 – 忘記歌詞網 | 香港自由歌詞庫 – Powered by Discuz! bit.ly/b5y74z #
- I LOVE THIS SONG! lol | YouTube – 買一送一 Official MV (MC Jin 歐陽靖 + Hanjin 陳奐仁) "買一送一 " bit.ly/cPYd0L #
- Buy One Get One Free bit.ly/d77GXu #
- Do not be inventive in your L2. Imitate. Imitate. Imitate. #output #
- YouTube – 林子祥 – 男兒當自強 (粵語/華語)
bit.ly/dyrZXO # - The language you are learning is the language of the 3-foot radius surrounding you. #
- "英語のど素人の先生が嫌々やっても百害あって一利無し。
" bit.ly/95fEq0 # - "日本語の言葉の基礎が出来てないのに中途半端な早期英語を始めても挫折する
時期が単に早まるだけ。江戸・明治時代の寺子屋風に基礎学力を鍛えてやる事が先決。 " bit.ly/95fEq0 # - "日本出版の英語教材も変だよ
日本の英語学習用の雑誌もダメでしょ " bit.ly/95fEq0 # - Kelly 潘嘉麗,一鼓作氣! :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: bit.ly/8Zx7B8 #
- YouTube – 維多利亞的愛(完整版) – 潘嘉麗 bit.ly/9Lyen5 #
- YouTube – m-flo / come again "10年前の歌なのに新鮮で久しぶりに聞いても鳥肌がたった。
m-flo最高。" bit.ly/dxuiqS #
- YouTube – m-flo / How You Like Me Now? bit.ly/8XTyhC #
- YouTube – Danny Chan-創世記 bit.ly/baxIzM #
- YouTube – 陳百強85演唱會-1.創世記 bit.ly/9jzgtb #
- Don't try to "learn" Japanese, just try to suck less at it. #
- "たいして力のない人でも、1つのことに全力でねばり強く取り組めば、大きな成果が得られる。" bit.ly/ac8WOM #
- When your ears have to eat L1, feed your eyes L2. When your eyes have to eat L1, feed your ears L2. #immersion #
- When your eyes and ears both have to eat L1, feed your hands L2. Personal notes can always be in L2 shorthand #immersion #
- YouTube – 開心果 – 楊千嬅 – Wonder Miriam bit.ly/cItDMb #Cantonese #RnB #
- @ebonifiyah マジで?Into a tree? How big is it so far? 写真!写真! in reply to ebonifiyah #
- Why don't adult expats and immigrants learn the language? Well, why don't people with umbrellas get wet when it rains? #
- YouTube – 送我一個家 泳兒 – 送我一個家 (TVB version) bit.ly/cRNDnm #
- What would you do if you already knew Japanese? Do that (or something close it) now. Intertwine your means and ends. #immersion #
- If you only buy one HONDA Naoyuki book, buy this one. All his ideas compressed into a lean 120 pages.
amzn.to/d0hCp7 # - Khatzumoto's Law: Language acquisition speed is inversely proportional to time and number of arguments about method. 😛 #
- Khatzumoto's Law [v2]: Language acquisition speed is inversely proportional to time spent on arguments about method. 😛 #
- I just self-eponymized a "law"…that wasn't arrogant. 😛 #
- "インプット理論の基本原理―――「理解は表出に先行する」(Comprehension before Production)" bit.ly/arBpNA #
- "The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it" | Dale Carnegie
bit.ly/bGObTW # - YouTube – 【海外】日本人が外国人労働者に 20090217 bit.ly/b4tpRs #
- サラリーマンが奴隷である証明 "「奴隷」という言葉は無くなったが、「サラリーマン」という言葉に置き換えられた。" bit.ly/9S2U0E | ご尤も。 #
- "奴隷同士の中でヒエラルキーを作ってやることだった。奴隷の反乱を起こさせないために、カーストを作るのである。バイト→ハケン→イッパンサラリーマン→カチョー→ブチョーなどヒエラルキーを作り、奴隷間で管理させる" bit.ly/9S2U0E #
- “MJよ永遠に”なんてどういうつもり?
永遠に、MJをしっかり取材できなかったのに" amzn.to/c14RB3 (笑) # - 日本人不能沒有它!櫻花歌曲大集合 – 主題音樂館 – KKBOX "日本人是個相當重視「季節」的民族" bit.ly/d23I4k #
- SAKANAKA CHANNEL:「日系定住外国人施策に関する基本指針」は画期的 bit.ly/c8t4Cr #
- "日本人は中学、高校と6年間も英語教育を受けているにもかかわらず英語が使えないという批判が聞こえ始めて久しいが、大学で受け入れる学生たちは相変わらずおどおどと自信がなく、英語は不可解で厄介なものと思っている。" bit.ly/b0ZpEq #
- Hunchpothesis: +/- all language proficiency problems boil down to lack of real time (contact) with the language. #
- サラリーマン とある投資家の脳みそ "現代の奴隷は、自ら進んで奴隷の衣服を着、首に屈辱のヒモを巻き付ける。" bit.ly/d7gwPQ #
- "あなたが社員として働きに来るべきだとグーグル創設者ラリーやサーゲイにどうして言えるのだろう? 彼らは自分では職についたこともないのに!" bit.ly/d7gwPQ #
- "頑張って…頑張って内定貰っても…
" bit.ly/d7gwPQ # - "そして…自分から奴隷主に忠誠なんか誓っちゃって…
家族も自分の体も…犠牲にして…" bit.ly/d7gwPQ # - "満員電車という名の奴隷檻での往復輸送" bit.ly/d7gwPQ #
- "アメリカで「Stuff white people like(白人の好きなもの)」という本&ブログがはやっているそうです。
「黒人やゲイの友達を持つこと」とか、" bit.ly/aR5qFm # - "アジア人女性は若く見え、
白人女性のように家庭をおろそかにするような趣味を持たないからだそうです。" (笑 bit.ly/aR5qFm # - "ベジタリアン、ビーガン、あるいは単に肉を食べることに理由もなく罪を感じる人を含め、すべての白人は「お鮨」が大好きです。" bit.ly/bpTTry #
- パソコン創世記 bit.ly/d3BfxI #
- YouTube – SunMin – Another wish bit.ly/deT9yj #
- c. a. n. t. i. c. c. h. i. a. n. d. o. bit.ly/bsroOE #
- やじうまUSAウォッチ | コラム&ブログ | ニューズウィーク日本版 オフィシャルサイト bit.ly/9Mwm7k #
- YouTube – 物極必反(CD Ver.) – 周國賢 bit.ly/cmaHF7 #
- YouTube – NMA 2010.08.18 動新聞 懷疑戴綠帽 富商殺嫩妻自盡 bit.ly/ccWaHm | Trashy tabloid news FTW! Is it factually accurate? Who cares! 😛 #
- "Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not baked in the same oven" bit.ly/c0xOd2 #practice #
- Podcast Station "《貓眼看世界》透過話梅——「舊式士多」的話事貓,一連8集以動畫形式與你四處冒險,看遍城市人的生活百態。" bit.ly/a9w7uq | hosted by MC Jin?! #
- 3 Principles of Goofing Around « The Talent Code bit.ly/9WGJJz #
- YouTube – 永遠為陳百強喝采 – 創世記 (Moonwalk) bit.ly/ctmNbn #
- Looks like #SRS could help people with brain damage…
bit.ly/b6Z2ky # - No one will take responsibility for the unproductive things you do, even if they encouraged you to do them. #socialresistance #
- @phxrx: Pick books like you pick true friends: because you actually want to spend time with them, not because they're respectable #
- If people wanted you to save them from their own ignorance, they would ask. bit.ly/apVhzh #dontargue #
- If you don't have the answers, you need to listen. If you do have the answers, you don't need to talk.
bit.ly/apVhzh # - I hope no one ever holds me to my own advice 😛 #baldfacedhypocrisyFTW #
- When you let go of being right, you can focus on doing right — on winning at life/Japanese. #immersion bit.ly/apVhzh #
- When you tell yourself to do 10 and you do 7, don't get on your own case about the 3. Reward the 7. Do the 3 quietly, 1 at a time #
- You can't abuse yourself into greatness (or even "reasonably good"-ness) #relax #havefun #
- @Jaybot7 Sometimes you just have to let parents grow up, よ. (^^) in reply to Jaybot7 #
- Khatz's basic method: [0] Find something fun [1] Do it. [2] If (works && stillfun) continue (1) [3] Else, return to (0). #
- Once your direction is set, put fun before "effectiveness" and you'll probably get both. #immersion #
- If you're not touching Japanese right now, then you *are* not learning Japanese, you're just…planning on it. #immersion #
- "there are no tricks and no hints. The more hours you invest, the better you will get" bit.ly/bTJMr9 #
- "Translation isn’t just about knowing words. You have to know concepts. " bit.ly/bTJMr9 #
- "The key lies in general [knowledge], not [language] lessons" bit.ly/bTJMr9 #
- Big dreams. Small goals. bit.ly/9C4qFQ #bestadviceEVAR #
- 夏だからこそアイススケート #
- All information is brainwashing. It's just a matter of whether it's negative or positive, and whether you control it or someone else does. #
- @neharungta I love listening to him while updating to OSX 10.4.3 #ase2010 in reply to neharungta #
- @Jaybot7 最近の親はね~(笑 in reply to Jaybot7 #
- Nemoは行くよ!: 日本語学習者に学ぶ外国語を学ぶ楽しさ bit.ly/bQsILq #
- Get too busy having fun to notice that you suck. #immersion #
- Don't learn the language. Let the language teach you. #immersion #
- Just try stuff out and see what happens. It's no use having an opinion: the results speak for themselves (if we listen) #
- Opinion: "I suck and I'll never be able to do this".
Fact: "I have spent N minutes in contact with L2". # - Anything you say about the future is an opinion. What you're doing right now is a fact. Stick to the facts. #immersion #
- 【ぼくたちの洗脳社会】#3 2章 マルチメディア中世 – オタキングex公式サイト bit.ly/9OrvH1 #
- 廃墟デフレスパイラル ~ぼくたちの秘密の場所~ bit.ly/aTmuvo #
- 廃墟ちゃんねる ruins-channel bit.ly/bEbgYV #
- "ヴォイジャー 特別エピソードガイド
第76話「時空侵略戦争」(前)" bit.ly/aq3OvM # - YouTube – 魏如昀 他們 bit.ly/a56e8u #
- "I picked up writing and reading in Japanese before I started speaking it" bit.ly/cKHwNT #
- YouTube – 潘嘉丽 維多利亞的愛 KTV (完整版) [With Lyric] bit.ly/axDj0Q #
- YouTube – 維多利亞的愛 – 潘嘉麗 MV bit.ly/a39KC6 #
- ジェリー・ライアン – Wikipedia bit.ly/aHMcUJ #
- ブロッコリーをぶろっこりっと食べちゃった #
- TOMABECHI Hideto: We call it brainwashing when it's bad for you, education when it's good for you. #
- 聯邦星艦企業號 (NCC-1701) – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 bit.ly/cqTQZA #
- No one knows what they're talking about, really (I don't), so you're going to have to experiment your way to glory. #
- DHMO – Wikipedia "簡単に言えば水であるが、それをあえてわかりにくくした表現。" bit.ly/dq71u8 #
- ボグダノフ事件 – Wikipedia bit.ly/cVoHow #
- GANTZ : 2011 bit.ly/9sHxEL #
- "バトルロワイヤルくらいの残酷さはほしい" bit.ly/cUolCl #
- The point is that photons bounce off kanji and into your eyes. #Reading begins with looking. #
- Focus on the basics. Focus on the looking and the reading will take care of itself. #thebasics #
- No permutation of English words will make them understand. Just reach for your headphones. #immersion #socialresistance #
- Always give up on explaining it. Never give up on doing it. #immersion #
- YouTube – Edison Chen ft. Gillian Cheung – How Bad bit.ly/b5hzT0 #
- YouTube – 陳冠希 Edison Chen – I Never Told You bit.ly/cbaE7A #morethanwords #
- YouTube – 陳冠希 ft. 農夫 – 錢錢錢 (Edison Chen ft. Fama – $$$) bit.ly/aZowTr #
- "他也是受害者
大家都不想想" bit.ly/cKT6h9 | YouTube – 陳冠希 不可能完整版MV Edison # - YouTube – "女朋友" MV – MC Jin(歐陽靖) + Hanjin(陳奐仁) bit.ly/akdQ2K #
- Best Hong Kong movies of 2009 picked by film critics | CNNGo.com
bit.ly/9G6p6Z # - @xasjsu 「いくら説明しても理解できない奴は理解できない。黙ってヘッドホーン掛けろ。」かな・・・ in reply to xasjsu #
- YouTube – Bodyguards and Assassins – Donnie Yen Vs Cung Le bit.ly/95okmV #parkour #kungfu 😛 #
- We're not smart enough to help stupid people. Save your energy. They have to do it on their own. #socialresistance #
- It's selfish to expect understanding from your social circle. It's foolish to let any lack of understanding stop you 😛 #
- It's not like your personal life is democracy and you need to get votes. Only one person is in charge. #socialresistance #
- 「仮に変態だとしても 変態という名の紳士だよ」 bit.ly/afDpXf #
- @LITMK hehehehe…it all adds flavour to the legend 😀 in reply to LITMK #
- Don't take social resistance at face value. It only exists to weed out posers. It's a bluff. The serious will act anyway. #
- If you really mean it, it'll take a lot more than a couple of unsolicited comments and (imagined) glances to stop you. #
- 戊戌の変法 – Wikipedia bit.ly/902X64 #
- "this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down" bit.ly/98xTV4 #startagain #immersion #
- "What may be done at any time will be done at no time." bit.ly/9Zx2jb #startnow #
- @yuki_satoshi Nice! I've heard it said that social resistance reflects internal resistance: it's as if people can smell FUD. in reply to yuki_satoshi #
- YouTube – 竊聽風雲 (原裝預告) Overheard (Originial Trailer) bit.ly/dvuyJF #
- Overheard (2009) Trailer | WOW. Economical, tense, poignant.
bit.ly/bkYNR5 # - Alan Mak Siu-Fai bit.ly/clZQ6C | wrote & directed both "Overheard" and "Infernal Affairs". Figures. Quality repeats 😀 #
- 全息資料庫 — Star Trek 內容簡介 "1996 年,「星空奇遇記」第八套電影上映,名為 「星空第一擊」。" bit.ly/cPAmMN #
- "作文を植物の花にたとえると、その根にあたるものが読書力や読解力" bit.ly/8ZXRMK #
- 亂讀 #
- リア充 #
- The Mastery Fairy hates baby-killers
bit.ly/aRxnD6 # - "if your study of Japanese requires that you wage a constant moral battle with yourself, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!" bit.ly/cqHaSf #
- You don't need to change people's minds for them. They'll come around eventually. Give it time. #
- People's minds are like pasta: they will bend to your will if you leave them alone for a while. #socialresistance #typo #
- Few people will admit that you're right even when they know you are. Give them time. They need to feel like it was their decision #
- "The distance from crawl to walk is MUCH longer than the distance from walk to run." bit.ly/aRxnD6 #
- @Landorien HAHA! Oh dear… 😀 in reply to Landorien #
- People's minds are like pasta: hard at first, soft when allowed to stew. Give people time to figure it out. #socialresistance #
- Unite means and ends as much as possible. If ends = watch movies in Japanese, then make means = ends. #
- As far as possible, learn your L2 by doing the things that you want to learn your L2 for (especially inputwise). #
- 日新語月歩 – goo辞書 bit.ly/bxjZl8 #
- "やった人にだけノウハウがつき、スキルがつく。
ノウハウがない、スキルがないからと勝負に出るのをやめるなんて、大変な勘違いです。"quote.qooin.com/maxim/muneaki-masuda.html # - 琴台客聚:「港式中文」是怪胎? – 香港文匯報
bit.ly/c7qLmy # - Chestnut Tree's Notebook: 港式中文 bit.ly/cA6VNx #
- 粵語審音配詞字庫 bit.ly/aHpitA #
- YouTube – Learning language with music bit.ly/b1Jl6h #
- 'The Third Ear' | You Can Learn Any Language amzn.to/dgnAXd #
- "If your method of learning is correct you can learn a
foreign language at any time. Age is no barrier"
amzn.to/cPz1ff # - "You can even lose your mother tongue if you don’t use it for a long period of
amzn.to/dtXWMX # - Languages are brutally just. They cannot be inherited, no matter who you or your parents are. They are earned by repeated contact. #
- "[Given equal exposure time [hours]] adults learn foreign languages faster than children" amzn.to/cPz1ff #
- We're not smart enough to help stupid people. Save your words. They have to figure it out on their own. #socialresistance #
- オブシディアン・オーダー – Memory Alpha – スタートレックWiki日本語版 bit.ly/aR8Teu #
- (笑) #
- YouTube – 臥虎藏龍 – 以靜制動 "勿助,勿長;不應,不辯;無知無欲;捨己從人,才能我順人背" bit.ly/drekm3 #
- You can either have the argument or you can win the argument. Not both. #socialresistance #
- スタージョンの法則 – Wikipedia "「どんなものも、その90%は滓である」" bit.ly/cHhtFC #
- 量より頻度。Frequency beats quantity. #littleandoften #
- YT|陳冠希/馬戲團 feat. Eric Kwok, MC 仁 bit.ly/a2xZLc | Edison = best HK rapper to date. Hope he gets back on the horse soon. #
- YouTube – 國際評論: 中日美釣魚臺角力再思 bit.ly/b2ZX33 #
- YouTube – Chic-A-Pow Edison Chen/Lupe Fiasco bit.ly/aDEHjD #
- YouTube – edison chen – sigh hei bit.ly/coXxFC #
- YouTube – [Full HD MV/PV] Girls' Generation (少女時代) – Tell Me Your Wish/GENIE (精霊) (Japanese Ver.) bit.ly/a1p7h1 #
- AM1540 A1中文電台 A1 Chinese Radio – 事事如意中文網 bit.ly/aNhZ0V #
- Hear what you would listen to if you could understand Japanese. #immersion #
- "Read" (look at) what you would read if you could understand Japanese. #immersion #reading #
- Context-switching is expensive if the context is large. #Timeboxing helps you create smaller, quicker-loading contexts. #
- Always fun to see kanji-illiterate people with eloquent anti-Heisig opinions. It's a cute phase. Been there, done that 😀 #
- We often "know" too much. Know less. Try more. Experiment more. #
- If it's not #easy then your very first job is to *make* it easy. E.g. by #timeboxing #chunking #
- Learning is like coloring in the world around you. Finding the untouched spots is fun. #SRS #deliberatepractice #
- Dude…梁朝偉 gets SO much action in his movies…especially with 章子怡 😛 #
- input and why you need it | Antimoon.com bit.ly/b8VKyG #
- YouTube – シャドーイングとは?~本教材の使い方(1) bit.ly/dzU2ON via @mikotoneko #
- YouTube – 12 シャドーイングについて.avi bit.ly/a2lxmE #
- YouTube – 經典金曲 – 女殺手 1966 (陳寶珠) bit.ly/9cgTFu #
- Your way doesn't have to be "right". It just has to work. #
- "play with children as the adults were too polite to correct my mistakes" #Heisig interview bit.ly/d97jIY #
- "The two young children in the family I stayed with became my teachers" bit.ly/d97jIY #
- James Heisig Interview :: Japan Visitor bit.ly/d97jIY #
- They called #Heisig a liar back in the day. bit.ly/d49SDy #
- 分割統治(Divide and Conquer)
"複雑さを征服するテクニックは、古代より知られている。「Divide et impera」 (「分割して支配せよ」)だ。" bit.ly/dt8I5E #kanji #Heisig # - YouTube – 魔法の耳かき bit.ly/cvzFQB
bit.ly/cVMveO # - If you're not sure whether your idea will work, for heaven's sake don't ask people on the Internet. Try, see, try again. #
- The deck is your sculpture. The #delete button is your chisel. #SRS #
- The deck is your garden. The #delete button is your shovel. #SRS #
- "I…learned that [all n-thousand Chinese] characters were…made up of [the same] 220-odd pieces" bit.ly/d97jIY #
- "why couldn't I be like the Koreans or Chinese, and remember the characters using English meanings?" bit.ly/d97jIY #
- OMG…they kicked him out of the school for being good at kanji?!?!?! bit.ly/d97jIY 😀 #
- "Some people expect magic, or expect that it can be used to cram for an exam, and it doesn't work like that." bit.ly/d97jIY #
- James Heisig Interview :: Japan Visitor "I've never seen anyone who has made it to the end and failed." bit.ly/d97jIY #
- 外人に見せたくないマンガ:アルファルファモザイクだった bit.ly/b1J06I #
- YouTube – 女子アナを徹底的に切り捨てまくるマツコ・デラックス bit.ly/aY9WUi #
- 実写アニメたるジャッカス #
- 図解大好き #
- take one for the teamを日本語に訳すと? – 英語 – 教えて!goo bit.ly/bxuydP #
- @UnclePolyglot 遣っては居ますけど(←漢字使い過ぎやで~)、でも体系的にではなく、あくまでも軽く・・・こう・・・遊び半分で物真似する程度で御座いまする。 in reply to UnclePolyglot #
- Since work expands to fill the time available, less time → less expansion (and even contraction) #timeboxing #
- Make friends with Parkinson's Law. #timeboxing #
- If it's not easy, concentrate on making it easy. #
- レッドクリフ – Wikipedia bit.ly/ab33sT #
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