- "struggling through grammar rules has relatively little to do with really *getting* [it]" bit.ly/cbhyW4 #
- @Great_HS The link list is back 😀 #
- RhinoSpike : Foreign Language Audio on Demand!
"Get any foreign language text read aloud for you by a native speaker!" bit.ly/a006fJ # - A real #pronunciation class would just have you watch L2 movies and do silly impressions of the characters. #
- "If you want true mastery of the language, however, you will also eventually have to study 古文" bit.ly/cJkEez #
- "Chinese…just gets simpler and more logical the deeper you get into it"
bit.ly/cJkEez # - Before you become economically able to visit a country, one of the best uses of your #time is to acquire its language. #
- A study of the spacing effect in memory of pictorial and word lists "絵と語の記憶の分散効果に関する研究" bit.ly/9ruZZX #
- 四座小屋堆疊出來的住宅建築 – 藤本壯介 | 有機媒體 bit.ly/cQOszv #
- 書家紫舟(作品紹介) "『颯爽の光と影』
" bit.ly/bzNxFz # - "Anything is a potential language
Immersion is the path to mastery" bit.ly/cRsPtp # - "intonation – that is, the melody of a language – is an integral part of its meaning" bit.ly/brk52y #
- New at AJATT Plus: How To Get Into the Japanese Translation Industry, Part 4: Overview of the Application Process bit.ly/aP5BuZ #
- "there is no reason you cannot learn to write the kanji as fluently as you read them" #Heisig bit.ly/d1j0Ru #
- "[you can] learn…kanji…in a fraction of the time it takes to do it through the Japanese school system"
bit.ly/d1j0Ru # - "Which one do you start with, the reading of the writing? You might be surprised, but the answer is—the writing"
bit.ly/d1j0Ru #kanji # - "kanji obey rational principles completely"
bit.ly/d1j0Ru #Heisig # - 同化とは – 生物学用語 Weblio辞書 "(2)外から得た知識などを理解して自分のものとすること。" bit.ly/bORog1 #
- "The difficult we do immediately; the impossible just takes a little longer. " imdb.to/cRhdkg #timeboxing #
- If a job is worth doing, it's worth doing badly. Yes, badly. And half-a$$edly. #birthlines #timeboxing #
- "Learning is the creation of a relationship between the known and the unknown". bit.ly/bhmnac #SRS #MCD #
- "Assume that you suck. From there everything can only become better." bit.ly/cgkT8m #
- Student self-testing earns high marks as study tool bit.ly/97b2Zd #SRS via @ielanguages @spanishonly #
- "practicing retrieval by self-testing is really powerful, and yet people don't use it, or don't use it well" #SRS bit.ly/97b2Zd #
- "every great achievement was once considered impossible" bit.ly/bbg1SW #
- 「自分で負荷を掛ける事で却って負荷が軽くなる。 「締め切り効果」」 amzn.to/dss3xM #timeboxing #parkinsonslaw #
- "children can acquire a considerable degree of proficiency in a foreign language without…teaching," bit.ly/dbQscW #
- TBS JUNK 爆笑問題 カーボーイ2010年03月23日 「ラジオネーム不揃いのビンゴ」 #
- @ebonifiyah Wiser words were never said. #
- デイリーモーション – 徹子の部屋 加藤清史郎① – ライフ&スタイル ビデオ dai.ly/9cwLiU #
- YouTube – ONEWAY – KICK THE CAN CREW bit.ly/9Wiq7d #
- "decline in mental performance…is probably due to disuse and is consequently reversible." bit.ly/bNOW3B #SRS it, baby! #
- iPad 脱獄方法 Spirit ジェイルブレイク – ウパログ – Yahoo!ブログ bit.ly/bSZT6L #
- You have to think more of yourself than you do of any test, teacher or technique. Those things only exist to serve you. #
- New at AJATT Plus: Using A Batch File to Periodically Open Your SRS bit.ly/ajLYG7 #
- The Shadow Scholar – The Chronicle Review – The Chronicle of Higher Education bit.ly/9QQr25 | Thx Will Garza! #
- "You run late *because* you prepare. Stop preparing and just start doing something." bit.ly/baNyvj #timeboxing #
- "You run late because you try to take big steps. Inch your way there and it will feel effortless" #timeboxing bit.ly/baNyvj #
- @don_rivers Your ears keep very good company: 爆笑問題 カーボーイ is hilarious! I could not think of a better Japanese "childhood" 😀 #
- おでん【御田】の意味 – 国語辞書 – goo辞書 "御田" bit.ly/bxcckR #
- はがいじめ【羽交い締め】の意味 – 国語辞書 – goo辞書 "羽交い締め" bit.ly/9gnhXK #
- @ebonifiyah ダブル重複だぞ。 #
- Dewd! There's a new manga-ization of GITS out. This one's based on SAC, ∴ much clearer writing & artwork 😀 amzn.to/dCWQNT #
- 世界を変えるデザイン展 » 「LifeStraw®はいかにして生まれたか?ーオランダ発エマージング・マーケットにおける大学・企業間連携」 bit.ly/aFxZXG #
- Japanese is your birthright. Why? Well, you're alive. You can't mess with timing like that. Dead people suck at Japanese. #
- Random Breakfast Coffee: On code-switching and why it isn't evil bit.ly/aHGahX by @MissSavara #
- "If you have more than one language in common with someone, why tie yourself down to using just one in conversation?" bit.ly/aHGahX #
- "Poor teaching actually does more harm than good" ~ Jonathan Drori #SRS #autodidactism #unschooling #
- @ebonifiyah 抜きん出て優れた睡眠を!(笑) #oyasumi #
- @phrasemix いいんじゃない、アロン先生は(^^) #
- YouTube – 杜麗莎//眉頭不再猛皺.(HQ) bit.ly/cKSsab
" *我記得呢個地球 最初只似石頭
冷冷清清 像雪山舖了一片石油
至到你現身 偷取我心
眉頭今天不再猛皺" # - YouTube – 眉頭不再猛皺 (Sukiyaki).mp4 bit.ly/bkFCtB
" *我記得呢個地球 最初只似石頭
冷冷清清 像雪山舖了一片石油
至到你現身 偷取我心
眉頭今天不再猛皺" # - There are two types of information in Japan on Japan. The truth. And the English version. Better learn that 日本語, bruh. 😀 #
- I know of only 3 good reasons to learn a language: (1) just because, (2) friends, (3) access to high-value information #
- @HernandezTony Hehe. #
- Ordered 1 book from books.com.tw (Taiwan) on Saturday marnin'. It arrived at my Japanese fortress today (Wednesday avo). #
- There is no such thing as pure delayed gratification. What you do is give the delayed reward an instant component. #
- You make delayed gratification work by giving it an instant component. Example: gold star now, hookers and blow later. #
- 「俺は東京生まれヒップホップ育ち」
YouTube – Dragon Ash feat. ACO & Zeebra – Grateful Days (Subbed) bit.ly/acU75V # - 「俺は東京生まれヒップホップ育ち」"I was born in Tokyo and raised in hip-hop"…lol 😀 . One of the most famous J-rap lyrics of ∀ time. #
- "Suppression fire" = ad hoc maintenance of critical frequency. bit.ly/cRQjxR #
- "Suppression fire" example: listen to Japanese music while reading English book. bit.ly/cRQjxR #immersion #
- "Suppression fire" example: do Japanese SRS reps while watching English documentary. bit.ly/cRQjxR #immersion #
- I'm not bragging, I'm just saying…my dad looks like Marvin Gaye. And now I'm left with all this extra handsome #random #
- YouTube – Zeebra-Wildin' bit.ly/d81Zmv | One of his very best 😀 #
- IMHO 2 of 3 things need to be clear before you start #reading a book: (a) why? (b) how long? (c) how many times?. #
- 詹雅雯 – 霧煞煞 在線觀看 – 酷6視頻 bit.ly/bFag7x #
- 霧煞煞(詹雅雯) – 在線觀看 – 56網視頻 bit.ly/axTWSY #
- YouTube – 詹雅雯-霧煞煞-KTV
bit.ly/dyd1YG #Taiwanese FTW 😀 # - YouTube – Card Captor Sakura-AMV Platinum/Platina- Maaya Sakamoto bit.ly/dzWg9s #
- YouTube – オリエンタルラジオ コント「誘惑」 bit.ly/bWJUPw #owarai #
- オリエンタルラジオ
YouTube – コント「禁止」 bit.ly/aEIQRB #owarai # - "truth…First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident" bit.ly/aIWIHD #
- "Writing…is just coding by a different name." bit.ly/dhxfIJ #
- "programming should be the new Latin." bit.ly/dhxfIJ hehe 面白いね・・・ #
- YouTube – 採訪主題:益智拼圖遊戲 ─ 訓練數學的邏輯概念以及創意 bit.ly/af33S3 #
- "you never learn anything; you just get used to it" bit.ly/dhxfIJ #
- Top 60 popular Japanese words/phrases of 2010 ::: Pink Tentacle
bit.ly/9WByMh # - YouTube – いいなCM ソフトバンク ただともの国シリーズ 白戸次郎 bit.ly/aSlX3R #
- All languages are dialects of Humanese 😀 . #
- "作文や読書は、勉強というよりも生活の一部" bit.ly/clOkD6 #
- @custommonkey Ooo…show me when you're done! 😀 #
- 廣州黑人"部落"全記錄(圖)_中國經濟網——國家經濟門戶 bit.ly/c7LS4N #
- CUBE New York Catch of the Week by Yoko Akiyama "Power of Full Lips" bit.ly/d7bWE0 #
- 論文執筆代行業の競争激化 インターネットの掲示板で取引、依頼後10日で論文到着|Me pudet imprudentiae meae. (DOL冒険発見物)日本の底力! "韓国で論文執筆代行業の競争激化 " bit.ly/9HZ4GL #
- 日本の女の子はプロ初の女性ピッチャーになれるのか [海外掲示板翻訳] 翻訳こんにゃくお味噌味(仮) bit.ly/dBA07Q #
- Once you've tasted the pleasures of numerically quantifying stuff in your own life, you start to understand the temptation to overdo it 😀 #
- YouTube – AKB48韓国海兵隊体験① bit.ly/aBmLiH | AKB48 get tricked/forced into Korean Marine bootcamp! Hilarity ensues… #
- YouTube – Supreme Team | Step Up [HQ:MV] (ENG SUB) bit.ly/aJt4W1 #
- YouTube – 2NE1 – CAN'T NOBODY [HD] bit.ly/b2owq0 #
- YouTube – SHINee(샤이니)_뮤직비디오(MusicVideo) HD
bit.ly/aFFhO4 # - YouTube – Supreme team – supermagic M/V bit.ly/bQXsXw #
- YouTube – Supreme Team – Dang Dang Dang
bit.ly/cLeBRS # - "This is the story of a girl
Who cried a river and drowned the whole world.
女性の話だ。" bit.ly/c54V23 # - New at AJATT Plus: How Can I Get Cheap Used Japanese Books and CDs While Living Abroad? bit.ly/9P3G3a #
- "This is the story of a girl
who cried a river and drowned the whole world
bit.ly/9fxVdG # - "There is no such thing as discipline. There is only love." bit.ly/bSfKrc #
- "all your choices are reflections of what you truly love" bit.ly/bSfKrc 深いね #
- "'Use your faults, use your defects'" [Édith Piaf] bit.ly/8Yr0EM #immersion #
- YouTube – Steve Vai Interviewed by Justin Sandercoe (MA-005) bit.ly/97yzfZ
AB: "the only way is to have fun" # - "that feeling of achievement became very addictive. Because, the better you get, the better you get"
bit.ly/97yzfZ # - "I knew that if I did it and worked on it, I would just get better"
bit.ly/97yzfZ # - "To me, [kanji] on paper was like art. It looked beautiful. I wanted to know what it meant"
bit.ly/97yzfZ # - "To me, [kanji] on paper was like art. It looked beautiful…I wanted to be able to control it."
bit.ly/97yzfZ # - "When you're absorbed in something, you don't miss anything. Everything else was work." bit.ly/97yzfZ #
- "find the thing that excites you most, and go after that" #immersion #stevevai bit.ly/97yzfZ #
- "Great musicians don't necessarily have to know about music" #grammar #stevevai bit.ly/97yzfZ #
- "Find what it is that excites you and disregard what anybody else is doing or saying" #fun #stevevai bit.ly/97yzfZ #
- "I did all those…transcriptions because I liked the way they looked on paper" #fun #stevevai bit.ly/97yzfZ #
- "You have to first imagine it before you can do it" #stevevai #music #language bit.ly/97yzfZ #
- 対訳 21世紀に生きる君たちへ amzn.to/bOOjIm #
- "Do NOT spend time on materials that…don’t interest you." bit.ly/9VnIdG #
- "Do NOT study in long, infrequent sessions. " bit.ly/9VnIdG bit.ly/crifreq #
- "Babies listen…for up to 2 years before uttering a single meaningful word" bit.ly/9VnIdG #input #
- "it takes the brain some time to assimilate enough #input to be able to produce meaningful output" bit.ly/9VnIdG #
- "Do NOT worry about speaking too soon" bit.ly/9VnIdG #
- "Do NOT memorize vocabulary out of context." bit.ly/9VnIdG #
- "Do NOT forget to have some fun!" bit.ly/not-to-do #
- YouTube – 佢個名叫Mini bit.ly/9esUtI #cantonese #cat #video #
- 【第一眼】江若琳 – 視頻 – 優酷視頻 – 在線觀看 bit.ly/c7QcdW #
- YouTube – 超人佳亞/超人亞古魯 精彩場面31 之 VS 天使 ( 終戰篇 ) bit.ly/9g0GPo #ultraman #cantonese #
- "しかも全然黒船ですらねぇじゃねぇか!!" bit.ly/aBCdKt #
- ""English has 10,000 possible syllables…Japanese has 120" amzn.to/crGa1I #easy 😛 #
- 父さんのs***発言、つぶやきます 毒舌オヤジとぼくとツイッター bit.ly/aOqkWS #
- "寶礦力水得(POCARI SWEAT)" bit.ly/dhJOr6 #
- "you don't actually do a project; you can only do action steps related to it" bit.ly/9y1lzZ #
- Continual Questioning | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time bit.ly/baOuCX #
- YouTube – 戴佩妮 – It's all about love bit.ly/duAXJ8
bit.ly/cbiwIN #mandarin #chinese #singersongwriter # - OMG! LOTR Trilogy dubbed in Mandarin 😛 指環王1-3合集(3DVD9院線版)-DVD-卓越亞馬遜 bit.ly/aF0f59 #
- Or…dubbed "into" Mandarin, I guess… bit.ly/aF0f59 #LOTR #
- The whole #LOTR trilogy in Mandarin for $10…nice. bit.ly/aF0f59 #
- @JapanNewbie Make it happen 😀 つーか今どこ?まだ在中なの? #
- @JapanNewbie 卒業?えっ、それ何ぃ?大学院?修士号?博士号? #
- @JapanNewbie 寝るなよ!(笑)。規則正しい生活でいいね、ハービーも。(^^) #
- "Our aspirations are our possibilities" ~ Robert Browning #mindset
bit.ly/9dqB4D # - It may well be that if you ever want to listen with comprehension, you have to listen without comprehension. #input #
- Only compare yourself to yourself. If I had tried to do 100 kanji/day, I'd have killed myself by now 😀 . #
- Only compare yourself to yourself. Just be better than before. #
- Only compare yourself to yourself. If I had tried to do 100 kanji/day, I'd be dead, illiterate or both. Do what you can. #
- Make mistakes. But let them be native mistakes. #
- "実年者は、今どきの若い者などということを絶対に言うな。
なぜなら、われわれ実年者が若かった時に同じことを言われたはずだ。" bit.ly/cMQILW # - "実年者は若者が何をしたか、などと言うな。
何ができるか、とその可能性を発見してやってくれ。" bit.ly/cMQILW # - "失敗したところで
それは成功になる" | 松下 幸之助 bit.ly/cMQILW # - YouTube – 王様のレストランNG集 bit.ly/aVYQEE #
- "英文太難了,我寫不出來" bit.ly/9gl9fl #
- "英文太難" bit.ly/aMdZxC | 英文太難 – 笑話一則[轉] – 笑話連篇 – HDTVB – Powered by Discuz! #
- "特に実用的な英語なんて無理無理。" bit.ly/dDxqKC #
- "英語なんて無理。 絶対話せるようにならない。 英語を話せる人は特別な人なんだ。" bit.ly/bZtqIh #
- YouTube – 用ipad看漫畫 bit.ly/cC67zR #
- 快読100万語! 多読乱読 "コツは、1・辞書をひかない
3・むずかしかったらすぐ投げ出して次の本に移る" amzn.to/aMjL3E #tadoku #randoku # - Compare yourself to others → always lose. Compare yourself to your previous self → something meaningful to work with. #
- YouTube – 北野武監督作『アウトレイジ』、本編の一部をご紹介 bit.ly/cZzD1b コノヤロー #
- YouTube – KARA – Jumping MV [HD] (Japanese Version) bit.ly/9WfsdR #
- しょしゃ【書写】の意味 – 国語辞書 – goo辞書 "小・中学校の国語科の科目の一。文字を正確に書くことを目的とする。" bit.ly/9ItMH4 #
- iPad電子書及電子漫畫閱讀軟體試用心得 | vgod’s blog bit.ly/bJ7vkg #
- "a minor change to the infrastructure of the Web might smooth the way for more online math"
bit.ly/9wpcrI # - YouTube – 【高音質】 BUMP OF CHICKEN / Sailing Day 【PV】http://bit.ly/aUa6sn #
- 相子でしょ! #
- "performance is something you can already do; practice is perfecting what you can’t" bit.ly/aU8M5Z #
- "Music and language students are always trying to be able to do things they couldn’t do before." bit.ly/caxN0D #
- "2 minutes is better than 0 minutes" bit.ly/d8iP4p #
- 豆板醤 > 辣油 #
- やっぱり男は豆板醤。 #
- バクラヴァ – Wikipedia bit.ly/dC8MxD #
- 盜夢空間 Inception 2010 高清在線播放 – 迅雷下載 bit.ly/a0sxE5 #
- 《盜夢空間》挑戰觀眾智商 bit.ly/dyTU0L | Chinese WSJ article, requires free registration 😀 #
- "一つだけお勧めできるのがピープショーです(ちょっと変ですが、イギリス人の間では人気がある番組です)。" bit.ly/diX7Rz #
- New at AJATT Plus: How To Get Into the Japanese Translation Industry, Part 1.6: Forbes on Confidence bit.ly/b8PaTq #
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